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  烤鸭始于南宋,称得上是中国历最久远的菜肴之一。明成祖(EmperorYongle)定都北京后,烤鸭传到北方,由民间小吃变成宫廷美味。北京烤鸭,是北京名食,它以色泽红润(reddishbright color)、肉质细嫩(tendermeat)、味道醇厚(rich flavor)、肥而不腻(fatbutnotgreasy)的特色,被誉为“天下美味”而驰名中外。一般来说,外国游客来北京 旅游时都会去尝尝北京烤鸭,有句俗语说得好“不到万里长城非好汉,不吃北京烤鸭真遗憾”,北京烤鸭在人们心目中的地位由此可见一斑。
  Beijing Roast Duck
  Roast duck,which can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty,can be regarded as one of the oldest dishes in Chinese history.Afler Emperor Yongle made Beijing the capital of the Ming Dynasty,roast duck was introduced to northern China,where it turned from a folk snack to a court delicacy.As a famous dish in Beijing,Beijing roast duck is renowned at home and abroad,being acclaimed as "a delicacy of the world" for its reddish bright color,tender meat,rich flavor and fat but not greasy taste.Generally speaking,a foreign tourist will definitely have a try of Beijing roast duck while travelling in Beijing.There is a common saying which puts it quite fittingly:He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man;he who has never eaten the Beijing roast duck is sure to regret.From this we know how important Beijing roast duck is in people's eyes.

