第三部分 先锋运动
Unit 8 Shooting Pool 桌球
生活时尚英语口语900句:Unit8 桌球
Water is a boon in the desert,but the drowning man curses it. 水对于沙漠是宝,对于溺水者是魔。
1.How do you shoot pool? 怎么打桌球?
2.How do you know whether you shoutd hit the solid or the striped one? 怎么知道你要打全色球还是带状球?
3.Can I get the black ball in? 我可以打黑球吗?
4.Want to play again? 还想再打一局吗?
5.How much do you want to bet on this game? 这局你想押多少?
6.You hcrve 16 balls on the table,7 solid colored,7 striped colored, a black 8th ball, and the white ball. 桌上有16个球,7个全色的,7个带状的,一个黑的8号球,还有一个白的。
7.You hit the white boH with your cue. The white ball hits the colored balls. 用球将打白球,白球打到彩球。
8.You want to get the colored balls into the pockets. 你要把彩球打进洞里。
9.The blak ball has to be the final ball in the pockets. 黑球要最后打。
10.I'll let you break the balls this time. 这局我让你开。
11.Let's get all the balls out of the pockets. 把球都从洞里拣出来吧。
生活时尚英语口语900句 先锋运动 Unit 8 桌球.doc