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【#英语资源# 导语】草船借箭是我国古典名著《三国演义》中赤壁之战的一个故事。以下是©文档大全网整理的《草船借箭英语读后感》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.草船借箭英语读后感 篇一

  The article "Straw Boats Borrow Arrows" mainly describes that Cao Cao, Sun Quan and Liu Bei each occupied one side at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, Zhou Yu was jealous of Zhuge Liang's talent and wanted to frame him for "business" and let him build 100000 arrows in ten days. But Zhuge Liang said that it would only take three days, and he also made a military order. Zhuge Liang secretly borrowed the boat, straw handle and sergeant from Lu Su and told Lu Su to keep it secret. Zhuge Liang did not move until the early morning of the third day. Zhuge Liang asked Lu Su to take a boat to Cao Ying. At this time, the fog was all over the sky, and Cao Cao saw an enemy ship coming. He was afraid of fraud, so he only asked the crossbow man to shoot arrows. When Zhuge Liang saw that one side could not bear the arrow, he turned the bow of the boat and let the other side take the arrow. At dawn, Zhuge Liang returned with arrows. After knowing this, Zhou Yu sighed that he was not as intelligent as Zhuge Liang.

  Zhuge Liang is really clever! Some people say that Zhuge Liang is born with intelligence, but I think he will not be smart all the time without his own efforts, only occasionally lucky. Take Zhuge Liang for example, he is not a natural talent. He must have spent a lot of time learning how to predict the weather before he knew there was a fog. Otherwise, how dare he say "only three days" with an air of confidence and make a military order? Only those who work hard at ordinary times and use what they have learned in their life to help others or protect themselves at the critical moment will be recognized by everyone and become an example to learn from; It is too late to study hard instead of at the critical moment. Zhuge Liang is not born smart, but he has one more mind than others.

  Smart people are always jealous. Zhou Yu's jealousy of Zhuge Liang is a typical example. Zhou Yu is narrow-minded and small-minded. He cannot tolerate others in his heart. Once he knew that someone could be higher than him, he would set him up and put him to death. This is a big mistake. People often have jealousy, but his unscrupulous poison will not end in the end. In the end, Zhuge Liang got angry three times because he was not clever. What's more shameful is that he even hated others when he was dying. There is no cure for such a stubborn person.

  Therefore, in learning, we should learn from Zhuge Liang's spirit of continuous improvement and become the backbone of the motherland; In life, don't be jealous like Zhou Yu. You should be open-minded to live a long life.

2.草船借箭英语读后感 篇二

  Zhuge Liang used Cao's timidity to borrow arrows from a straw boat. In foggy weather, it is not easy to attack on the river. You can only use the way of shooting arrows on the bank to obtain arrows for the Eastern Wu.

  Zhuge Liang's ingenuity and understanding of astronomy can be reflected in the matter of borrowing arrows from straw boats. Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang to build 100000 arrows in ten days. Zhou Yu thought it was difficult for Zhuge Liang, but unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang said that he could build 100000 arrows in three days, and he also had to sign a military order. We can't just say that there are many outstanding points. Where are they reflected? We need to compare. Compare Lu Su with Zhuge Liang: Lu Su was in a panic on the boat, and Zhuge Liang laughed and drank, saying something that Lu Su could not even think of: "We only drink, and the fog dispersed, and then go back to the south bank." Lu Su is a normal person, unlike Zhuge Liang, who is usually cautious in his work, but this time he is so careless, it must be something extraordinary, and not a little more.

  Zhuge Liang was also broad-minded. He went to borrow arrows from a straw boat, and unexpectedly took Lu Su with him, fearing that Lu Su would rob him of his own combat achievements. Unlike Zhou Yu, who is narrow-minded and cannot tolerate talented people around him, this chapter can be reflected.

  Zhou Yu didn't know Zhuge Liang's magic tricks yet. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill Zhuge Liang. But Zhou Yu did not know that Zhuge Liang had calculated that there would be a fog in three days, and Zhou Yu did not know that Zhuge Liang would use the fog to borrow more than 100000 arrows. Zhou Yu was narrow-minded. From Zhou Yu's words, we can see: "There is no joke in the army! Please make a military order!" Zhou Yu must think: Zhuge Liang cannot make a hundred thousand arrows in three days. I asked Lu Su not to give him materials. He must be beheaded! This time, Zhuge Liang is dead! Let him know that I, Zhou Yu, also have the ability of magic tricks!

  Cao Chuan borrows an arrow to vividly describe Zhuge Liang's ingenious calculation and understanding of astronomy and geography. Lu Su's spirit of seriousness, prudence and conservatism kept Zhuge Liang's question of borrowing from him secret. Zhou Yu is cautious and narrow-minded.

3.草船借箭英语读后感 篇三

  Sitting in the bright classroom, I looked at a bunch of pink flowers outside the window, listened to the noise of the students, and my heart echoed with Zhuge Liang's confidence and ingenuity when he "borrowed an arrow from a straw boat", and my admiration arose spontaneously.

