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【#英语资源# 导语】在我美好的童年记忆里,有许多教过我的老师,每个老师都是一本书,教会我如何去成长。以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Mr. Chen, from the "young ignorance" in the first grade to the "small adults" in the sixth grade, you accompanied us through the journey. You don't know how much effort and sweat you have paid for us, but you have no regrets. You have always been a good teacher in my mind.

  From time to time in her class, there will be happy laughter from her classmates, and from time to time in her class, some students will rush to the platform to discuss with her impulsively. She is humorous and generous. Every day when she is with us, she looks like an old friend who has been separated for a long time.

  Teacher! We are a group of flowers for the future of our motherland, and you are the sunshine and rain that feed us. When a small seed grows up, it will never forget the sunshine, rain and dew that once cared about it, and the warmth when it was most in need of help. Your labor will have great harvest; Your love will make us unforgettable; Your every bit will let us know your tiredness.

  You refer to the signboard, which guides us out of the road of life choice. You are a bright lamp, lighting up our hearts. You are the gardener, raising our 50 flowers


  Teacher, what a sacred word!

  There is a kind light in his big eyes. Do you want to know who he is? He is our head teacher, Miss Chen.

  Mr. Chen works very hard. If you make a mistake in your homework book, you will not escape her "hot eyes". Even a punctuation mark could not escape her "magic eye". If you write wrong, she will ask you to write a hundred times. In addition, Mr. Chen is very strict with the typeface. If you can't write well, she will tear it up and let you rewrite it to correct our scribbling.

  Mr. Chen's way of teaching is also very characteristic. The class we had was "Visiting Friends in the Mountains". The teacher asked us to read aloud all the time. As a result, our voice became less and less, which made us uncomfortable. Later, after the teacher's teaching, our voice sounded much better! Finally, we were praised by the teacher!

  Mr. Chen's eyes can speak. Once, when I didn't pay attention in class, she stared at me as if to say, "Ye Boyang, listen carefully in class and take your mind back, or your grades will drop!" I read it and sat down and listened to the teacher carefully. Under the care of the teacher's eyes, I achieved excellent results in the final exam, which also depends on the teacher's reminder.

  This is our good teacher, who educates our teacher Chen just like a gardener raises flowers and plants.


  She has a kind face; She is burning her life for the future of the country. I listened to her inculcation, she is all my teachers serious sin simple; She will talk with you privately because of your face. When you are good, she will praise you. When you are bad, she will criticize you. She is Miss Han, the head teacher of my junior high school.

  Mr. Han has been very successful in both human behavior and teaching. Many of his fellow teachers have praised her before us many times. I still remember that the then senior leader once said, "It's your blessing that she is your head teacher." Some time before our graduation, the teacher made a cake for us to eat. Although each of us only had a small piece, it always gave me endless aftertaste. Miss Han was very serious in class, but amiable after class. She talked with us and cared about our lives. We never told lies in front of her, but only asked for truth. She has many friends all over the world. Sometimes we can see seniors and sisters who have already graduated come to visit Mr. Han and thank him for his kindness.

  She often talks with us and listens to our hearts. When we tell him our troubles, she will not be impatient but listen carefully.

  I still remember that a few weeks before the high school entrance examination, we had no time to go home because we had to take the physical education exam. The boarder could not eat in the canteen. That morning, the teacher gave us a lot of bread to eat. At that time, he was only moved.

  My teacher, I have never forgotten your care and love for me. I have been separated for a long time. However, I often think about when I can go back to see you, and try to bring you good news when I go back.


  From childhood to adulthood, I have met many teachers, who have their own characteristics, some are gentle, some are serious, some are humorous... However, my favorite is our teacher Zhou, who has been accompanying us and caring for our growth from the first grade of primary school to now.

  Mr. Zhou is in his thirties. He is not tall or short. He has a pair of black gem like eyes embedded under his crescent like eyebrows.

  Teacher Zhou cares about us very much. I remember one time when I was in a PE class, my stomach suddenly hurt. The PE teacher saw that I was in great pain and said to me, "Can you stand it? No, go to the classroom to have a rest first!" I covered my stomach and went to the classroom. I was lying on the table, and beads of sweat were dripping on the table. "Deng Deng Deng" The familiar sound of high-heeled shoes came from far to near. I looked up and saw, oh! It was Miss Zhou! Teacher Zhou kindly said to me, "What's wrong, Sun Hanxi?" I said to the teacher, "I have a stomachache." The teacher said kindly, "Please pour you a cup of hot water!" I nodded. The teacher gave me a cup of hot water to drink, and immediately felt that my stomach was hot. The teacher bent down and rubbed my stomach with warm hands, and gradually I felt more comfortable. I smiled and said to the teacher, "Thank you, I am much better now!" The teacher smiled and said, "Then take a rest for a while. I'll go to work first."

