Expensive Things That Are Totally Worth the Money
There’s nothing wrong with being frugal, but the smart man buys once, the fool buys twice. Meaning, if you buy cheap, that product will fail on you and you’ll just have to buy it again. The smart guy buys quality products once and they last forever. In short, there are things in this life that you don’t want to cheap out on. In the long run, paying what seems like a bargain price for some of the following items will only end up costing you more.
1. Tattoos
If you’re gonna get something permanently etched on your person… if you’re going to bleed for your commitment to say, the visualization of your favorite Foreigner album cover, then don’t you think you should pay for a quality artist? Until laser tattoo removal is perfected, that ink is forever. Put in the time for exhaustive research on best artists in your area and then pay them the money they deserve.
Long-term cost if you go with the “bargain” option:
Permanent shame, and uncomfortable looks from your parents around the dinner table during major holidays.
2. Mattresses
As they say, never skimp on what separates you from the ground—that includes tires, shoes, and mattresses—especially mattresses. A great mattress can and probably will cost you well into the thousands, but they’ll last longer and you’ll know where that money went when you wake up after an unfettered night’s sleep.
Long-term cost if you go with the “bargain” option:
Countless nights of restless sleep, grouchiness (due to restless sleep), and back pain like you couldn’t believe. Poor sleeping habits are actually incredibly bad for your health.
3. Toilet Paper
Have you ever had to make an emergency pit stop at a gas station to use the bathroom? How about a bathroom at a fast food restaurant? School restroom? What do these places have in common? Coarse, one-ply toilet paper with the grit of an ultra-fine sandpaper. Life’s too short–spend the extra 25 cents per roll on the three-ply cushy stuff.
Long-term cost if you go with the “bargain” option:
A rash with the scorching intensity of a thousand burning suns.
4. Cuts of Meat
Having people over for dinner? Get thee to a butcher. Save the cube steak for Monday night and serve your guests a cut that’s good enough to hide any culinary errors you might make. Ask the butcher a bunch of questions—he’ll suggest the perfect cut to match your occasion and grilling ability.
Long-term cost if you go with the “bargain” option: