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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语之所以经久不衰是因为以其全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容和全面的技能训练,为英语学习者排忧解难,深受广大英语学习者的欢迎和喜爱。想要学好英语的你,怎能错过?快来加入学习吧!©文档大全网为您提供了以下内容,希望能够为大家学习新概念英语提供帮助!

  新概念英语第一册第111-112课重点词汇学习 Word study

  afford v.


  She can't afford a new coat.


  We are not rich enough to afford a car.



  I feel I can' t afford any more time on this project.


  We can't afford such enormous fees.




  He put down a deposit on the house yesterday.


  You'll have to pay a deposit of $ 60 to reserve the room



  We were advised to deposit our valuables in the bank safe



  I deposited $ 1,500 on a new car.


  新概念英语第一册第112课课后练习答案 Key to written exercises


  1 This book is cheap, but that one is cheaper.

  2 This book is expensive, but that one is more expensive.

  3 This question is easy, but that one is easier.

  4 This question is difficult, but that one is more difficult.


  1 Is the policeman as tall as the policewoman?

  No, he isn't. The policeman isn't as tall as the policewoman.

  2 Is the man as short as the woman?

  No, he isn't. The man isn't as short as the woman.

  3 Is the boy as old as the girl?

  No, he isn't. The boy isn't as old as the girl.

  4 Is the red pencil as blunt as the green pencil?

  No, it isn' t. The red pencil isn't as blunt as the green pencil.

  5 Is the blue car as clean as the red car?

  No, it isn't. The blue car isn't as clean as the red car.

  6 Is the woman as fat as the man?

  No, she isn't. The woman isn't as fat as the man.


  1 No, it isn't . It is more expensive.

  It's the most expensive radio I've ever seen.

  2 No, he isn't. He is more intelligent.

  He's the most intelligent person I've ever met.

  3 No, it isn't. It is more interesting.

  It's the most interesting book I've ever read.

  4 No, it isn't. It is less difficult.

  It's the least difficult test I've ever done.

新概念英语一册课后练习答案(Lessons 111-112).doc
