
时间:2023-03-20 01:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】演讲者根据几条原则性的提纲进行演讲,比较灵活,便于临场发挥,真实感强,又具有照读式演讲和背诵式演讲的长处。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Hello, everyone. Today, the topic of my speech is "painter, my dream - achieve the Chinese dream with our dream".

  Everyone has dreams, and they are different. Some people dream of becoming a soldier and bathing in blood on the battlefield; Some people dream of becoming an angel in white to save the dying and heal the wounded; Some people dream of becoming world champions and standing on the high podium

  What about my dream? Is to be a painter.

  Painting is a dream I have always adhered to. Although my painting is still very young and may not be a real work, I will draw and create each one with my heart. Therefore, whenever I finish painting a picture, I always have a full sense of achievement. In addition, I found that since ancient times, many famous painters are male painters, and female painters are almost rare. Therefore, I want to be a great painter to prove that girls can do the same things that boys can do, and can be better. In addition, our country is changing all the time in the era of rapid development. I want to record historical moments with a brush as a witness of history.

  I know that the road of art will not be smooth, there will always be ups and downs, but I am not afraid, because I have a dream in my heart. Dream is a lamp, guiding me in the direction of progress; Dream is a sail, help me sail; Dream is a monument, witness the glory with me.

  You may ask, I've always been talking about my dream. Does it have anything to do with the Chinese dream?

  In fact, as early as more than 100 years ago, Liang Qichao, a modern educator in China, said: "youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country, youth wealth is the wealth of the country, and youth strength is the strength of the country"... I want to say that it is our youth dreams that have merged into the Chinese dream. The dream of each of us is the dream of China.

  Finally, I suggest that we act immediately, study hard, master our skills, and use our wisdom to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the future.

  Thank you.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Dreams are good partners for success. In spring, everything is reviving, and the little tree grows new leaves. He must be thinking, "I must grow as tall as my grandfather." This is the ideal of a small tree. A corn tree said, "I must grow the largest corn in the world." This is its dream. The brook said, "I must throw myself into my mother's arms." Oh, this is the dream of the stream.

  A dream may always be a dream and may become a dusty memory, but we must dare to think that with a dream, we will have a goal and a goal. Being a monk for one day and hitting the clock for one day, we will have motivation and motivation to draw a starting line for the long-distance race of life.

  Dream must have behavior, as the saying goes: just talk, not practice fake tricks. The first heroic step is not as good as the real one. Some people's dreams are high, while some people's dreams are only at this stage. Everyone's dreams are different. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't think about such lofty goals as being a scientist and an astronaut in the past, and I didn't have the dream of what to do when I grow up, which is in line with the reality of life. My dream now is to enter a good high school, and I found that I've been wandering between doing and not doing. There is a big difference between saying before doing and saying after doing. Daring to take the first step towards the dream is the first whistle of the fleet before departure. Although the road will not be smooth, the most important thing is that we have taken practical action for our dreams.

  Action is the best language for a person to express his thoughts. The meaning of a dream is not to realize it, but to explore it.

  I may not be as tough as the pine in the cliff, I may not be as strong as the stream in the winding river, but I will work hard. I firmly believe that one day, I will find myself on the highland of success.

  Dear friends, what are you going to do for your dream?

  Thank you!


  Teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  Birds can fly freely because they choose the blue sky; Because the stream chooses the sea, it can flow freely; Qingsong shows the tenacity of life because he chose danger; Because flowers choose to bloom, they show the beauty of life. Only because I chose to fly, did I have my dream.

  In the past journey, whether you have laughter or sunshine, it has become an eternal memory. Add a lock to close it! In front of us, new teachers, new students, new journey, new dream and new life are breaking through the earth. In the face of all this, what should we do. Due to the cruelty of reality, we will incarnate as knights, erase the trauma on our chest, erase the glory of the past, take our once sharp tools, and be ready to go. The goal of the new semester is the beginning of our new journey!