  "Straw Boat Borrows an Arrow" is a small story in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Zhuge Liang is one of the main characters in this novel. He is good at writing and painting all his life, and his mind is even more intelligent. "Borrowing an arrow from a straw boat" can succeed because he knows astronomy, geography and human heart? The teacher once said, "Don't be proud at any time. When you are more excellent, you should think about so many people who are better than you. Aren't they still struggling?" Yes, time has not stopped, life is still going on. We should do unlimited things in limited time. Isn't Zhuge Liang such a person?

  In the face of such a broad-minded Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu was too narrow-minded. He used the task of "making 100000 arrows in ten days" to embarrass Zhuge Liang, and was finally defeated by Zhuge Liang. But he has both wisdom and courage, and has a flexible mind. That's why he became the governor. He is Zhou Yu. In the sigh of He Shengliang, I once again feel sorry for Zhou Yu's narrow-mindedness!

  In fact, it is absolutely impossible to be jealous of others. Jealousy is like a devil. If we are not careful, it will jump out of our heart and damage our mental health. We should put an end to jealousy, learn from others' strengths with an open mind, and face up to our own weaknesses! If Zhou Yu can be the same as Zhuge Liang, the story must have unexpected results!

  After learning this article, I didn't think that if I didn't do well in the exam, I would be jealous of the students who scored higher than me. Looking back, I'm really ashamed. I think we should be modest, studious, calm and open-minded like Zhuge Liang, rather than jealous and narrow-minded like Zhou Yu. Only when we overcome jealousy can we stand high and look far, and only when we overcome jealousy can we become a person of noble character!

4.草船借箭英语读后感 篇四

  Today, with a clear sky, I walked into school with a brisk pace, like stepping on a feather. On the other side, the mountains are rolling and rolling. That is why we learned "Borrow an arrow from a straw boat".

  Zhou Yu is jealous of Zhuge Liang. Zhou Yu is a narrow-minded person. Zhuge Liang is clever. These questions reverberate in my mind. They disturb my thoughts and cause me to think.

  No, Zhou Yu was also jealous of Zhuge Liang and deliberately framed Zhuge Liang. He made 100000 arrows in ten days. This was obviously difficult for Zhuge Liang, but Zhuge Liang also dared to make a military order. Zhuge Liang is really courageous and knowledgeable. This matter alone makes me admire deeply. Then you won't sigh.

  As the saying goes, Zhuge Liang borrows an arrow from a hasty boat and has a clever plan. I have to believe it. According to the article, Zhuge Liang doesn't need to make arrows. If he can't make arrows, he has to use other methods. You are really right. His method is really surprising. He covered 20 boats with grass handles and green wood curtains, and then waited for him to dispatch. What happened to him the first day and the next? But at the fourth watch of the third day, Zhuge Liang set out unexpectedly. He guided the boat and approached the Cao Jun water village step by step to receive the arrow. You may have understood the word "receiving the arrow". But it happened that Cao Cao was deceived. More than 10000 archers shot arrows into the river together. The arrows were like rain, and both sides were full of arrows. Finally, they retreated safely here, perhaps. After reading this, you may have been impressed by it.

  After reading, I think that Zhuge Liang is so smart. We should also use more brains in our daily life, so that we can get better grades?

5.草船借箭英语读后感 篇五

  "Straw Boats Borrow Arrows" is the forty-sixth chapter of the four famous works "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The article mainly tells that Zhou Yu was jealous of Zhuge Liang's talent and asked him to build 100000 arrows in ten days, trying to use it to embarrass Zhuge Liang. However, Zhuge Liang handed in the arrows as scheduled in only three days, and Zhou Yu sighed that he was inferior.

  After reading this article, I know that we cannot be jealous of our excellent people, let alone harm others because of jealousy. When we find ourselves inferior to others, we should cheer ourselves up and try to learn from others' strengths, so that we can succeed.

  Just like me, last semester, I didn't pass the unit exam by 90%, and I didn't do as well as a good friend of mine every time. Although my grades are not as good as hers in every exam, I am not jealous of her, and I also take the initiative to ask her for her learning methods. In the early stage of the final exam, I made up my mind to do well, so I read and remembered the key contents of the Chinese books and Chinese teaching aids in the way my good friend told me. At the end of the day, I got 92 points in the final exam.

  British philosopher Bacon said: "Jealousy is a pest of honor. The way to eliminate jealousy is to show that your goal is to seek meritorious service rather than fame, and to attribute your success to God's blessing and luck rather than to your own talent or power." I believe that jealousy is a pest in life, which will hinder our progress. If you want to eliminate jealousy, you should learn modestly and make yourself better. Therefore, we can't be jealous of others like Zhou Yu. We should be down-to-earth and strive to do our own things well and strive for our own success.
