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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲比朗诵更自然,更自由,可以随着讲稿的内容而变化站位。一般说来,不要在演讲人前边安放讲桌,顶多安一个话筒,以增加音量和效果。®文档大全网为大家准备了《读书的快乐英语演讲稿范文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.读书的快乐英语演讲稿范文 篇一

  Dear judges

  I am from Class X. Today, the topic of my speech is: I read, I am happy.

  Previously, I didn't like reading because I read too little, so I hesitated when speaking in class; Due to limited reading, I hesitate and hesitate when communicating with my classmates; I have a worried face when writing an essay because I read less. One night, we were playing an idiom competition at home. I spoke idioms and my mother translated them. I opened the idiom dictionary and said, "The golden cicada peels its shell (k é)." As soon as I finished speaking, both my father and mother burst into laughter. I felt strange and didn't know what they were laughing at. My mother looked at me in surprise and said, "Look at the pinyin for yourself, what exactly do you read?" "Oh! It's the golden cicada peels its shell (qi à o)!" I suddenly realized, My father said to me, "In the future, we should pay attention to reading more books in order to accumulate knowledge!" So, I secretly made up my mind to read more and understand a lot of knowledge.

  From then on, I fell in love with reading, and I really fell in love with reading because books brought me endless joy. When I read Andersen's fairy tale collection "The Little Match Girl," I prayed for the fate of the little match girl; When I read 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms', I was greatly impressed by Zhuge Liang's outstanding talent ī n) I admire it immensely. I am deeply immersed in the ocean of books.

  I like reading! Reading has taught me what sourness is? What is sweetness? What is bitterness? What is spicy? Reading has taught me how to handle people and things? Reading accompanies my growth. Reading has given me knowledge, enriched my brain, and expanded my horizons. Nowadays, there is an endless stream of speeches in the classroom; Communicate with classmates and I am lively in conversation and laughter; Writing an essay comes with ease. I was also rated as a "model reader" for my love of reading, and everyone praised and envied me.

  Do you think reading can be unhappy? I hope you, me, him, and all of us can fall in love with reading.

  This concludes my speech. Thank you all!

2.读书的快乐英语演讲稿范文 篇二

  Dear teachers and classmates

  Hello everyone!

     Today, my speech is about the joy of reading. Reading can help us learn a lot of knowledge and feel a lot of happiness, and books are also omnipotent and wonderful!

  In my impression, I had a special fondness for reading when I was in kindergarten. Previously, I didn't read much, so I only read simple stories. And if you don't know, ask. In the world of books, I have gained a lot of happiness. My mother told me when I was young, "You must read more books in the future, as reading will bring you many benefits." This sentence has always been in my heart. When I was a child, I read "Grimm's Fairy Tales" for the first time, and the stories inside made me sad, happy, and happy. Sometimes while reading, they would clap their hands and say, "It's so fun! Haha." They would also say, "He's too bad!" They would also feel sad for the characters in the book.

  Gradually, I grew up and became literate, and I was particularly happy. Because I finally didn't have to worry about not being able to read, which delayed many interesting extracurricular books. In 'The Story of Truth', I also learned a lot of truth; In 'Bambi the Little Deer', I felt Bambi's bravery and learned that everything must be persevered until the end, and I cannot give up halfway.

  Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, books are our friends and essential things in our growth. Classmates, read books, they will help us learn knowledge and also bring happiness.

  My speech is over, thank you all!

3.读书的快乐英语演讲稿范文 篇三

  Dear teachers and classmates

  Hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is "The Joy of Reading".

  Some people believe that having money is happiness, and they can enjoy prosperity and wealth;

  Some people think that freedom is happiness;

  And I think reading is happy!

  As the saying goes, "In a book, there is a golden house, and in a book, there is a beauty like a jade." Books are the nourishment of the world. If there are no books in life, it is like flowers without sunshine;

  Without books in wisdom, it is like a bird without wings.

  When I was a child, I didn't love reading because I thought it was boring. However, when I truly tasted it with my heart, I found that reading was really enjoyable! Every semester, my mother buys me many extracurricular books, and the books at home are piled up like a mountain. My favorite is Wu Yong, the "Zhiduoxing" in "Water Margin". Although his name is useless, his abilities are very great;

  I also like "Robinson Crusoe" because it makes me understand that when faced with difficulties, I cannot give up and must bravely face them;

  I also like 'Sophie's World' because it tells me to be good at observation, diligent in thinking, and brave in exploring!

