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【#四六级考试# 导语】2023年6月英语四级考试即将到来,对于即将参加考试的同学们来说,备考是必不可少的。®文档大全网为大家提供了一份参考模板,希望能够帮助大家更好地备考,取得优异的成绩。在备考过程中,我们需要注重词汇的积累、语法的掌握、阅读理解和写作能力的提升等方面。希望大家能够认真备考,取得好成绩。

1.2023年6月英语四级写作参考模板 篇一


  Many senior year students face the choice of either getting a job after graduation or continuing their postgraduate study. To become a postgraduate or an employee? Career or degree? Every graduate's decision. Which would you prefer?

  写作范文:Get a Job First

  It is inevitable that most senior students have to choose between pursuing their studies and seeking employment in a certain field. Personally, I prefer to procure a job first after graduation.

  To begin with, the current trend is that hands-on experience is as important as a degree if not even more so. Especially in dynamic subjects like business, international trade and journalism, employers tend to place more focus on experience than academic performance. This point can be illustrated by the fact that most companies require their new employees to have a certain amount of work experience. In addition, even with students who intend to further their study, knowledge learn at work can help them decide what their focus should be. Otherwise, students enrolled in a postgraduate programme may have to face the challenge of not knowing what his strengths are. Last, students generally speaking can benefit more from a master's programme when they can relate the knowledge back to tasks at work. In this way, instead of being confined in a pure academic environment, students can actually apply the knowledge learn in class to real situations, which is undoubtedly the ultimate aim of higher education.

  In conclusion, I believe that graduates should gain work experience first before embarking on postgraduate studies. (211 words)

2.2023年6月英语四级写作参考模板 篇二


  It is widely accepted that to be admitted by a prestigious university is crucial for one's future career. However, others also argue that it is better to choose one's favourite major in an ordinary university if he cannot be offered the same one by a famous university. What is more important to you-famous universit3r or major?

  写作范文:Favourite Major Outweighs a Prestigious University

  If one cannot study one's favourite major in a prestigious university, is it better to opt for a second-best university in which one can choose one's preferred major? In my opinion, it is more important to study what one likes rather than being enrolled in a famous university at the expense of one's interest.

  Admittedly, a prestigious university yields several advantages when it comes to job hunting, However, the name of the university is not the clincher in determining one's future career. Perseverance and determination contribute greatly to one's success. And what underlies these two things is an intrinsic penchant for what one studies. On the other hand, if one chooses a major one detests merely for the sake of the prestige of the university, it is tantamount to digging a grave for oneself. Just imagine how much enjoyment in life will be taken away from toiling over fields one is least interested in. Last but not least, it is often said that one can only achieve something substantial in a certain area by applying oneself to it. Otherwise, one inevitably feels being trapped in a dead end since one's talents have been suppressed.

  In view of these points, I believe that the choice is clear-a favourite major outweighs a prestigious university. (213 words)

3.2023年6月英语四级写作参考模板 篇三


  Some people choose friends who are different from them, Others choose friends who are similar to them. Which kind of friend would you choose-different or similar?

  写作范文:Choose a Friend Who Is Different From You

  This would be a very boring world if we were all exactly the same. Our differences are what make us exciting and interesting. Personally, I prefer different friends since you can enjoy a variety of interests and you can also learn from each other.

  Firstly, the most obvious and undisputed advantage of having a different friend is that you can enjoy more kinds of amusement. Admittedly, if your friends and you have the same interest in something, you can share with each other and that will be an enjoyable time for you. However, it will be more interesting if you can persuade your friends to enjoy your interests that he or she has never ever tried before, Secondly, a different friend means the opportunity to learn from each other. Given that each person can be good at different things, you can expand your scope of knowledge by making different friends. For instance, a friend of mine was very good at mathematics and I was quite good at literature, So we always learn together. She made some complex arithmetical problems clearer and I explained to her how to write an essay better. This greatly contributed to our gradual progress in school. We generally credited the progress to our differences.

  In conclusion, if a person makes friends different from him, he gets chances to be mixed with different people and benefits from the contact with them. Therefore, I prefer to make friends with people with different personalities and interests. (248 words)
