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【#英语资源# 导语】生命是短暂的,只能有一次,失去了便不会有第二次享受生命的权利,为了生命,为了不将我们的美好年华葬送在安全手中,我们一定要心记安全,过一个幸福平安的人生。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today, I walked into the classroom and found that my classmates were reading early, so I followed. After that, Miss Lu came in. When the morning meeting class arrived, Mr. Lu wrote two big words on the blackboard: "safe". I guess: how is it safe? Teacher Lu said: "safety, we should all pay attention to safety. Just this year's national day, our alumni died on the national day. Children are not allowed to sit in half of the front row of the car, but there are two children in the front row of his car, and his father killed his son for a moment of green light! Therefore, students must pay attention to safety and cherish their lives!" After listening to Mr. Lu's elaborate speech, I realized that life is so important. If I don't pay attention, I will lose this valuable life!

  I want to tell you a truth: you must pay attention to safety when driving. Children can't sit in the front row. It's the safest to sit in the back row. Don't rush for the green light for a while, which will not only lose your own life, but also the lives of all the people around you!!!

  On the road, a car will give way to safety, a person will give way to order, and a person will give way to friendship. Observing rules and disciplines means respecting life. When we can do all this, our society will be one foot closer to the other side of civilization and security.

  Safety is in my heart!


  In everyone's heart, life is always precious. If a man's last fire of life is burned out, everything he has previously obtained will come to naught. Life needs to continue. We should pay attention to our own safety, especially traffic safety.

  With the rapid development of mankind, there are more and more cars. Some people have even ignored traffic safety.

  Take me for example. Once, I was going to be late, so I ran forward quickly. On the road, I didn't even have time to watch the traffic lights. I ran straight over. Suddenly, a car came to me like a rocket. I was too scared to move. Suddenly, an uncle grabbed me and the car sped past me. My uncle asked me if I had anything, and I answered him with nothing.

  I not only had a traffic accident myself, but also saw a car accident myself.

  Once, my mother and I came home from my aunt's house. On the way, we decided to go shopping in the supermarket. At the entrance of the supermarket, my mother and I saw a truck coming from a distance. At this time, a woman was walking on the road with a baby in her arms. Something terrible happened. The truck hit the woman. The woman was run over by the truck alive. The child was hit by a truck several tens of meters away.

  Students, after reading the above story, should we pay attention to anything? Yes, we should pay attention when crossing the road: when crossing the road, we should choose to do: one slow, two look, three class, four fast, and there should be a pedestrian crossing.

  Let's join hands to take care of this safe flower! Let's stay away from the pain and cherish each other's lives! We should sow the seed of peace in the soil of our hearts. When it germinates and blossoms and grows into a towering tree, I am not bound to receive more peace, peace and happiness!


  In the campus, the most important thing that teachers mention is safety, so we must keep safety in mind.

  When we go home in a long line after school, in case of being followed, we must not panic. We should calm down, shake off our tail first, and then go home. If you find it at the door, don't open the door. If you open the door, you'll lead a wolf into the house.

  When going up and down the stairs, do not crowd or push people. When walking, keep to the right. Don't play with dangerous toys in your spare time. For example: slingshot, water gun, etc., otherwise students will be hurt.

  Campus safety is very important, but traffic safety is equally important. When crossing the road, you should take the zebra crossing. You can't run the red light. You should stop, look and pass. On the road, you can't play, or your life may be lost. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to ride bicycles on the road, otherwise you will be injured. On the road, even if you have something urgent, you can't cross the barrier, otherwise it's easy to have traffic accidents.

  Food safety is also very important. In the supermarket, there are many kinds of drinks with beautiful packaging, but you should drink as little as possible. Drinking too much of these carbonated drinks will rot your teeth. Do not eat foreign fast food and fried food, because it is neither hygienic nor nutritious.

  In short, safety is very important and must be borne in mind!


  We must always remember the word "safety". Because around us, everything includes safety. Let me tell you some examples about safety!

  There have been many school bus accidents in our country. In particular, on XX, 20XX, a traffic accident occurred in Gansu. A kindergarten school bus collided with a large truck. The school bus was hit and suffered heavy casualties. Parents can't help but feel extremely sad. 19 lives, the hope of 19 families, 19 flowers of the motherland and the sharp flesh of their parents! It disappeared in such an instant. While people were grieving, they lamented the fragility of life and hated the shame of violators. This is really a sad thing! The lesson of blood has left eternal pain in our hearts and always warned us to abide by traffic rules and travel safely.

