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【#英语资源# #我的爸爸英语作文范文(精选20篇)#】我相信,每一个人都有一个与他人不同的爸爸,而我也不例外。那么,让我给你们介绍一下他吧。©文档大全网为大家准备了《我的爸爸英语作文范文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇一

  There is a man who is as thin as a stick due to poor development, but his eyes are as big as copper bells. The black eyebrows are like a black forest, the teeth are like a decayed paradise, the skin is like a layer of chocolate sauce, and the dark mouth is like a layer of oil, chattering incessantly all day. Do you know who he is? By the way, he is my lazy dad.

  Saying he's lazy, but he's absolutely right. On a weekend, my dad was like a rambling robot, lying idle and snoring in bed. I saw my dad sleeping so soundly, so I ran over to try some pranks. I started punching and kicking, but he said he was really comfortable. Could you please put in more effort. I looked dumbfounded, so I simply lay on top of him, but he rolled over and pressed me under him, then fell asleep again. But he's not only lazy, he's in our family and we even call him a big mouth.

  Although he is thin, he eats more rice than I do. You see, as long as he takes a sip of the delicious food, the food is constantly flowing into his mouth like water. Before I can eat it, the plate is already empty. Dad, can you eat more slowly in the future? It's causing me to stunt my growth.

  Our father is truly unique and makes me laugh and cry.

2.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇二

  Everyone has their own familiar people around them. Of course I do, he is my father.

  Dad is in his thirties this year, and his black hair is always well groomed. He is very tall, with a few white hairs and a pair of shiny black eyes under his light eyebrows. He has put in a lot of effort for me, getting up early every day to send me to school. One day, I noticed his dark circles under his eyes. I said to my father, "Just sleep a little longer, I can go to school on my own." But he said to me, "It's okay, I can still sleep for a while after you go to school. Don't worry about me, as long as you take the exam well and have good academic performance, I won't be afraid of any hardship or fatigue." Then I went to school, I smiled and said to my father, "In the future, go to bed early. Don't be too tired." My father also smiled and said, "I know." This is my father, a considerate and kind person. When I grow up, I will take good care of my father. Take care of him as he treats me, because he is my good father.

3.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇三

  My father is of medium height, with large and lively eyes, short black and shiny hair, and a slender figure, showing great temperament. His sturdy arms are strong and powerful, and everyone praises him for his handsome appearance.

  My father is very strict with me. He often doesn't let me go out to play on Saturdays and Sundays, and asks me to do exercises at home. That's why I got a 92 point plus star in this math exam. My father usually likes swimming. In summer, as long as he has a rest, he will take me to swim in the Taihu Lake Lake. He said that it is a skill to learn to survive. He has a bad temper and when he gets angry, he uses force to educate me. I call his father the "best martial arts expert in the world". But sometimes he is still very kind, often giving up his nap time to teach me Olympiad math, and often learning it himself before teaching me. I often teach my father some English, such as koala or koala.

  My father also loves learning very much. He is a graduate of a police academy and has a graduation certificate. Now he is taking an undergraduate exam and often studies late. My father is a role model for me to learn from. Although my father is very strict with me, I still love him very much.

4.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇四

  My father is a machine repair worker. He works hard and treats people sincerely, so everyone likes him very much. Moreover, my father is skilled, so everyone calls him "Master Ding".

  My father has big eyes, like a black grape; My father's mouth is also big, and he smiles like a curved boat; A lot of silver hair had already been sandwiched between his dark hair.   Dad's "general belly" is so big that it can hold a bucket of water!

  My father is doing well in all aspects, but he has two major shortcomings: smoking and helping his mother with household chores.

  We often persuade Dad not to smoke anymore. Dad also wants to quit, but he can't. Mom has shed countless tears over Dad's smoking. What's even more infuriating is that Dad actually threw cigarette butts everywhere.

  Let's talk about my dad doing household chores now!

  Every time my mother works, my father always says, "Let me do it!" Then he drags it on until tomorrow, and in the end, it's still my mother who works.