  Dream is our map to success. Only by taking action and taking solid steps can we reach the other side of success. To determine our goal, we must work hard for him. Aim high! We should aim long, not always.

  Life is the pursuit of ideal. Ideal is the indicator light of life. If you lose the function of this light, you will lose the courage of life. Therefore, only by adhering to the lofty ideal of life, can we not lose our way in the ocean of life. Tolstoy divided the ideal of life into the ideal of a lifetime, the ideal of a stage, the ideal of a year, the ideal of a month, and even the ideal of a day, an hour and a minute.

  Students, let's establish faith and let go of our dreams. You will be able to go to a beautiful place with it. Establish faith and let go of dreams, you will have a more brilliant tomorrow. Let dreams fly and faith blossom.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  When the heart is flying and the dream sets sail, it always fills the heart with expectation and connects the dream to the future. Our heart sea is a pure and romantic ballad, a colorful ribbon, beating tireless notes and sowing a promising future! With the dust along the way, with the desire for youth and the pursuit of colorful dreams, we finally came together. Facing the future and self challenges, only by letting the ideal fly here can youth become colorful!

  Youth is like a dream, years and months are like songs. How can it be recovered when time passes? Youth is an indelible episode in life. It is destined to be "extraordinary". It requires us to interpret with our hearts and wisdom, and it requires us to enrich with courage and confidence.

  People always say "youth like a dream". Youth is a short dream. When you wake up again, it has already disappeared without a trace. But those sweat, pure friendship and ardent dreams are preserved. Flying youth has a flying heart. Our dreams may be childish or ordinary, but they are the most true and beautiful without modification and dust.

  Those beautiful dreams can't just be your fantasy castle, they must be piled up brick by brick. Dreams really need to dream and think, but don't forget that we are young people, passionate and ambitious young people. We have strong energy and intelligent mind. Since dreams are possible to come true, are you willing to just dream and think? Do you want others to be the watcher of happiness, but you can't achieve anything? Do you want others' sweat to cultivate golden wheat waves, but when you stretch out your hand, you break a mirror. Is there your ethereal dream in the mirror?

  Let the ideal be bleak and difficult; Dilute failures and setbacks with hope. Let the breeze blow away the clouds; Use Qiming to guide the emergence of light! Let the ideal fly, raise the enlightenment in your heart, let the enlightenment in your heart guide you out of the darkness and hold up the sun in your life!

  hello everyone!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Everyone has an acre of land in his heart and a dream in his heart.

  Some people dream of being brave and handsome astronauts, traveling in space and exploring the unknown mysteries of the universe; Some people dream of becoming an angel in white to save the dying and heal the wounded, so as to regain the hope of life for the people suffering from illness; Others dream of being a hardworking gardener and cultivating the flowers of the motherland with their love and sweat... Like them, I also have a beautiful dream in my heart, that is, to be a versatile big star loved by the people all over the country. Moreover, with the support and encouragement of my mother, the seed of this dream has begun to take root

  My mother is an accountant and a true music lover. She has collected many good music materials, from western music to national music, from classical music to pop music. Her favorite is Teng Lijun, a female singer in Taiwan. Whenever she sings Teng Lijun's beautiful old songs, my father and I will sit quietly and revel in her beautiful songs. Under her influence, I have now become a wheat bully. As soon as I hear familiar music, I will run over and grab the microphone with others. When I grabbed the microphone, I sang and danced with myself, which brought beautiful audio-visual enjoyment and joy to the audience.

  Whenever I see those big stars singing and dancing happily in their concerts on TV and interact warmly with their fans, my heart itches. I wish I could go to the stage and sing a song. How fascinating the glittering and dazzling stage is!

  If one day my dream comes true, someone will come to me everywhere to sign, ask me to sing, dance, act and shoot advertisements, so that I can help more people in need.

  Although all these are just an unrealized dream, I believe that the future is created by myself. As long as I make unremitting efforts towards this goal from now on, the seed of this dream will certainly take root and blossom and bear fruit! Please bless me!

  Thank you!