  There are security problems in every little thing around us, and unimaginable things have happened on our campus. After class, the students always like to run around, chasing and beating, which has a great potential safety hazard. During the recess, when a student ran in the classroom, his head was knocked on the podium. Suddenly, his head was bleeding. At that time, we were stunned. Later, we sewed several stitches in the hospital! Now I feel scared when I think of it. It has sounded an alarm for us. We must pay attention to safety all the time.

  Safety is in my heart. We should always remember the word "safety"; Safety is around us. We should always pay attention to safety. Finally, I would like to say: Please always rest assured of safety and let yourself live in this world happily and healthily. People often say safety first, yes! There is only one life. We must always pay attention to safety.


  As soon as I mention safety, I will think of that sad thing - in the second grade, a girl named Yuan Lin in our class had an accident with her father.

  Now looking back, I still remember that morning, we all found that Yuan Lin didn't come! At this time, we all cast a puzzled look at the teacher. The teacher sighed and said weakly, "students, Yuan Lin's father came to pick Yuan Lin up. However, an unfortunate thing happened - Yuan Lin's father walked halfway by bike, but was hit by a car. Yuan Lin's father was fine, but Yuan Lin was broken and sent to the hospital".

  Hearing the news, our whole class was surprised. No one thought this would happen. Our whole class silently blessed the poor little girl. I heard that the reason for the crash was that the owner of the car was drunk driving and hit Yuan Lin when he was not very conscious. Many people have taken some people's lives and destroyed their families because of drunk driving. According to statistics, hundreds of thousands of such car accidents occur all over the world every day, of which tens of thousands of people are killed in car accidents.

  Therefore, we should cherish life and pay attention to safety!


  "Safety" is what teachers and parents often say, but I don't think so. They all think it's an adult's business and far away from us. However, one day, an unsafe thing happened in front of me, which changed my mind.

  Danger is everywhere, even in school. After dinner on the afternoon of the weekend, some students played on the playground for more than an hour. Life teacher Wang asked me to call them back to take a bath. I ran to the playground and asked them to go back to their bedroom. Because Chen Xingyu ran too fast, an unexpected thing happened on his way back. Chen Xingyu was knocked down on the concrete floor of the turn by Wang Kangdi of class 3, and his hand was broken. At that time, we were still skeptical. It was not until the next day that teacher Wang told us that Chen Xingyu's hand was really broken that we believed it was true.

  If Chen Xingyu doesn't go to the playground without permission, if Chen Xingyu abides by discipline, if Chen Xingyu lets Wang Kangdi, if Chen Xingyu consciously goes to the bedroom, he won't be in danger.

  Safety is very important for each of us, but it is more important for our primary school students. Danger is everywhere. In the future, we should consciously abide by discipline, avoid danger and put safety first.


  Row upon row of high-rise buildings, busy green roads and pedestrians constitute a colorful picture of a prosperous life. However, with the rapid development of transportation, the incidence of traffic accidents around has also increased sharply, and misfortune has followed.

  In life, people walk on sidewalks, bicycles and non motorized lanes, which are common sense for women and children. However, it is not difficult to find that there are many violations such as motorcycles taking the sidewalk, bicycles taking the motorway, turning around at will on the road, running red lights and so on. Such a foolish act of knowingly committing such a crime and playing with life is really a sigh.

  Life is short and long. How many "just in case" can we meet in our life, but how much can we bear? Every life is connected with many other lives and the interests of more people. There is only one life for everyone. However, there is always hope. Whenever you walk in the streets and lanes of a beautiful city, you will always see those traffic policemen in uniforms who work hard. When you see them, you will feel safe, and when you see them, you will see the beautiful scenery of the city.

  Traffic safety is related to the happiness of thousands of families and the health of every citizen. It needs the conscious action of the whole society and the mutual cooperation between people. Let us cherish life and always remember: safety is in my heart!


  In late autumn, the rain knocks on the window, like playing a happy song. Awakened the true love, which makes us very happy - life is good!

