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【#英语资源# 导语】学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面是®文档大全网整理发布的“大学英语作文”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  【篇一】克服晕车 Overcame Carsickness

Before I entered college, the farest place I went to was the city that near my hometown, I didn’t go out often, because I was afraid of taking bus, which made me dizzy and throw up. Most people have the same experience with me and we will get over carsickness eventually. 在我进入大学之前,我去过最远的地方就是我家乡附近的城市,我不经常出去,因为我怕坐大巴,这会使我头晕,呕吐。大多数人都和我有着同样的经历,我们最终会克服晕车。

The reason that I got carsickness was that I seldom took bus. Before college, I never left home, I took the bike to go to school. I always refused to get on the car with my parents to hang out for fun, for I would always feel sick and did not have the mood. In the long run, my fear for bus got more stronger. Someday, my uncle told me that I should go out often and got used to taking bus, then my fear would fade away naturally. 我晕车的原因是我很少乘坐大巴。在大学之前,我从来没有离开过家,我骑自行车去上学。我总是拒绝坐车和父母一起出去玩,因为我总是感觉不舒服,没有心情。从长远来看,对于坐车的恐惧越来越深。有一天,我的叔叔告诉我,我应该经常出去,习惯大巴,然后我的恐惧就会自然消失。

Since I go to college, I decide to make some changes, I like to travel with my friends, so we often take bus. With their company, which distracts my attention, I overcome my fear. Now, I no longer worry about taking bus, I don’t have much feeling. 自从我进入大学,我决定做出一些改变,我喜欢和我的朋友们去旅游,因此我们经常坐车。有了他们的陪伴,分散了我的注意力,我克服了恐惧。现在,我不再担坐车,没有太多的感觉。

Conquering the fear is the important lesson in life. 征服恐惧是生活中重要的一课。

  【篇二】来自电商的挑战 The Challenge From E-commerce

It has been reported that many stores in the supermarket had been shut down. It is known to all that as the development of e-commerce, people like to buy things online, which makes the shops have less customers. The challenge that e-commerce brings requires the traditional business to make some changes. 据报道,许多在超市的商店被关闭。众所周知,随着电子商务的发展,人们喜欢在网上买东西,这使得商店客户变少。电子商务带来的挑战需要传统业务做出一些改变。

There are many reasons for the shops to go bankrupted. On the one hand, the rent is high. The shops in the supermarket need to pay a lot of money in order to rent the good place. We can see that every year, the price of land is increasing, so as the rent. On the other hand, most people go to the clothes shop to try on the clothes and buy the same style online. Because the price will be much cheaper online. 商店破产的原因有很多。一方面,房租很高。在超市的商店需要支付很多钱,为了租个好地方。我们可以看到,每一年,土地价格增加,租金也一样。另一方面,大多数人去服装店试穿衣服,然后在网上购买相同的样式。因为网上价格会便宜很多。

The traditional shops face the challenge, they need to make some adjustments, or they will be replaced by e-commerce completely. The customers are in the first place, if the shops have some features that attract them, they are willing to pay the bill. So don’t complain about the Internet, making change is the way out. 传统的商店面临挑战,它们需要做一些调整,否则会完全被电子商务所取代。顾客们是上帝,如果商店有一些特性,吸引着他们,他们愿意支付账单。所以不要抱怨互联网,改变才是出路。

  【篇三】混血翻译员 The Interpreters With Mixed Blood

The job as an interpreter is not the easy work in people’s eyes, only these excellent students can stand out and work on it. The translation between languages needs to master at least two kinds of languages, it seems that mixed blood are suitable to be interpreters, while the fact is not true. 翻译员的工作在人们的眼里不是一份简单的工作,只有这些优秀的学生才能脱颖而出从事这一行业。语言之间的翻译需要掌握至少两种语言,似乎,混血儿是合适的译员,而事实并非如此。

We are barely see mixed blood interpreters, because though they can speak two languages, most of them don’t learn the culture deeply, so it is hard for them to do the translation work formally. The advantage of mixed blood is that they can speak the languages well than others, but the translation work needs to be trained and master the culture background. 我们几乎没有看到混血口译员,因为尽管他们会说两种语言,他们中的大多数不了解文化,所以对他们来说很难做正式的翻译工作。混血儿的好处是,他们能把语言讲得比别人好,但是翻译工作需要经过训练和掌握文化背景。

It is known to all that being a interpreter requires not only the speaking and listening skill, but also the immediate memory, so the mixed blood only have advantage on speaking, but not comprehensive skills. The translation work is not the process of speaking between languages, it is to express one language in another cultural way. 众所周知,作为一个口译员不仅需要口语和听力技巧,也需要快速的记忆,所以混合血只有口语的优势,但是不是全面的技能。翻译工作不是说多种语言,它是用另一种文化的方式去表达一种语言。

People envy the mix blood not only for their pretty face, but also their ability of language. Actually, we will surpass them if we work hard. 人们羡慕混血不仅是因为他们漂亮的脸蛋,而且因为他们的语言能力。实际上,如果我们努力学习,也可以超越他们。

大学英语作文:克服晕车 Overcame Carsickness.doc
