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1. 老师要求严格



  Test 18 no 9

  M: Erh-erh… Looks like I'm going to be a little late for class. I hope Pro. Clark doesn't start on time today。

  W: Are you kidding? You can set your watch by the time he starts his class。

  Q: What can be inferred about Pro. Clark?

  A) He wants his students to be on time for class。

  B) He doesn't allow his students to tell jokes in class。

  C) He is always punctual for his class。

  D) He rarely notices which students are late。


  2. 作业又难又做不完

  毫不夸张的说,作业是每一个学生的噩梦所在,不论对于中国学生还是国外学生,因此听力小对话中往往出现大量学生对于作业的抱怨,而无一例外的总是抱怨作业多,做不完;作业难,不会做;做作业的时候问题很多,有时候需要两人达成一致等。需要了解的是作业包括各种各样的assignment 和 homework 以及reading list。


  Test 20 no 8

  M: Mr. Smith, our history professor, announced we would be doing two papers and three exams this semester. I wonder how I'm going to pull through when two other courses have similar requirements。

  W: Well, can't you drop one course and pick it up next semester?

  Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

  A) Do the assignments towards the end of the semester。

  B) Quit the history course and choose another one instead。

  C) Drop one course and do it next semester。

  D) Take courses with a lighter workload。

  解析:典型的作业繁重规律,对话中男生抱怨道我们的历史老师Smith宣称这个学期我们要搞定两份论文三次考试。可是别的课程也有类似的要求,我都不知道我该怎么去应付了。女生建议道那你为什么不退一门课呢?下学期再选也不迟啊。因此答案选《C》。除了在此需要把握pick up的第五种意思:学习之外,还有两个考点,分别为短语pull through 以及小词drop,对它们的解析请参考相应词条。同时,此题也暗含有女生责怪男生不应该选课太多的语气。可根据规律迅速作出。




  Test 10 no 3

  W: How did you do on the maths exam, John?

  M: I barely made it. It was just a passing score but better than I had expected。

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  A) John didn't pass, although he had tried his best。

  B) John did better than he thought he was able to。

  C) John got an excellent score, which was unexpected。

  D) John was disappointed at his maths score。

  解析:这是一个典型的考试总是很难场景,在对话中女生说:你数学考试怎么样?男生回答:做的很差,刚及格但是比我预想的好。因此答案选,值得一提的是I barely made it表示我勉强通过的意思。

