
时间:2023-02-04 22:58:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】丑小鸭这篇童话故事带给我很大的感悟,我也更加的懂得不要以貌取人,以及要有理想和目标,并且为之努力的道理。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  I like to listen to stories since I was a child. Since the third grade, I have read all kinds of stories by myself. I have read many books, such as journey to the west, the romance of the Three Kingdoms, one thousand and one nights, Andersen's fairy tales and so on. But what impressed me was the ugly duckling in Andersen's fairy tales.

  This fairy tale is mainly about a white swan hatched by a female duck. As a child, it was ugly and suffered from everyone's cold eyes. Even its mother didn't like it. It was very lost and life was very hard. It was almost frozen to death in winter. Fortunately, it was saved by a kind hunter before it escaped from the devil. Until the next spring, when the ugly duckling went to the lake to look in the mirror, the ugly duckling was pleasantly surprised to find that he had become a white swan. When he got home, he didn't show off, but forgave everyone.

  At the beginning, I sympathized with the ugly duckling's situation and was very angry with his brothers and sisters. I really wanted to defend the ugly duckling against injustice. After reading this fairy tale, I admire the ugly duckling's mind. He can get along well with his companions and live a happy life regardless of personal gratitude and resentment. I want to learn from the ugly duckling, get along well with my classmates, don't look down on people worse than myself, and help them summon up the courage of life, face the reality bravely, and let them know that the world is full of love. At the same time, I also understand the sentence "helping others is the foundation of happiness."


  Because of its ugliness, the ugly duckling became the object of ridicule of all chickens and ducks. Even its own brothers, sisters and mother bullied it, so it ran away and began a lonely wandering life. It encountered many dangers and suffered many setbacks, but it did not give in, but worked hard to exercise itself. Finally, it found that it could fly and become a beautiful swan.

  After reading this fairy tale, I understand that adversity can make people grow. As long as you are like an ugly duckling, are not afraid of difficulties, persevere and strive to improve yourself, you will succeed.

  No rain, no rainbow. People will inevitably experience many setbacks and difficulties in their life. If they lose confidence in themselves and give up their efforts, they can only be a loser forever. The disappointments in life will be regarded as sharpening my mind. As long as I work hard and have strong self-confidence, one day I will transform into a beautiful white swan like an ugly duckling and soar in the blue sky.


  Today, we learned the text "the ugly duckling". The main content is that an ugly duckling was bullied, looked down upon, ridiculed thousands of times and forced to run away from home. Finally, we accidentally found that we were a white and beautiful white swan.

  Through this story, I know that the ugly duckling is an indomitable duck. Although it was born with humiliation and misfortune, it has an eternal dream in its heart. It can put down everything, sacrifice everything, and finally become a beautiful and noble Swan with unremitting efforts.

  Lin Shuhao's experience has also brought us the same enlightenment. Lin Shuhao loved playing basketball since he was a child. Because he was not tall enough, he was rejected by many teams. Even if some teams signed with him, he was also a substitute player. He was cut off because he didn't have a chance to play. However, he has been practicing basketball hard. Finally, he joined the Nix team and won a game occasionally, And won many games in succession and became a household celebrity. Lin Shuhao proved himself to people all over the world with his strength.

  Finally, I learned that as long as I pursue my dream and don't give up, I will succeed.


  The ugly duckling is one of Andersen's fairy tales. The story is about the process that the ugly duckling was born so ugly that it became a beautiful white swan.

  Once upon a time, a mother duck gave birth to a duckling. The duckling is very ugly and is often looked down upon by its brothers and sisters. The ugly duckling was named ugly duckling because of its ugly appearance. The ugly duckling is so ugly that even its owner ignores it. If he doesn't give it food, he wanders around looking for food. It walked and walked to a family. The family adopted it. It eats well, lives comfortably and lives happily in this family.

  One day, it woke up and became a white swan. It didn't even know it. At noon, he went swimming in the river and found that he had become a little swan. It spread its wings and flew to the blue sky.

  After reading the story of the ugly duckling, I feel that people should not only be beautiful in appearance, but also be beautiful and pure in heart. The ugly duckling turns into a white swan. Everything comes from the eternal dream in its heart. Everyone wants to be a swan flying high. As long as you have firm faith and work hard, you will succeed.


  My mother bought me a lot of extra-curricular books. Because I didn't have time to read during school, I finished my homework every day during the winter vacation and set aside time to read the ugly duckling my mother bought me. I was deeply educated!

  Because the ugly duckling is ugly just after birth, animals and people don't like it. Only the mother can care for, take care of and take care of the ugly duckling and bring it some warmth and encouragement. Just like this, the ugly duckling was afraid of being bullied by her mother, so she left quietly. It was tortured in the forest and lost time. Finally, the ugly duckling gradually grew and changed into a free and beautiful swan in the sky!

  After reading the ugly duckling, I understand a truth: no matter what we encounter difficulties in doing, don't be afraid of being stupid and flinching back. We should do it seriously and learn patiently. Father, mother and teacher, let's do everything, let's experience and understand by ourselves. Believe us, we will become a beautiful swan like an ugly duckling!

  We often imagine that in the future, when I grow up, I will be a doctor and invent a medicine, and the patient will be well after taking it; When I grew up, I invented a pen with a light on it, which is convenient to write at night; If I grow up to invent a dress and wear it, I will fly and fly in the free sky... No matter what we do, we must rely on our own efforts. I believe that the motherland will 'fly' in our generation!

