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【#英语资源# 导语】想必有很多小伙伴会经常找一些英语相关的文章来看以加强英语的提升,©文档大全网整理了大学英语作文,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  【篇一】我的舞台 My Stage

Since I was very small, I was very shy in the public place, so I always avoided giving performance in front of so many people. Though I tried hard to get over it in school, I still felt uneasy in the public place. When I came to the job market, I realized that I must get over my fear, or I would lose my stage. 在我很小的时候,在公共场合我会感到非常的害羞,所以我总是避免在人多的情况下表演。虽然我在学校努力想要克服这个问题,但在公共场合我还是感到不自在。当我来到就业市场时,我意识到我必须克服我的恐惧了,否则我将失去自己的舞台。

I still remembered the horrible experience for my first interview. Early in the morning, I got a called that I was given a chance to the job interview. I felt so excited. When I came to the company, I found there were other six young people competed with me, then I started to feel nervous. The employers asked us to sit in the round table and introduced ourselves one by one. When it was my turn, I lowed down my head and spoke in low voice. Then the employers continued to let us give speeches in the stage. I lose confidence and made the horrible performance. 我仍然记得第一次面试时的可怕经历。一大早,我接到一个面试电话。我非常兴奋。当我来到公司的时候,我发现有另外六个年轻人和我竞争,我开始感到紧张。老板让我们坐在圆桌旁,逐一介绍自己。轮到我时,我低着头低声说话。然后用人单位继续让我们在台上演讲,我失去了信心,表演得很糟糕。

This interview taught me a lesson that I must get over my fear, or I will lose chances. So I practise hard and dare to stand in the stage. 这次面试给了我一个教训,我必须克服恐惧,否则我将失去机会。所以我努力练习,勇于站在舞台上。

  【篇二】风景优美的地方 The Place With Beautiful Scenery

When I was very small, my parents took me to many places, because they wanted me to learn more about the world. Thanks to them, I witnessed the variety of the world and a lot of beautiful scenery. But no matter where I go, in my heart, the place with the most beautiful scenery is my hometown. 在我很小的时候,我的父母带我去了很多地方,他们想让我更多地了解这个世界。多亏了他们,我见证了世界的变化和很多美丽的风景。但是无论我去到哪里,在我的心里,风景最美的地方就是家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡。

Before I went to middle school, I spent my childhood in my hometown, where I had a good time. My hometown was a small village. As it was visited by less people, so it could keep the clean environment all the time. The green trees and big mountains were surrounded the village, what’s more, a clean river nurtured this beautiful place. I could pick some fruits in the garden, or catch fish in the water. What a great memory. 在我上中学之前,我在家乡度过了我的童年,在那里我过得很愉快。家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡是一个小村庄,因为那里的游客少,所以一直保持干净的环境。绿树和高山环绕着村庄,一条清澈的河流孕育了这个美丽的地方。我可以在花园里摘些水果,或者在水里钓鱼,这是多么美好的回忆啊。

But things change nowadays. The village has been polluted gradually. When I go back to my hometown every time, I could feel the lose of its beauty. We need to protect the environment, because if we are destroying it, we are destroying ourselves. We need more beautiful scenery around. 但是现在情况变了,这个村庄逐渐被污染了。每次我回到家乡时,我都能感觉到它的美正在消失。我们需要保护环境,因为如果我们破坏环境,我们就是在损害自己。我们需要更多美丽的风景。

  【篇三】我的收获 My Harvest

When I came to college, I felt so excited about the new chapter of my life. Now I will graduate soon. When I look back on the passed four years, I gain so much knowledge. I have become stronger and are ready to face the challenge of life. 当我开始踏入大学时,我为我人生的新篇章感到兴奋,而现在我即将毕业了。回顾过去的四年,我收获了很多知识。我变得更坚强,也准备好了面对来自生活的挑战。

The greatest harvest of my college life is that I learn the major knowledge and have the critical mind. The purpose of education is to help us to be a better person, such as making the right judgement and being independent. Now I can make my own decision and predict the result. I know what kind of responsibility I should take when I make my choice. It is an important sign of being an adult. 大学生活的收获就是我学到了专业知识,有了判断的头脑。教育的目的是帮助我们成为一个更好的人,例如做出正确的判断、变得独立。现在我可以自己做决定并预测结果。我知道在我做出选择时,我应该承担什么样的责任。这是成长的一个重要标志。

What's more, during four years, I have made many good friends, who share the same interest. The strong friendship makes us like brothers and sisters. I think no matter where we go, we will keep in touch and help each other. They have been importance part of my life. With their help, I get over many problems and grow up. 更重要的是,四年来,我交了很多好朋友,我们有着共同的兴趣。深厚的友谊使我们像兄弟姐妹一样。我相信无论我们走到哪里,我们都会保持联系,互相帮助。在他们的帮助下,我克服了许多问题,也得到了成长。

My college life will be over soon, but I gain so much precious experience, which will help me succeed. 我的大学生活很快就要结束了,但是我所获得的宝贵经验将有助于助我成功。

大学英语作文:我的舞台 My Stage.doc
