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【#英语资源# 导语】我们将介绍一些关于小动物的有趣知识,希望能够增加您对小动物的了解。以下是©文档大全网整理的《最喜欢的小动物英语作文范文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.最喜欢的小动物英语作文范文 篇一

  My favorite little animal is a cute little dog. Grandpa's family has only one. It is covered in snow-white fur, like a sweet and delicious marshmallow. Her large and round eyes are like two pearls. The ears hang down and sometimes cover the eyes. A shiny black nose, always wet all day long. A short tail always stands up, and it shakes and shakes when encountering people, very cute.

  The dog's favorite food is pork ribs, but I don't easily give it to eat. Whenever it performs well, I reward it for a large amount. Perhaps it also felt that the ribs were not easy won and couldn't bear to swallow them in one gulp. It is often a small piece, a small piece, slowly nibbling. After enjoying the perfect taste, it will bark at me a few times, as if saying, "Thank you, little master

  One day, I took it for a run. It's so happy, always running ahead of me. Occasionally looking back at me, seeing me chasing after him, he continued to run forward. Suddenly, another little dog passed by and barked at it a few times. This is great, it immediately playfully pounced on it and started fighting with it. You bit me, I kicked you, and in the end, the two dogs simply rolled together. As I watched the battle nearby, I could also feel the fun of the puppies fighting.

  Upon returning home, the white cotton jacket on the puppy had already become a floral cotton jacket, with black and yellow patches. My mother scolded it, and I also helped with it. It obediently sat on the ground, occasionally looking at me with its big watery eyes, as if begging for my forgiveness, and as if blaming me for not pleading for it. Seeing its pitiful appearance, my mother and I couldn't help but feel angry and funny, so we stopped pursuing it. I touched its head and it seemed to understand my meaning. It immediately stood up and happily circled around me.

  The puppy is cute and mischievous, and is my loyal fan. I also love it very much.

2.最喜欢的小动物英语作文范文 篇二

  My favorite animals are cute little dogs, gentle kittens, clever little white rabbits, and jade white swans. I like cute little dogs the most.

  The little dog has its own room. Its room is a large box, and its door is sawn with a saw. Its door is completely different from ours. The dog's door has a rectangular gap sawn with a saw on the top, left, and right sides, and the floor of its room is made of a carpet made of cotton.

  The little dog is really cute. It likes to catch butterflies, and it is also very greedy. Its favorite foods include meat, bones, and fish. You may find it strange why dogs like to eat fish? It's like this. My family also keeps a cat, and the little dog watches the cat eat fish happily. It also goes to join the fun, and gradually the little dog likes to eat fish. In summer, puppies like to open the door and sit on it to watch the scenery. They also like to take a walk by the river with me. Sometimes when it rains, I pick a lotus leaf to cover it. When the puppies see me holding a lotus leaf umbrella, they are afraid of me getting tired, so they use both hands to push it up. Usually, I also pick a small lotus leaf for them.

  In autumn, it likes to go to the orchard with me. That's the happiest time for it. The little dog will run around and bark a few times when it runs under some fruit trees, as if saying to me, "It wants to eat fruit. In winter, my father and I went to the snowy mountains, and I also brought the little dog with us. It was very obedient when riding on the cable car on the snowy mountains, and it kept shrinking in my arms. I think it must be a bit cold, but when it got to the snowy mountains, it wouldn't be obedient anymore and would be bouncing around.

  A little dog is very obedient when it is obedient, and very disobedient when it is not obedient. It's true that it can change faster than the weather, but I still like it.

3.最喜欢的小动物英语作文范文 篇三

  If you ask me what my favorite little animal is, then my answer will definitely surprise you. Because my favorite little animal is a spider. Perhaps you may think: How could you like such disgusting animals? The following will tell you the answer.

  During the summer vacation, I had nothing to do and walked up and down the "narrow path" outside the yard. Suddenly, I found a little spider in the corner of the wall. It is sitting on the gossip shaped net waiting for the little insects to "fall into the trap". I couldn't stand this hunting method the most and decided to avenge the little bug. So I found a wooden stick and lightly touched the web, and the spider "ran away". Then, I simply messed up the Spider web, and then went away.