  The safety consciousness was planted in the hearts of their beloved parents early on. It is our parents who let the seeds in our hearts grow slowly. When we were young, our parents told us, "be careful not to step on small stones and fall." When he grew up, he told him: "pay attention to safety when crossing the road." When we went to school, the teacher constantly taught us: "don't make noise in the classroom, and go to the right when going up and down the stairs." Be careful with electricity, traffic safety and drowning prevention... Our dear parents and beloved teachers tell us this nagging, which makes us grow up happily and healthily and enjoy the beautiful sunrise more.

  Now, we have grown up and will pay attention to the media.

  Once, a ship hit a bridge in the clouds because of its weak safety awareness. Nine people died on the spot. One of the aunts was found to have been crushed to death by a car and had a baby in her stomach.

  Safety calls for me to respect people and guard against them.

  In late autumn, I seemed to be turning into a pen sucking ink and wrote the words "everyone is safe, happy and reunited".


  Safety is something that everyone should pay attention to and guard against. There are dangers everywhere around us, which makes it impossible to prevent. Only by keeping safety in mind can we avoid injury.

  I've heard a lot of casualties caused by accidents. Just a while ago, a five-year-old sister went to Beijing to visit her working father. When she went shopping with her father and mother, she was bitten in the face by a Tibetan mastiff suddenly running out of her neighbor's house and sewed more than 40 stitches in the hospital. This is really terrible. It's better to hide away from large dogs in the future. Some children laughed while eating the jelly. The jelly got stuck in their throat, choked and almost lost their lives. Some children were roller skating in the driveway and were accidentally hit by a car. In addition, there are many accidents in which people are injured due to dangerous actions, such as throwing peanuts into the sky and then catching them with your mouth. When eating, the peanuts get stuck in the trachea; Fall and hurt the handrail in the stairs as a slide; Playing in the kitchen cooking and getting scalded, etc. There are dangers everywhere!

  I also saw a dangerous thing with my own eyes. That day, it was sunny. I went to English class with my schoolbag on my back. I saw an adult riding a bicycle with a child. The child danced on the back seat of the bicycle and looked very happy. Suddenly, the child burst into tears because his foot was twisted in by the high-speed rotating wheel. Two people fell into the road in an instant. The adult couldn't care about the pain. Go and see the child's injury quickly. My God! The stuck foot was covered with blood and flesh, and the wheels were covered with blood. The adult was so frightened that he hurried to call 120. Soon, the ambulance came and carried the child who was screaming in pain to the stretcher and ambulance. It seemed that I could still hear the voice of the injured child crying all the way.

  Safety problems are everywhere, all the time. Only by keeping safety in mind and keeping safety first can we avoid accidental injury as much as possible.


  There is only one life for each of us. Health and happiness are human wealth. Safety is like the sun rising every day, shining on each of our lives.

  Pay attention to safety and live a safe life. Safety is to start with every little thing around us. Once, Grandma forgot to turn off the natural gas when she was having a hot meal. Fortunately, she was found in time. Sometimes grandma forgets to turn off the water pipe and often gets water on the electrical appliances, which are very dangerous. Although these are small things in life, there are big potential safety hazards, so we are reminded not to let the elderly and children alone at home. Also timely check, natural gas, electrical appliances, water pipes, etc. To achieve safety first in life, safety is no small matter.

  In our real life, countless facts tell us that those who ignore safety will pay a painful price. Some people ignore traffic laws and regulations and want to be "Heroes" on the road, running red lights and crossing the road. Others drive fast with luck in mind. Even drunk driving. The lesson of blood tells us that if anyone tramples on his own life and the lives of others, happiness will abandon him.

  Every year, some young adults ignore safety and go swimming and playing in the river. Until the tragedy happened and life disappeared. Leave endless sadness for your family. Some parents are unfavorable to the supervision of children, some fall from buildings, some burn, and some get an electric shock. Don't these attract people's attention? And those busy uncles and aunts should remember the safety rules, go to work happily and come home safely. This is the expectation of the family and the cornerstone of happiness.

  Safety is the light of happiness. With this light, our life will be full of light. Only when we have security can we really have happiness. For our happiness and our family, please remember that no matter what we do, we should put safety first. Safety starts with me.