  Just last night, my mother said she wanted to wash clothes, and my father quickly said, "I'll do it." My mother and I said in unison, "You can pull you down!" My father said I will definitely show you today. Sleeping, my mother wanted to see if my father had really made up his mind and said, "You sleep, I'll do it." To my surprise, he really lay down, and my mother and I couldn't help but cry and laugh.

  My dad! It's really true. Ah!

5.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇五

  My father has jet black hair, bright big eyes, a big nose, and is very handsome, but he has a problem - he loves drinking.

  Once, when my father came back from work and saw two bottles of Wuliangye on the table, his face lit up and he said, "Ah! That's great! That's great!" As he ran over, he picked up the wine bottle and drank it. "Gudong Gudong..." He finished one bottle in one gulp and then picked up another bottle, so there was no left of the two bottles of Wuliangye. After my dad finished drinking, he said to me, "Let's go! Come with me to Qiankelong Supermarket, and I'll buy you a car

  When I came back, my dad was riding awkwardly. I was very scared and urged him to ride well. Dad said, "It's okay! It's okay!" and the car hugged the earth. Ouch!... "I fell all of mine, and my dad quickly asked me anxiously," How are you? Did you fall? "Looking at my dad's anxious expression, I had to say," It's okay! "Then I muttered," Dad, you don't drink anymore - in the future - "My dad lowered his head and said," Okay! "I smiled at my dad's expression.

  This is my dad, I love my dad.

6.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇六

  My father has bright eyes, a tall nose, and thick glasses. He smiles very cute, just like a rubber doll. However, getting angry is very scary. I remember one time, when I refused to play the piano, my father set me up like a teacher with round eyes and fingertips almost pointing to my nose. He angrily said, "Are you playing or not playing?" He looked like a wolf only preparing to eat sheep.

  My father is a teacher and he loves learning very much. Every morning, after hastily finishing breakfast, I start reading English. He usually either works on the computer or reads a book, and he also writes a lot of books.

  Dad usually likes to tell me jokes and often makes me burst into laughter. I don't know if it would be like this when he teaches his students?

  Dad goes to exercise every afternoon. Sometimes he runs, sometimes he skates, sometimes he does sit-ups at home, and sometimes he uses me as his sports equipment, lifting me up and down!

  I love my father very much, no matter what he gives me, I won't change my father.

7.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇七

  My father is a soldier, of medium height. His hair is short, his belly is big, and although his eyes are small, when he wears glasses, they look bright and lively.

  Dad is a warm-hearted person who always likes to help others. Once my dad drove home, it was already over ten o'clock in the evening, driving and seeing an old man walking on the road. My dad thought it was so late, why is the old man still outside? Just stopped the car and asked the old man, it turned out that he was going home, so he asked the old man to get in the car and take him home. Dad asked Grandpa where he lives? The old man said, "Keep moving forward." After driving for about ten minutes, his father asked if he had arrived. The old man also said, "Keep moving forward." So he drove for another ten minutes and asked if he had. The old man also said, "Keep moving forward." At this moment, his father thought that the old man was a bit strange, so he parked the car on the roadside. Suddenly, he found a small certificate hanging around his neck. When he opened it, he saw that the phone number was written on it, I only found out after a dozen that my grandfather had Alzheimer's disease and was staying at a tiled house store. He took the train to Dalian on his own. So my father found a taxi for my grandfather and asked the driver uncle to take him back home.

  This is my father, a helpful person who I want to be when I grow up.

8.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇八

  I have a very patient father. He cut a small flat head, had big eyes, a high bridge of the nose, and had dimples when he laughed. I looked like my father. I am my dad's thoughtful little cotton jacket, very dad. When it comes to rest, I surround my dad and ask him to take me to play.

  On a sunny Sunday, my mother suggested that we go fishing. I cheered and couldn't wait to call my father out. When I came to the river, my father taught me to put the bait on the hook first, then threw the fishing rod into the middle of the river, and sat on my own small stool. The rest was patiently waiting. I waited and waited, I couldn't sit still. My father said on the side, "Patience is also a virtue!" I feel so familiar with this sentence. Oh, I remember, my mother often said this to me because I am a person without patience. After listening to my father's words, I patiently waited and waited. Finally, a big fish caught the bait, and I felt like a big pie had fallen from the sky. I was so happy! I understand that hard work pays off, and patience is necessary for anything.

