Every employee can benefit from a solid employee development program, whether they are salaried or hourly. Yet it's easily forgotten or let slide in the pressure of everyday business. Some days you might feel like it's hard enough to get through the day, much less manage and create a continued and future plan for employee development. But as a business owner, you can’t afford to cut employee development from your budget. Why should you press on and try to make it happen in your business? Here are 5 reasons: 1. It helps attract and keep great employees. Employee retention is a huge challenge (and expense) for employers. So is the hiring process. Having a solid employee development program can help make that less of a burden. When it comes to attracting and hiring the best employees, here’s why a solid employee development program matters: It is a benefit. Employee development can be seen as a benefit, and that is something employees weigh in the "pros" column when finding a job. Hourly employees, especially, don't always receive the benefits that salaried workers in larger companies are accustomed to. Providing employee development as part of the hiring package gives you a competitive advantage over other similar jobs and wages. It builds loyalty. Loyal employees aren't prone to quitting. That's what employee retention is all about. Knowing that an employer is willing to provide training and development makes an employee feel important and it makes them loyal. It brings in good people. By offering training, continuing education, conference attendance, or even something as simple as a book allowance, with the understanding that you expect them to participate, you will attract employees who are looking to better themselves. That's an employee you want to hire in the first place. 2. It helps you create promotable employees. A proper employee development program will: Create a pool of capable workers Create workers ready for promotion. Help you identify strengths and weaknesses in your employees. Employee development both trains your current employees for possible future promotion from daily worker to management as well as shows you which employees have aptitude for such a promotion. Better to learn about strengths and weaknesses in training rather than out on the sales floor with actual customers. 3. It keeps employees engaged at work. Bored employees are a recipe for disaster. They easily take on negative attitudes, sloppy work habits, and cause damage to relationships with other employees and customers. Employee development is a way that you can keep your employees engagedat work to prevent that kind of boredom from setting in. Interesting training programs, and future development events that are fun or challenging to look forward to — this removes the plodding daily feel to a job that leads to that dreaded boredom. 4. It helps you save and earn money. A good employee is like money in the bank. That well-trained, confident, and engaged employee we've been talking about? They are going to do better work for you in the long run. That's going to help save you money, as employees become more efficient and proficient. Employee development also has the potential to increase sales and output. Either way, that's good for your bottom line, and that's exactly why Sarvadi classified employee development not as an expense, but as an investment. 重点摘抄搭配和句子: benefit from a solid employee development program: 从一个可靠的员工培训项目中受益 let slide:放任自流 manage and create a continued and future plan for employee : 为了员工管理、创造一个持续的未来计划 can’t afford to cut xxx from your budget:万不可把xxx从预算中消减 Employee retention :员工保有率 the hiring process: 雇用过程 attracting and hiring the best employees:吸引、招聘的员工 the hiring package :package薪酬福利的总称比如包括年薪、奖金和培训机会等 gives you a competitive advantage over: 给你一个优势比xxx builds loyalty:建立忠诚 are prone to :倾向于xxx offering training, continuing education, conference attendance, or even something as simple as a book allowance: 提供培训、继续教育、会议参加、购书补贴 Create a pool of capable workers:创造一群有能力的员工 identify strengths and weaknesses in your employees:辨认出自己员工的优势和劣势 have aptitude for xxx:有做xxx的能力 learn about strengths and weaknesses :了解优势和劣势 Bored employees are a recipe for disaster. They easily take on negative attitudes, sloppy work habits, and cause damage to relationships with other employees and customers. 无聊的员工必然是个灾难。他们有消极的态度、懈怠的工作习惯同时也会破坏跟其他雇员和客户的关系。 【注解:be a recipe for something: to make it extremely likely that something will happen, 可以理解为让一件事情的发生成为必然】 keep your employees engaged :让你的员工更加投入 prevent that kind of boredom from setting in:防止这种“无聊”开始 the plodding daily feel:这种每天都很沉重的感觉 leads to that dreaded boredom:导致这种及其糟糕的“无聊” increase sales and output:增加销售和产出 not as an expense, but as an investment:不是成本而是投入 适用的题目: The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.