

时间:2022-03-30 08:09:42 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】阅读英语美文会给大家带来与众不同的感受,多读英语也有利于提升我们的英语能力,欢迎阅读®文档大全网为大家精心整理的“高中英语作文:家庭的影响 The Influence of Family”!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  【篇一】家庭的影响 The Influence of Family

In China, people treat the family as a very important union, families get together now and then, even the kids get married, they still treat their parents in the first place. So the family means so much to everyone, family has great influence on them. When the family gets on well, people can focus their mind to work, they don’t need to worry about other issues. It is reported that the people live in a harmonious environment are more easy to get succeed, which reflects the importance of the family. While people who live in a unharmonious family are easily distracted from work, because besides the work issues, they also have family annoyance. So the family is very important, we should keep in touch with family members often, even though we are busy, we should go home often, never let the work occupancies you.


  【篇二】父母的期望 Parents’ Expectation

It is said that Chinese parents are the world’s most responsible parents, since the kids are born, they start to plan everything for the children, they choose the school, the kids’ hobby even the kids’ partners. Chinese parents want to raise their kids to be the excellent ones, they put so much hope on the kids. While it is also said the Chinese kids are the world’s most unhappy kids, because they live as what the parents tell them, they don’t have their own thinking. Both sides reflect Chinese family situation that the parents give the children too much pressure, the children feel unhappy about their parents’ expectation. Indeed, I feel the way, my parents always want me to be the No.1, they tell me I should get the highest score, I feel tired, I tell them how I feel, then they begin to realize their expectation has become a burden for me. parents should give space to their kids.


  【篇三】医德 The Merit of A Doctor

When we read the newspaper, there is always something bad about the doctor, it is said that the doctor will ask the patients to use the expensive treatment, they do it for the high profit, we feel shocked, because since we are young, we are told that the doctors are angels, they save people’s life, they contribute their lives to the career. During the decades, people are intrigued by the profit, even some doctors do. As a doctor, they should not give up to the profit, they should treat the patients in the first place. Some patients are poor, the doctor should consider the situation, operating the treatment according to the patients. When there comes the emergency patient, the doctor should take the treatment right now, some doctors must wait for the patients to hand in money, this is not right. Doctors are still honored by the people, they should keep on their merit.


高中英语作文:家庭的影响 The Influence of Family.doc
