

时间:2023-09-23 09:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


csair ◆顾客至上(Customers) 顾客无处不在,无时不在,各有所需。 Customers are everywhere … each with his/her special travel needs. 我们以顾客为导向,致力于提供安全、便捷的满意服务,创造感动服务,赢得顾客信赖。 As a customer-oriented company, we have firmly dedicated ourselves to providing substantial travel services - with the highest level of safety - in order to win the confidence of our customers. 使公司为全球顾客乐于选择。 We want to be the airline of choice for customers around the world. ◆尊重人才(Staff) 每个员工各有所长,皆能成才,均可优秀。 Every member of our company staff comes to us with varied talents. 我们以人才为根本,渴求并广聚有激情、有责任、有能力、有业绩的全球贤才,使人尽其才,人才辈出。 As a talent-based company, we aspire to attract passionate,responsible, competent professional and make best use of their knowledge and skills. 实现员工与公司共同发展。 We want to achieve common development with our employees. ◆追求卓越(Advantage) 得潮流之先,领行业之先,赢发展之先。 We are a company advanced in technology and lead our industry and we want to be in the forefront in product development. 我们以卓越为标准,广泛运用先进的理念、制度、技术、工具和方法,发挥国际化规模网络型航空公司的优势。 We are self-disciplined by following stringent international standards, coupled with advanced ideas, systems, technologies, tools and methodologies … all merged to create a major international network-oriented airline. 使公司在业内可持续发展优势。 We want to be an airline of quality, growth and continuous development. ◆持续创新(Innovation) 创新是生存之道,发展之魂。顾客是创新之源,员工是创新之本。 Innovation is the core of development; our customers (and our staff) are the source of innovation. 我们以创新为动力,鼓励创新思维,尊重创新行为,共享创新成果,持续创新改革。 As an innovation-driven company, we encourage “radical” out of the box thinking while respecting innovative initiatives and share achievements while we continue to enact innovative reforms. 以创新能力和改革精神立足业内。 We want to be the world’s leading airline that has the most innovation and spirit of reform in the industry. ◆爱心回报(Return) 服务源于爱心,回报出自责任。 It is critically important that we return and give back to society and our nation. 我们以回报为己任,诚实守信,坚持履行经济、法律、伦理、环保和公益责任,感恩社会、服务社会、回馈社会、奉献社会。 We look at giving back to our nation as our duty and insist on meeting our economic, legal, ethical, environmental and public responsibilities. 做有高度责任感、和谐稳健发展的公司。 We want to achieve a stable and growing development with high sense of responsibility. 二、愿景和使命 成为顾客首选、员工喜爱的航空公司。

