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【#四六级考试# 导语】天道酬勤,曾经的每一分付出,必将收到百倍回报。不管揭晓的答案是什么,只要努力过、奋斗过,就不会后悔。以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Gift certificates, or rather their high-tech new replacements. gift cards (certificates in the form of credit cards). are America's most popular present. They spare gift-givers the strain of choosing anything specific. and recipients the horror of having to keep the result. Retailers like them too, because they are quite profitable. But like most goods in the recession, they have become harder to shift, prompting some radical redesigns.

  Gift cards are profitable because retailers receive money for them up from, and around 10% of them are never redeemed (收回), according to Lew Paine of the GFK Group, a market-research firm. When people do use them. they often spend more than the amount given. on products with highmargins.

  But sales of gift cuds were down by around 6% last year in America, to about $25 billion, partly because discounts in stores were so steep that customers naw more value in buying merchandise directly. Bankruptcies among retailers also scared people away from gift cards, for tear that scores would not be around to honour them. Some financial-services companies that offer gift cards which can be used in various stores, including Visa and American Express, came under fire for charging monthly maintenance fees on unspent balances.

  Analysts expect another tough holiday season for gift cards this year. Sales will be down by about 5%, projects Archstone Consulting, which studies the business. Retailers arc trying to counter this decline by making gift cards more attractive. One approach is fo add nifty(俏皮的) packaging. Target, for example,is selling gift cards that double as wind-up toys or play recorded greetings. Other retailers have launched schemes that let people e-mail one another electronic gift certificates, which the recipients can then print out for use.

  Some retailers have even given gift cards away in an effort to drum up business. Neiman Marcus. for example, sent $50 gift cards to prolific customers to entice them back for further sprees. Target will give a $l0 gift card to people who spend $l00 before noon on the Friday after Thanksgiving, which is considered thestart of the holiday shopping season. Such handouts can be cheaper than sha~p store-wide discounts. which proved devastating to profits last year. Expiry dates add a sense of urgency, which retailers are eager tofoster.

  But many customers also have a crafty streak. Bargain-hunters are flocking to eBay and other websites to buy discounted, second-hand gift cards for their own use. eBay is thought to sell around 100,000 gift cardsevery month. PlasticJungle.com and other sites where people sell unwanted gift cards at discounts, as highas 40% are one pan of the gift-card business which has boomed of late.

  1. One of the reasons for the popularity of gift cuds lies in that gift-givers don't have to worry about______________________.

  2. What's che drawback of gift cards when the economy is in recession?

  3. Some companies that offer gift cards were severely affected last year because_________.

  4. How do retailers respond to the decline of sales of gift cards?

  5. Retailers gave om handouts to promote consumption. but their efforts turned out__________.


  the 4 th of july is the most important holiday in the usa, for it commemorates that famous day in 1776 when the americans declared their independence . congress2 made the declaration in philadelphia, and that night in the city there were joyful celebrations that soon became nationwide. ever since, the 4 th of july has been marked in the american calendar as independence day, and there are parades and festivities of all kinds.

  the basic cause of the americans’ struggle for independence against the mother country, england, was too much interference and intolerance from london and very little understanding of american problems and pride. most galling to the americans was the assumption by the english government and the king that they had a right to tax their subjects overseas without their consent and without giving them anything in return. 3

  the british were divided. it was a war inspiring no patriotism.

  as for the troops which the government sent to fight the rebels, they were unenthusiastic and incompetent, especially their leaders.

  the americans had no army. in fact, it is quite possible that but for the extraordinary faith and leadership of george washington, the revolution might have come to nothing. 4 he built an army that remained loyal to him until the end, despite terrible hardships. he was a true frontiersman. he had seen lands that he knew would make an independent america a mighty nation. he was given valuable support by the two great patriots — thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin. 5 it was franklin who helped persuade the french to come into the war against the british.

  in 1781 a british army commanded by an exceptionally incompetent general, lord cornwallis, surrendered to the americans at yorktown6 , virginia , and the war was over. not long afterward, the 13 colonies became states and joined together in a union.

  the effect of the american revolution was far-reaching. the declaration of independence drawn up by thomas jefferson is one of the most important documents ever published, and it dropped like a bombshell on the western world. here are the two sentences which shook the ruling classes of europe.“we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ”7 the second sen048 tence was even more disturbing to them:“that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ”


  Ⅰ. chan ge the following verbs in parentheses into the irnoun forms:

  1. their ________( assume ) that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue .

  2. he showed strong ________( lead) during his first term in office.

  3. the whole book is produced and edited in the ________( pursue) of excellence .

  4. if your neighbors are too noisy then you have cause for ________( complain ) .

  Ⅱ. are these sta tements true or false according to the article ?

  1. the 4 th of july is a day for rejoicing because christopher columbus discovered the new world on this day.

  2. in the british parliament, there has achieved a consensus on fighting against the american colony.

  3. the united states is originally composed of thirteen colonies.

  4. it was jefferson who persuaded the french to stand with themselves to fight against the british together.


  when november 5 th comes, many people feel that they should give their dog a sedative, for some dogs get very nervous when they hear loud bangs, and the evening of guy fawkes day is sure to be noisy if there are children living in your neighborhood in england.

  november 5 th is a day on which, traditionally, children are allowed, under proper supervision, to let off fireworks, to make a bonfire and burn on it the figure of a ragged dummy ( a‘guy2 ’) made of old clothes, straw, and — if possible — one of father’s oldest hats. even the smaller children are allowed to stay up until it is really dark, so that they can admire the rockets that burst in the sky and send down a shower of many-colored sparks.

  the origin of this custom lies in the gunpowder plot of 1605 . in that year king james i3 was on the throne . harsh measures had been taken against members of the roman catholic faith and certain catholics plotted to blow up the houses of parliament4 on november 5th , when the king was to open parliament and when, of course , all the members would be present. the plotters had hired premises adjoining the house of lords, and had been able to obtain access to a vault beneath the house. there, they had stored thirty-six barrels of gunpowder. these were to be blown up, when the time came , by a very brave, cool-headed man, guy fawkes. unfortunately, according to the traditional account, the plot was discovered when one of the plotters wrote to warn a relation. on november 4 th the vaults were searched , and guy fawkes was found and arrested. it is said that he had been warned that the plot had been discovered, but he gallantly persisted in his purpose, hoping against hope 5 that he might be favored by chance and be able to rid his country of6 men whom he considered evil. he was condemned to be hanged, along with others of his fellow conspirators. he met his death with great fortitude .

  it is the failure of this man, who was staunch in his faith though perhaps misguided in actions, that is perpetuated by the children’s fireworks of november 5 th . it is a poor tribute to fawkes’s courage that his christian name7, guy, was long used in english to denote a person who is a figure of fun chiefly because of his odd dress.


  Ⅰ. fill in each blank according to the article :

  1. children are allowed, under proper supervision, to _________( 燃放) fireworks, to make a _________( 篝火) and burn on it the figure of a _________( 衣衫褴褛的) dummy.

  2. certain catholics _________( 密谋, 策划) to ( 炸毁) the houses of parliament on november 5 th .

  3. he was_________ ( 判刑) to be_________ ( 绞死) , along with others of his fellow _________( 阴谋者) .

  4. he met his death with great_________ ( 刚毅, 坚忍) .

  5. it is the failure of this man, who was ( 坚定的) in his faith though perhaps misguided in actions, that is _________( 使不朽) by the children’s fireworks of november 5 th.
