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【#英语资源# 导语】“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”,珍惜粮食是中华民族的优良传统,我们要积极厉行节约反对浪费。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In daily life, the phenomenon of food waste can be seen everywhere. Maybe you don't realize you are wasting, maybe you don't think it's a waste, or you still think our country is rich in resources. However, the fact is: the population of our country has exceeded 1.25 billion, and the net growth per year is 12 million; The cultivated land area per capita is 1.2 mu, which is 1/4 of the world average value; At present, the cultivated land area is passing at the rate of more than 300000 mu per year; 40 percent of the country's urban population consumes food on imports. From 1981 to 1995, the country has reduced the cultivated land by 81 million mu, thus reducing the grain production by 50billion Jin. And now the pace of this reduction is still accelerating. The phenomenon of land occupation, sand digging, land quality decline and desertification is eating cultivated land. Reality is absolutely not optimistic!! Saving food is the duty of every citizen of us, not to say that your life is good, you can afford to waste. Waste is a shameful act. As long as there is a sense of saving, it is simple to do: how much to eat, not throw the leftover meal; Order in a restaurant in a proper amount, not be generous, and a little bit of a mess. Remember: save food from me.

  The fifth World Food Survey in 1986 showed that 112 developing countries (except for socialist countries such as China) had 335-449million people in malnutrition from 1979 to 1981. In the early 1980s, the United Nations Population Fund for population activities announced that world grain production could feed six billion people. But at the same time, the world had a population of only 4.5 billion, but 450 million people were hungry. In 1995, the world population grew to 5.7 billion, and the number of people who suffered from hunger increased to 1billion. In 1972, the world food crisis occurred due to the two years of climate abnormality, and the large amount of grain seized by the former Soviet Union. The food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations held the first and second food conferences successively in 1973 and 1974 to arouse the attention of the world, especially the third world, to the food and agricultural production. However, the problem has not been solved, and the world food situation is becoming more serious. It was predicted that the world's food shortage would continue to be in short supply in the 1980s. The resolution of the general assembly of the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on World Food Day was made in the context of the increasingly acute contradiction between world food supply and demand.

  To waste shame is, in a sense, a crime. Everything is important to insist on, saving from a little bit, especially need to adhere to. Two days a day, two years a year? What about a longer time? Not only for food, we should make saving and internalizing into self-consciousness and become a habit. Moreover, on the Long March, many revolutionary martyrs died of hunger and cold. So, we should save food, or how can we afford those revolutionary martyrs?


  As the saying goes: diligence can make up for weakness, and saving can make up for poverty; Careful calculation, oil and salt constantly. In daily life, the phenomenon of wasting food can be seen everywhere.

  Students, when we see the bright five-star red flag rising, when we sing the magnificent national anthem, our hearts are full of pride and happiness. But did the students think that China is the most populous country in the world, and the food problem of so many people has become the biggest problem in China. Therefore, each of our students should take practical actions to share the worries of the party and the country, cherish and save food, start from around and now!

  As the saying goes: diligence can make up for weakness, and saving can make up for poverty; Careful calculation, oil and salt constantly. In daily life, the phenomenon of wasting food can be seen everywhere. However, when we throw away a piece of steamed bread, do we think that many people in the world are working hard for a meal? Many people are still struggling on the edge of death because of hunger? Before, I always didn't realize that I was wasting, and thought that wasting this little bit was nothing. Therefore, they are often picky about what to eat and throw it away when they can't finish eating. However, since I saw on TV that many African refugees were skinny and hungry, and finally starved to death in the streets, I suddenly felt how happy our life is: with the love of our parents, a big house to live in, and cars to and from school... Just because the living conditions are so good, That's why I developed the bad habit of not saving food. Every time I eat, I will lose a lot of rice grains. It doesn't matter if I can't finish eating. My parents criticize me. I also find a lot of reasons to argue. I feel very ashamed to think of this. I really shouldn't have! From now on, I must get rid of this shortcoming, save every grain and never waste any more!

  Save a handful of rice every day and a kilo of grain every month. Everything depends on persistence, and economy starts from bit by bit.

  Little friends, let's take positive action and do our part to develop the good habit of saving since childhood. When eating, eat as much as you can, and don't throw leftovers; When dining in a restaurant, order an appropriate amount of food without waste and extravagance. If there is any surplus, pack it and take it home.

  The United Nations has designated October 16 as World Food Day every year, which is to make us become conscious and habit of saving.

  Saving is a virtue and saving is a responsibility. Students, let's join hands to save every drop of oil and grain around us, so that our life will become richer and our motherland will become more prosperous!


  "In the afternoon of hoeing, sweat drips down the soil. Who knows, every grain of Chinese food is hard. " Whenever I think of this poem, it seems that there is a scene of farmers' Uncle working. Seeing them working so hard, I not only feel guilty. Because I usually have the habit of wasting food. Once, I was sitting leisurely on the soft sofa watching TV, eating delicious snacks and enjoying the cool wind of the air conditioner“ It's dinner. It's dinner. Come and have dinner and call your father. " I reluctantly put down the remote control, called my father and sat at the table to eat. As soon as I glanced at the table, I frowned, "ah, these dishes again. I'm tired of them. I have no appetite!" I just wanted to pour the rice into the dustbin. When I was about to pour the rice, my mother came over and saw that I was going to pour the rice. She hurried forward to stop me. I saw my mother's serious face and said to me, "why did you pour the rice?" I said stubbornly, "today's food is not my appetite. I couldn't help looking up at TV. After arguing with my mother for a while, my father came over and said, "you're a waste!" After nearly twenty minutes, I still didn't want to eat. When my mother saw my virtue, she talked about it carefully“ You see how hard the farmer uncle is! Why do they have to go to the fields to do farm work in the scorching sun? Because they want us people all over the world to eat so that we won't starve to death. You can't waste food. " I'm ashamed to hear that.

  I remember grandpa told me before that when they were young, they often ate bark and wild vegetables in order to satisfy their hunger. If anyone could fill their stomach with coarse grain, they would be very lucky. At that time, Grandpa's greatest wish was to be full and have a bowl of white rice. Grandpa's wish is very different from what his classmates do. In the eyes of the students, the leftover steamed bread acts as a "weapon" to "fight", which is stimulating and will not hurt people; But in Grandpa's eyes, this behavior is absolutely wrong and sad. Students, we should cherish food. It is hard won. It was born for us. We should cherish it and cherish it. Cherishing food is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. If you don't cherish food, you will regret it.

