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【#一年级# 导语】英语故事会出现学生认识或是不认识的单词,而这个单词的重复不断出现,会加深同学们对单词的记忆,这种记忆不同于一般的死记硬背,而是在潜移默化中,让学生记住单词,并且不枯燥。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助!


  The lioness 母狮子

  One day, some animals were talking about which animal was the best. The pig said, “Pigs are the greatest because we have many babies. I have twelve healthy little pigs.” She asked the rabbit, “How many babies do you have?”

  The rabbit felt embarrassed. She only had seven. Then she pointed at the sheep and said, “She only has three!” Everyone laughed.

  A snake passed by and said, “Snakes are truly the greatest. I have fifty!”

  “So what?” said a new voice. Everyone turned around and saw a lioness.

  The snake lifted up her head and looked at the lioness.“Why do you speak? I have fifty babies. You only have one. That‘s nothing.” The other animals said that the snake was right.

  The lioness laughed. “I only have one, but it is a lion. Only a lion can be the king of the forest.”

  The other animals could think of nothing to say. They had many babies, but none of them would ever be as strong as a lion. “One valuable thing,” said the lioness, “is worth more than a hundred common ones.”


  1. healthy adj.健康的

  2.embarrassed adj.困窘的;尴尬的

  3.truly adv.真正地:真实的

  4.lioness n.母狮

  5.speak v.说,讲

  6.valuable adj.有价值的;贵重的

  7.common adj. 普通的;常见的


  Language Notes




  1.A is worth more than B A的价值比B高

  *Gold is worth more than silver.金子比银有价值。

  2.(something)+be动词+worth 金额(某物)价值(多少钱)N./V-ing (某事)值得。。。

  *This ring is worth a thousand dollars.这枚戒指价值一千美元。

  *This museum is worth a visit. 这座博物馆值得一游。

  *This book is worth reading.这本书值得一看。



  The Donkey and the Shopkeeper

  A hardworking shopkeeper drove his donkey to the market to buy salt. On their way home, they had to cross a stream. The donkey was very tired, and he slipped on a rock and fell into the water.

  To the donkey’s surprise, his load was now much lighter. The water had washed away almost all of the salt. The shopkeeper took the donkey back to the market and bought even more salt than before. This time when they reached the stream, the donkey fell into the water on purpose.

  The shopkeeper saw through the donkey’s trick. He returned to the market and bought sponges instead of salt.

  When they reached the stream, the donkey used his trick again and fell into the water. But this time the trick was on him. The sponges became heavy with water and the weight of his load greatly increased.

  “I hope you’ve learned your lesson,” the shopkeeper said to the donkey. “If you use a trick to avoid work, you will just end up with more work in the end.”


  1. hardworking adj. 努力的;辛勤工作的

  2. salt n. 盐

  3. slip v. 滑倒

  4. load n. 负载,负担

  5. trick n. 诡计;小技俩

  6. sponge n. 海面

  7. weight n. 体重,重量

  8. increase v. 增加

  9. avoid v. 避免


  Language Notes

  on (one’s) way… 在(某人)前往(某地)的路上



  1. on (one’s) way+ 副词 在此常用的副词有home(回家)、back (回程)、out(出去)等等…

  Can you pick up some orange juice on your way home ?


  2. on(one’s) way + to + 地点

  Scott had an accident on his way to work this morning.



  The man who loved money 守财奴

  Once upon a time, there was a man who loved money. He loved it so much that he wouldn‘t spend any of the money he earned. He wouldn’t part with even a tiny bit.

  This stingy man didn‘t buy new clothes. Instead, he wore old clothes that he found in the garbage. He didn’t buy food, either, and he became skinnier and skinnier.

  He put all the money that he saved in a box and hid it under his bed. Every night, he opened the box and looked at all his money.

  One night, the man looked in the box and the money was gone! Someone had stolen it! “I‘ve been robbed!” he shouted. “My precious money is gone!” He lay down on the bed and cried and cried.

  The neighbors heard him and came over to see what was wrong. When they heard the story, one neighbor said, “Don’t cry over your money. You never used it anyway. Fill the box with paper and imagine it is money. It will do you just as much good.”


  1.earn v赚钱;得到

  2.stingy adj 吝啬的;小气的

  3.skinny adj 消瘦的

  4.save v 储存

  5.steal v *

  6.rob v 抢劫

  7.precious adj 珍重的;珍爱的

  8.imagine v 想象;幻想


  Language Notes

  Spend 花费




  I spent one hundred dollars on my new watch.我花了一百美金买新手表。

  He spent three days writing that report.他花了三天写那份报告。


  Do (someone)good 对某人有益,有效用

  *Good 在此为名词,指利益,好处。 Do (someone)good指对某人有好处,主词常为事物。Good前面还可以加much,any等形容词来修饰程度。

  It will do you to get out of the house more.多出去走走对你有益。