  Teacher Zhou not only cares about us in life, but also is very strict with us in study. Any student whose dictation is wrong will teach us again and again until she can write.

  The flowers repay the gardener with their charming fragrance, and the grass repay the spring rain with its thick green. I will repay the teacher with my different achievements!


  Mr. Yuan is a math teacher who has taught me for two years. In my memory, her characteristic is slight obesity; A double chin has a pair of big mouth, teeth are also slightly yellow, yellow curly hair. He looks thirty or forty years old.

  Teacher Yuan is very concerned about his classmates. If anyone in the class does not come to class, the teacher promises to call him to find out the situation.

  I still remember when I was a freshman, it was a chilly afternoon, and the ground was covered with a snow-white carpet. I was walking on my way home alone. Because I was burning, I stepped on a classmate's foot. He immediately became angry and refused to listen to my explanation. He threw the white snow on the ground at me. When Mr. Yuan saw it, he ran to me and helped me up gently, criticized the student again, and then leaned down to wipe the snow off my face with a paper towel. I accidentally sneezed because I was cold. Although the sound was very low, the teacher heard me. So, Mr. Yuan took me home, took a dry towel to help me wipe the snow off my back, and wiped my face with warm water. After a while, the teacher touched my forehead and found it was a little hot. So, the teacher asked me to lie down in bed for a while, and soon the teacher brought me the fever medicine to drink. After drinking, he touched my head and asked, "How is it? Is it still cold?" I shook my head. Teacher Yuan was relieved to see that I was all right. Then, the teacher called my father and told him about my stay here. He asked him to take me home. When I left, the teacher didn't forget to tell me: "Remember to take medicine on time."

  Mr. Yuan, your kindness to me is like the glory of the sun, and I am the grass that bathes in that glory and thrives.


  Our head teacher, Mr. Dong, is an experienced teacher. She is not tall or short, and has a kind face. She always smiles. Under the thick eyebrows, there are a pair of bright eyes, showing a gentle look.

  She is plain, gentle, kind-hearted and amiable to others. Everyone is willing to approach her because of her easy-going character. Every morning during morning exercises, whenever Mr. Dong has time, he will go down to the playground to join us. When she and her classmates jump rope and exercise, I really can't tell which is my teacher and which is my classmate! Mr. Dong also likes this saying: "Play and play, learn and learn must play and learn." I don't know which celebrity said this, but it's quite reasonable. Teacher Dong, we also followed this rule! I still remember that Liu Wenduo, the little prince of football in our class, had just played a game. After winning the championship, he shared his experience and feelings about the game with Mr. Dong. Mr. Dong was very happy. In the second class, Liu Wenduo was severely educated by Mr. Dong because he didn't finish his homework. His attitude in this class is very different! Liu Wenduo fell over when he braked hard!

  Speaking of approachability, that was the trip to Baiyun Mountain. That summer vacation, Miss Dong took us to Baiyun Mountain to play. She laughed and laughed all the way and was serious with the class. She really had a 360 degree change! On the way, some students finished drinking water. Teacher Dong bought a bottle of sports drink for everyone! I am very grateful to drink a cold drink!

  What is a teacher? Yes, the engineers of human souls have nurtured one young plant after another and trained a number of talents.

  In a twinkling of an eye, it's been six years! Recalling the past is just like yesterday, I still remember it for six years! A thousand words come together into one sentence: "Mr. Dong, you have worked hard! “


  "It is not noble to be superior to others. The real nobility is to be superior to yourself in the past." This is a famous saying of Mr. Guo.

  Mr. Guo, with thick eyebrows, high bridge of nose and nostrils slightly lifted up, looks like a cicada hanging upside down on a wicker. His hair on his brain bag is tied and mixed with several white hairs. When Mr. Guo had not taught our class, my English performance was always unstable, so my parents were worried. The sixth grade is coming. My parents always whisper in my ears. The sixth grade is a particularly important period and a turning point. You should try your best to improve your English! It makes my ears callous.

  When I got to the classroom, I thought the head teacher was still the gentle and amiable teacher, but I was disappointed to know that he was an old man who taught English. But after a period of time, I began to admire Mr. Guo's down-to-earth and conscientious attitude towards work, and I gradually liked English classes.

  Miss Guo is determined to improve our English scores. She has asked for many classes with other adjuncts, and even more so if we don't have classes. But we know that Mr. Guo is good for us, and he did not bother to learn English well for us.