  Reading a good book is talking to many noble people. Books have brought us to know many writers and writers. When we read their books attentively, it is like communicating with them, understanding their thoughts, and understanding their emotions;

  Reading a good book is like taking you on a trip. Every book has a different artistic conception, and reading it with heart seems to immerse you in it. Reading a good book is like making a friend. When you are lonely and helpless, open it and it will accompany you through lonely and boring times, accompanied by happiness!

  I believe everyone knows Mr. Lu Xun. During his studies, Lu Xun was awarded a gold medal by the school for his excellent grades. He didn't wear a medal to show off, but instead sold it and bought back a few of his beloved books and a string of chili peppers. Whenever it was quiet at night and cold and sleepy, he would take a red chili pepper, divide it into several pieces, and chew it in his mouth. He would chew it until his forehead was sweating and his eyes were filled with tears. He would pick up a book and continue reading. In this way, day after day, year after year, he became a great writer!

  Books are the ladder of human progress! Read! Enjoy the fun of books and thrive!

  Thank you for listening. I have finished my speech.

4.读书的快乐英语演讲稿范文 篇四

  Teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  What is the use of reading? Books are the ladder of human progress. Without books, the world would be in chaos. If there are no books, it is like a bird without wings.

  The joy of reading, the joy of staying indoors, as long as you have a beautiful book, it's like having the whole world. In the book, there is a vast universe, an endless prairie, a magnificent Great Wall, a Oriental Pearl TV Tower that plunges into the sky, and a waterfall that flows straight down

  Reading can surpass oneself, and I can also possess profound knowledge. Books have filled me with strength, and they have also made me realize the true meaning of life from the advice of wise men and sages. Experience the beauty in the book, and appreciate the noble realm and emotions.

  Dear classmates, let's cherish the beautiful time in front of us, be friends with books, and feel the joy in books.

  My speech is over, thank you all!

5.读书的快乐英语演讲稿范文 篇五

  Dear teachers and classmates

  Hello everyone! I am xxx from Class 54. Today, the topic of my speech is "I Reading, I am Happy".

  Books are an ocean of knowledge with a mysterious power that will bring your thinking into a new world, allowing you to think, experience, and progress; Books will become a mysterious black hole, attracting all your gaze, and then allowing you to search for the key to wisdom inside, open it, break it, and finally rush out to become useful talents.

  I have an active nature, and almost all teachers give me the following evaluation: being active everywhere, doing small actions in class, and playing crazy after class. But I have a hobby that is better than playing, and that is reading. Reading is a necessary thing for me every day. Since I first came into contact with books when I was young, I have fallen in love with them. Now that I am addicted to reading, I feel uncomfortable every day without reading. Some people envy me for knowing too much, but they don't know how many books I have read at home. Books are as important to me as fish cannot lack water.

  Now, I read about 100 million words, and I believe that having such a record in reading is a great achievement for my mother because she taught me the importance of reading from a young age and made me fall in love with books from a young age. I remember once my mother bought me a set of 12 storybooks. She said, 'I read one book a week, I need to read it carefully and slowly digest it.'. And I finished reading it in just one day, and then I was eager to read the next one, but my mother didn't give it to me. She insisted that I recite all the stories orally before letting me read the next one. In less than a month, I finished the entire set, which inspired my enthusiasm for reading. My mother is never stingy when buying books, so now I have over 300 books in my collection; My mother guides reading with care, which is why I have a solid foundation in writing; I want to thank my mother for making me fall in love with books.

  Books keep me indoors and informed of the world's affairs; Books have taken me to explore the sacred places of the world, and have also made me meet many friends: the writer Helen Keller, the educator Gorky, the great writer Rold Dahl... Books are food for the spirit, food nourishes the body, and books nourish the soul.

  Only by reading more can we create a better tomorrow and a better future!

  Wishing everyone a love of reading, good reading, and being a happy reader.

  My speech is over. Thank you all for listening.