  On the way home, my father told me that fishing can exercise your patience. In the future, remember that patience is also a virtue! I came home at night to eat the fish I caught myself, it's really delicious!

9.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇九

  Didi, answer answer answer, Didi, answer answer answer, there is a sound of clicking the mouse from time to time in the room. Oh, it seems that Dad has bought stocks on the computer again, what a disappointment!

  My father is a person who loves to buy stocks. Every day after work, he sits in front of the computer and reads stocks. Once, he was getting angry at the computer because the stock he bought had dropped a lot. Dad watched others' stocks rise helplessly and wanted to buy another one, but Mom never let Dad buy again, no matter what. Dad said, "Just let me buy one." Mom said, "I'm afraid you won't be well trained. In the end, you'll spend a lot of effort and money on it." Dad still didn't give up, so he kept nagging in his mother's ear. Later, his mother spoke harshly. Dad had no choice but to come towards me with his head down and whispered to me, "Oh, your mother doesn't agree, I can't buy stocks anymore." I originally wanted to persuade him, but he said, "Forget it, it's okay to take a look

  This is my father, who can buy stocks and even ignore his job.

10.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十

  My father has a chubby figure, dark skin, and thin and short hair, like a little hedgehog. A pair of watery eyes, like a pair of small stars, blinking and blinking. With a raised nose and a red mouth, he speaks with a clear and reasonable tone.

  Dad usually likes to do many things, such as cooking, working, singing, drinking, and so on. My father cooks delicious meals for me every night, and the dishes I like to eat are never unsatisfactory. I like the food my father cooks.

  My father is sometimes strict with me, sometimes kind, sometimes irritable, and sometimes gentle like a little rabbit. Although my father's personality has changed a lot, what stands out is his love for me.

  I remember once, this incident was also unforgettable to me. That night, I had a high fever and my mother was on a business trip. Only my father was at home with me, feeding me medicine, taking good care of me, and soon I fell asleep. The next morning, when I opened my eyes, I saw red blood streaks in the corners of my dad's eyes. He stayed with me all night and didn't sleep a wink. At that time, I almost shed tears.

  I love my father. Although he has to work every day and doesn't have time to manage me, I still love him very much.

11.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十一

  My father is a kind and tolerant father in my eyes; In my mother's eyes, I am a handsome and hardworking husband; In the eyes of grandparents, he is a filial son‘

  My father is very handsome. A head of shiny black hair, with small and lively eyes, looks very honest. He is diligent in doing things. Mom said he looks like a cow. Dad is very tolerant of me. Once, after scoring over 80 points in the Chinese language exam, I returned home thinking that I would be punished. I had dinner and handed my test paper to my dad, thinking that a big disaster was coming. Unexpectedly, my father did not blame me, but patiently and repeatedly explained to me until I understood. Afterwards, he encouraged me to do well in the next exam.

  Dad is very filial to his grandparents. He never makes them angry. Every time he sees his grandmother cutting her nails, he carefully helps her cut her nails.

  This is my father, a good son of filial parents, and a good father who cares for children.

12.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十二

  I have a father who loves me. He is tall and thin, and despite his small head, there are things inside that you don't even know about? Just share with you about my dad.

  Every child has a good father, but the roles played by fathers are different.

  And my dad is working every day, and his throat is quite loud. Even the aunt next door can hear him talking to friends. Think about that range. He always teaches me to study hard, not to learn bad, and girls should learn to respect themselves. These words often come to my mind, perhaps this is my father's care for me. Although my father has not a high education, his intelligence has reached my level, such as the computer, electric light, and water heater at home. He knows how to do it without learning, just look and know how to do it. What amazing hands! If I do something wrong, he won't hit you but patiently educates you. I feel proud to have such a good father

13.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十三

  He wore black rimmed glasses and looked polite; My father is tall and sturdy, with a very outgoing personality. My father is a police officer, and I am extremely proud of having such a father.

  My father has excellent skills, and one of them is cooking. I love his Braised pork belly. Every time he puts on his apron, stands in front of the stove, keeps "wielding knives and guns" with both hands, and handles the food on the board with exquisite knife work, he looks like a great cook. Seeing everyone eating with relish, Dad would always look at us with indulgence, laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. I know that every dish contains Dad's love for us.

