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  【篇一】固执的爸爸 My Stubborn Father

My father is a nice person, everybody speaks highly of him, but he is very stubborn sometimes. One day, my father find a wallet on the ground, then he asks someone who has lost it. The man answers to my father and he is so thankful to my father. So he wants to give some money to return my father, but my father insists not to accept it. At last, the man has to give up.

  【篇二】选择 The Choice

A lot of parents like to make choice for their kids, because they believe their children are young and have no idea how to make the best choice. While my parents won’t do it for me, they will leave me the options and then let me make my own decision. I feel being respected and so thankful to them. I have my idea and can take the responsibility.
很多父母喜欢为孩子做出选择,因为他们认为他们的孩子还小,不知道如何做的选择。然而我的父母不会为我做抉择, 他们会给我留下一些选择,然后让我自己做决定。我感到受到尊重,很感谢他们。我有我的想法,可以负起责任。

  【篇三】新发型 The New Hairstyle

I always want to change my hairstyle, because I want to look as my idol's image, but i don's have the courage to do it. At last, my friend gives me the courage, she tells me that I should try and not to have regret at the young age. I agree, I am so happy about my new hairstyle, it brings me the new mood. Trying the new things is good.

小学英语作文:固执的爸爸 My Stubborn Father.doc