  One thing, in retrospect, I was really excited and nervous. That day, the teacher asked us to recite English in order. Hearing this inspiring news, the classroom should have cheered, but unexpectedly, it was full of sad voices. The reason is that we have never been on the stage, let alone in front of the whole class. But Mr. Guo said that he would take the video with his mobile phone and send it to the parents so that they could listen to their children. My heart is really nervous like an arrow about to leave. However, this move was really effective. The whole class carried the books and recited them loudly, fearing losing face in front of their parents. Kung Fu pays off. We are all familiar with it. Teacher Guo's method not only improved our spoken English ability, but also increased our self-confidence. It's the best of both worlds. Kill two birds with one stone.

  This is my head teacher, Mr. Guo Shouliang.


  What I want to write is a Chinese teacher in my primary school. I was originally a student of Class 6 (3) of Zhang Zhenwu Primary School. Our Chinese teacher is also our head teacher. Her surname is Xiao, and her full name is Xiao Yan. We all call her Miss Xiao.

  Mr. Xiao is one of several sixth grade Chinese teachers who wrote. She is very strict with us and I respect her very much. But I have poor grades in our class. I only learned one subject, that is, Chinese.

  Although Miss Xiao usually has no smile on her face, she is very happy to see us grow up day by day. I'm glad that we are sensible and can be human. Although we don't say it, we can see it. Mr. Xiao has taught me for five years in primary school. He began to teach us in the second grade. In the past five years, I have learned the truth and basic principles of being a man from Mr. Xiao.

  There is one thing that I still can't forget, and it remains deeply in my mind.

  Once, I forgot to make a Chinese exercise book, and the students did it, but I was the only one who didn't do it. I thought that the teacher would disturb me, but to my surprise, the teacher did not disturb me, but said to me gently: "Don't affect our topic, we must do our homework in the future, and we can't forget it next time.". “

  I thought to myself that the teacher was not like this. As long as I forgot to do my homework, I would get a board. If I did wrong, I would get a board too. Now, yes, the teacher has forgiven you for not beating you. Now, if you make mistakes, the teacher will explain them step by step, which is really incredible.

  Mr. Xiao was my best teacher in primary school, just like a best friend. I think Miss Xiao teaches better than any other teacher. In my mind, she is a fairy and can't wait to have her class because her class is humorous.

  She is just like a tolerant and kind old man. I will always love you, respected teacher Xiao.


  The teacher is a gardener. They have nurtured one young seedling after another and cultivated a batch of talents. Under their careful care, we grew up healthy and lively. Among so many teachers, the one who impressed me most was Mr. Wang, the Chinese teacher who taught us for nearly two years.

  Teacher Wang's oval face was inlaid with a pair of small and not small eyes; With dark hair and a small mouth, it is this small mouth that gives us knowledge and happiness.

  In the classroom, the teacher will use his mouth to explain the text vividly, so that you can be intoxicated and immerse yourself in the scene, and you will be immersed in your body and mind, without taking into account other things unrelated to learning. In this way, you will get unexpected results in the exam.

  I remember one time, several students in the class did not do very well in the exam. They were very unhappy. The teacher saw this and went forward to the student and said, "It's OK. Failure is the mother of success. I believe you will get excellent results in the next test. Come on. After listening to the teacher's words, the students were full of confidence. Indeed, they got satisfactory results in this test.

  When encountering a difficult problem, Mr. Xie always goes with us to discuss and study. He never assumes an arrogant attitude because of his knowledge. This just benefits us a lot in the discussion. Therefore, someone once quipped that "Mr. Xie's white hair must have been carefully exchanged.

  Teacher Xie's guidance is like a spring breeze, which has laid a good foundation for me. I will go all out to be a useful person in the society in the future. In addition to repaying my parents, I also thank you for your careful cultivation.


  The teacher is a diligent gardener who cultivates the flowers of the motherland every day and expects us to grow rapidly. In his eyes, we are the growing shoots, feeling the sunshine.

  Our teacher Lin is the head teacher of our class. She is as beautiful as Cinderella. She has a beautiful body, slim figure, long black hair and medium height. Many teachers envy her! Our teacher is very kind to us in private! I'm the monitor of our class. Sometimes when I don't behave well, the teacher will call me to the office. At that time, I was afraid: would the teacher severely criticize me? Who knows, I have arrived at her office. She patiently reasoned with me, held my hand and gave me a chocolate! I couldn't help laughing.

  Mr. Lin is also very strict. Once I got 99 points in the exam. I accidentally missed a question and deducted one point. The teacher said to me fiercely, "Do you know?"; Why are you so careless? The wrong question is still wrong. "When I heard that I wanted to cry without tears, I felt very aggrieved. Of course, this also taught me a lesson. I should thank the teacher!

  The teacher spent more than 100 yuan to buy us a big meal at the sports meeting. There were five people at that time. How generous the teacher is! I wish teachers all over the world!

  Teacher, you are a beautiful cultivator and planter. You are busy blooming flowers and ripening fruits. Ah! Teacher, I love you!