  Dad has a wide range of hobbies, he likes swimming. Whenever he comes to the swimming pool, he will always be the first to jump into the water, his arms quickly alternating in the water, just like a fish returning to the sea, happy and free. My father also likes to play play badminton with me. We can often see our lively figures in the park.

  We like Dad, Dad likes us, with Dad's company, my life is full of love!

14.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十四

  My father is tall, strong, and very clean, with white all over his body. Dad loves to laugh very much. He has a smiling mouth, big eyes, and a pair of hardworking and capable hands.

  I love my father like a mouse loves rice.

  Once, when school was coming to an end, there was a storm in the sky, and I didn't bring my raincoat. In such a cold day, my nose is running cold. But when we broke up, I couldn't find Dad! I stood under the eaves and waited for a long time before my father appeared. When I got home, my dad said to me, "Son, dad is busy today, so I'm sorry for being late!" My heart was warm.

  If I could go home on my own, then I wouldn't have to have my dad running around in the rain. I often criticize myself in my heart. It's all my fault. If I had brought a raincoat, I wouldn't have bothered Dad! "I said.

  I promised my father to repay him with learning, confidence, and my own hands.

  My father is great, cute, can make me happy, can make me happy! I love my dad!

15.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十五

  My father is very ordinary and ordinary. He is 1.7 meters tall, with a round face, bright big eyes, a big mouth, and often a smile. Everyone says he is a good person.

  In life, my father takes care of me. Dad is a skilled cook, and any food can turn into delicious dishes in his hands. He made braised pork ribs in brown sauce, which looked red and shiny, and tasted delicious one after another... Sandwich breakfast was his specialty. The flour was stirred and placed in the oven, and soon the bread was cut into toast. The golden poached egg was sandwiched in the middle of the toast, accompanied by a small piece of crispy bacon, some crispy lettuce, cucumber slices, and a salad sauce made by his father himself, A sandwich that looks all color and taste is out of the pot. Take a sip and it's soft, glutinous, sweet, and unforgettable.

  Dad helps me with my studies. Dad is very patient, and no matter what I learn, he patiently guides me nearby. Every time before the violin exam, I am very anxious and restless. After practice, I just don't listen to my fingers and don't knead the strings properly. Every time I play the violin too fast, it doesn't sound melodious at all. My father always smiles and demonstrates while encouraging me, saying, "Don't rush, take your time, listen to the teacher's rhythm first, and make sure the strings are played properly." As I progress day by day, I also enjoy playing the violin more and more. It was my father who cultivated my interest.

  In terms of service, my father educated me. Dad is very helpful, so he has a very good social connection. Dad is a computer expert. The community computer malfunctioned. With just one phone call, he immediately threw away his work and rushed over to help. He smiled and said to the community comrades, "Don't worry, I'll take a look." He divided three by five, and his fingers were typing on the keyboard. In a short while, the black screen jumped out of blue, with a series of English letters on it. The system was successfully reinstalled, and the computer was functioning normally. He has helped people, but he never asks for anything in return. He always lightly waves his hand in response to others' gratitude. Dad always touches my head and says, 'Helping others is also helping oneself.'. No matter where I go with my father, he always teaches me how to be a person and do things.

  This is my dad. He is capable, enthusiastic, and has had a profound impact on me. I love my dad!

16.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十六

  I believe every family has a 'leader', and our 'leader' is our father.

  My father is very handsome, with big eyes, a tall nose, and a mouth that is neither big nor small. Dad is not only handsome, but also very intelligent in doing things. He always arranges his family affairs properly, which is also why he can become the "leader" of our family.

  Dad loves me very much and always responds to my requests, but he doesn't spoil me. I remember when I was a child, I fell while running. My mother was about to help me get up, but my father said, "It's okay, let her get up on her own." Over time, I became more and more "skinny" and learned to be strong.

  Although Dad is the "boss" of our family, he doesn't put on airs at all. Every day, as soon as Dad leaves work, even though he is tired from work, he still does a lot of housework, washing clothes, and taking care of his sister. Whenever he has time, he likes to take us out for fun. He said, "This way, we can have a lot of experience. Reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles." This is the "leader" of our family. My dear father, I will always love you!