  After about half an hour, I went to see the spider. It was sitting on the web and waiting. I picked up the stick again. Just when I met the Spider web, it ran away again. I stirred and poked, poked and stirred for several minutes, making a mess of the Spider web. I thought to myself: It depends on what you do now! After a while, I was surprised to find that the spider silently ate the "leftover silk" into its stomach. After eating it, it sprayed new silk out of its "spinner" and woven a new web. I was surprised to think, why do small spiders have such great abilities?

  I went to look up the Encyclopedia with this question. The book says: Spiders are friends of humans and never actively harm them. As soon as a little spider is born, it has to leave its mother to make a living alone. During its growth process, there are countless hardships that it needs to go through, so it is not easy for a spider to grow up.

  Sorry spider, I misunderstood you. Please forgive me. Every time I walk past that corner, I look at the little spider apologetically. From then on, I fell in love with spiders and even more like their persistent spirit.

4.最喜欢的小动物英语作文范文 篇四

  Animals are good friends of humans. If you ask me what is my favorite little animal? I will tell you that my favorite little animal is - a puppy.

  That summer, my mother went to my neighbor's grandmother's house and asked for a little dog to accompany me through the long summer vacation. The puppy's fur is snow-white and extremely beautiful! A pair of watery, black eyeballs, sparkling, and a pair of very sharp ears. If there is a slight noise nearby, it will make its ears stand . Its small claws are like four plum blossoms, and its tail is always swaying leisurely, with a very likable appearance. I named him "Xiao Bai".

  Xiao Bai likes to lie on the ground and bask in the sun during the day, and also likes to run after me in the park. Compared to it, it generously let me run first, and then it caught up with me at an arrow like speed. Before I could reach the finish line, it had already arrived first. It made a face at me and looked at that proud look, extremely mischievous!

  Every time I finish school, Xiaobai will pounce on me and hold onto my leg, just like a mischievous child. Xiao Bai follows me wherever I go. People say that dogs are human, and Xiaobai is indeed like that. When I'm not happy, it will come over and use its nose to take advantage of my legs, which is very itchy. After a while, I can't help but laugh out loud. Xiaobai really likes you!

  When Xiaobai is hungry, he always turns around at my feet, and then I throw the bones from the dining table into the plate where he eats. Sometimes, intentionally raising the lunch box, Xiaobai also tries to jump up and jump very high.

  When Xiaobai sleeps, he always slides towards the ground and immediately lies down, then his tail hangs down, and finally closes his eyes, which look like a thin line!

  I like Xiaobai. Xiaobai is so cute, we are already good friends now!

5.最喜欢的小动物英语作文范文 篇五

  I live in a colorful world with various small animals around me. There are people flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water... Among them, my favorite is the slow little turtle.

  Don't look at my little turtle, it looks small and green, it's really smart.

  The head of the little turtle "KuaiKuai" has patterns composed of different colors, and its shell is emerald, which looks beautiful. It is also engraved with "oracle bone inscr iptions" on it! KuaiKuai has four sturdy legs and a short tail that is almost invisible.

  KuaiKuai "likes to eat turtle food. Every time I feed it turtle food, it stretches its head high and seems to say," Hurry up, hurry up, I'm hungry, I'm hungry! "Soon the turtle food will run out. Although the turtle is a slow tempered person, "fast and fast" is not slow. If you want to drink water, you immediately "run" to the pool and "gulp" to drink.

  KuaiKuai likes to climb mountains the most. I remember one time, I placed a book in front of it, and it didn't hesitate to climb up. Three minutes later, "KuaiKuai" finally climbed the mountain.

  I remember one time when I came home from school and found "KuaiKuai" missing, I anxiously searched for it. Suddenly, "KuaiKuai" slowly crawled out of my backpack. Ah, did I take it to school? "I thought. I saw it printed eight footprints on my homework book. When I picked it up, it was scratching around in my hand, making me unable to laugh or cry.

  I am so sad that "KuaiKuai" was finally burned to death by the sun! I love my little turtle 'Quick'!
