
时间:2021-08-23 09:34:36 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】《朝花夕拾》反映了当时社会的种.种恶习,用杜甫的一句话说:“朱门酒肉臭,路由冻死骨”。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Accidentally received a text message from a friend, only to find that there has been no contact for a long time. The sudden concern makes people feel warm. Unconsciously think of junior high school life, inseparable from each other, ordinary and lengthy, but still very clear, even every detail.

  I read Lu Xun's morning flowers and sunset very early, which describes many of his childhood life and early experience. When I read a paragraph in fan Ainong: "from then on, I always thought fan Ainong was strange and hateful... The next day, Ainong came to the city wearing the felt hat commonly used by farmers, and I never saw that smile." Lu Xun, who was full of ambition in the book, was like me. At that tangled age, he loved and hated fan Ainong, Just as we quarreled with our good friend about a sugar that year, and then hugged her deeply in the comfort of our good friend.

  "The sandflies are singing here, the crickets are playing the piano here..." when these words come into sight, I seem to have returned to my carefree childhood. Maybe it was like this when I was a child. I have a wild imagination, so no matter what will touch our sweet smile. Maybe everyone is remembering the time that can't go back. Even if once unhappy, it will be plated with a layer of light gold because of the passage of time, as if the current life can never compare with the past years.

  Everyone has a different past. As Huang Lei said, "one afternoon, you saw an old man, very old, sitting on a street corner in the sun. How can you know what he has experienced, how can you know his life." "morning flowers and sunset" may be written not only by Lu Xun for readers, but also for himself. Reading and reading, I think it not only guides us to understand Lu Xun, but also makes us aftertaste ourselves.

  Therefore, it should not be the age of picking up flowers day and night, but there are many memorable fragments.

  However, some people always say that people can't live in the past and in memories. I also know that people should live in the present, in the present and in their own sunshine. Therefore, after "morning and evening", all you can do is grasp the current time!


  It is often said that books are the ladder of human progress. It is Mr. Lu Xun's "morning flowers and evening flowers" to recall the beautiful and interesting events of warm childhood and the so-called rational criticism of parents regardless of children's psychology.

  I came with a book in my hand. He sat with me at the table in the middle of the hall and taught me to read sentence by sentence. I was worried and read two sentences a line, about twenty or thirty lines. He said, "read it for me. If you can't recite it, don't go to the meeting." after he said that, he stood up and went into the room. I seem to have poured a basin of cold water on my head. But what can be done? It's natural to read, read, and remember -- and memorize it.

  Such a small clip can show the author Lu Xun's desire to see the meeting and his father's obstacles to him again and again, and also express the author Lu Xun's doubts about his father's endorsement at this time. Mr. Lu Xun recalled the past in simple language, and made a rational criticism on parents and teachers, explaining that the way teachers and parents let their children read may be contrary to the child's natural development - reading, reading and memorizing - and should be memorized. At the same time, it also expresses the author's boredom and helplessness of dead reading.

  Warm memories, let us feel the same. I admire Mr. Lu Xun's brave criticism of the society at that time. He read, read and memorized books. "Guangdong from Pangu" is "Guangdong from Pangu".

  "Morning and evening", expresses Mr. Lu Xun's unreasonable courage to criticize feudal thoughts and customs!

  "Morning and evening" gave me a deep feeling!


  In the happy, happy and winter vacation, I read the book morning and evening.

  Every article in "morning flowers and sunset" describes the different stages of Mr. Lu Xun's life from childhood to his study in youth, recalls those unforgettable people and things, and expresses Mr. Lu Xun's nostalgia for his relatives, friends and teachers in the past.

  From Mr. Lu Xun's "morning and evening flowers, from herbal garden to Sanwei bookstore", I seem to feel that fascinating natural paintings appear in front of me. Reading Mr. Lu Xun's prose full of childhood memories, we can feel the childlike innocence of loving nature and yearning for freedom from the bottom of Mr. Lu Xun's heart. In Sanwei bookstore, there are Mr. Shou's strict teachings and the childishness in the hearts of the students. When Mr. Shou was absorbed in reading, he didn't know that the students were doing all kinds of things. Among them, Mr. Lu Xun was concentrating on painting

  I think young Lu Xun, like ordinary children, is full of happy songs and laughter, full of birds and flowers, but his childhood has gradually gone away, leaving only memories with endless aftertaste. Therefore, we should keep our childhood, leave it in the bottom of our heart, and become our trivial memories.

  In our childhood, there are many things that are still fresh in our memory: when I was in the fifth grade, I often went to the grass on the riverbank after finishing my homework on Saturday and Sunday. In spring, I made willow hats with wickers; In summer, lie on the lawn and bathe in the sun; In autumn, play hide and seek with friends on the lawn; In winter, we have snowball fights together... That piece of grass on the ground is the most unforgettable and memorable place for me.

  Let's read "morning and evening", experience our childhood dreams in different times, love nature and yearn for freedom with Lu Xun!