17.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十七

  My father is tall and slightly chubby, with a pair of glasses on his nose, and he looks very gentle.

  Dad loves sports very much and often plays basketball with me. Once, my father and I played basketball on the playground of Mingjing Elementary School. I tried shooting, but every time the ball bounced off the rim, I felt a bit discouraged. At this moment, my father walked over to me and said, "Don't be discouraged. I'll teach you the correct shooting posture." He asked me to lift the basketball with my right hand, gently support it with my left hand, crouch slightly, aim at the basket, and in an instant, throw the ball out. Under my father's guidance, I gradually mastered my shooting skills, and 90% of the balls I pitched could go into the basket. Dad also taught me the technique of three step layups. I am becoming increasingly interested in playing basketball.

  Dad is still a good chess friend of mine. When we rest, we always like to move the chessboard out and have a good game. In summer, my father often took me to swim, took me to play badminton, and helped me learn to ride a bike circle by circle

  Look, this is my dad, I really like him.

18.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十八

  My father is thin and of medium height, with a pair of eyes that are neither big nor small, a small flat head, a tall nose that looks very energetic, and a beard that looks like a steel needle on his lips.

  He is very strict with me, I am afraid of him, but sometimes I admire him very much.

  I remember one Saturday when I was in a hurry to watch TV, so I finished my homework and ran to the living room to watch TV. Dad started checking my homework and found two wrong questions. He called me over to him and carefully explained them to me. However, he repeated them over and over again, but I couldn't understand them. Dad continued to patiently explain the questions to me, I looked at Zhong Xinfu and said angrily, "It's already nine o'clock, why don't we talk about it tomorrow?" My father said decisively, "No, we can finish today. We can't procrastinate when we do anything, we need to learn to manage our time." After hearing this, my face turned red and my ears turned red. Finally, I calmed down and understood that question.

  I like my dad, and I also want to be a persistent and persistent person like him, never giving up until I achieve my goals.

19.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇十九

  My father's name is Cai Xinchun. He has a thick beard, a mole under his big eyes, a round face, a chubby body, a tall stature, and looks amiable, but he is actually very strict with me.

  My father is a water electrician. He has been working in this industry since he debuted, and now he can be considered a master. He works very hard and comes home disheveled every day after finishing his work. However, he never complains and actively lives upward every day, handing over all the money he earns to my mother, leaving only a little pocket money for himself. Perhaps others may think that such a father is not promising, but in my mind, he is a good man with a sense of responsibility and responsibility. Although he cannot make us wealthy and wealthy, he can make us have no worries about food and clothing. He is my piece of heaven.

  By the way, my father's favorite thing is fishing. He said that fishing can cultivate one's character, maybe because he often fish, his temper is very good. He often says to me, "Study hard, read more books, it will be helpful for your future

  This is my father, an ordinary thirty year old man. I love my father.

20.我的爸爸英语作文范文 篇二十

  My father is of medium height, with a pair of sparkling eyes under his curved eyebrows, exuding a spirit of dedication between the slightly formed Sichuan shaped eyebrows.

  He is a workaholic. Working overtime at night is a common occurrence. One night, a sound of "da da da" woke me up. I lifted the curtains and saw that the street lights in the community were all turned off. Where did the sound come from so late? I listened attentively and it turned out to be coming from Dad's study. I gently pushed open his door. Everything in front of me stunned me, and there was a cup of coffee and a pile of information on Dad's desk. "Dad! It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" I asked painfully, Dad smiled and said, "You go to bed first, I'll be fine in a moment." "Can't you do it tomorrow?" I asked after him. Of course not, I'll finish it on the same day

  He is not only a workaholic, but also a kind father. I remember the last time I took the bottom test, my grades were not very ideal. I returned home feeling glum, and my father seemed to see my thoughts. He said to me earnestly, "One failure doesn't mean anything. Don't make the same mistake in the future, just take out the test paper. Dad will help you analyze the reason for the mistake." He patiently explained the wrong question to me in detail until I understood it.

   Dad is a good teacher and a kind father, and I love him more than myself!
