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【#小学英语# 导语】芬芳袭人花枝俏,喜气盈门捷报到。心花怒放看通知,梦想实现今日事,喜笑颜开忆往昔,勤学苦读最美丽。在学习中学会复习,在运用中培养能力,在总结中不断提高。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《六年级英语期中考试卷【三篇】》 供您查阅。


( ) 1. A. new B. now C. know
( ) 2. A. happy B. hard C. party
( ) 3. A. windy B. sunny C. rainy
( ) 4. A. look at B. point at C. listen
( ) 5. A. in the park B. in the street C. on the farm
( ) 6. A. English B. Art C.PE
( ) 7. A. tree B. me C. sea
( ) 8. A. mother B. sister C. teacher
( ) 9. A. pointed B. laughed C. liked
( )10. A. jeans B. clothes C. trousers
( ) 1. A. Yes, Miss Li. B. Please listen to me. C. Yes, We can
( ) 2. A. It’s Friday B. It’s the fourth of the June
C. It’s Father’s Day
( ) 3. A. Yes, I could B. No, I can’t C. No, I didn’t
( ) 4. A. It’s in the basket. B. They were over there
C. They are under the tablew W w .X k b 1.c O m
( ) 5. A. They are talking B. They watched TV
C. They have an English lesson.
1.--Who’s the _________one to make a sentence?
--It’s my __________.
2.--Where did you go for the __________ Day___________?
--I went to the Great Wall .It was great fun.
3.—How was the weather___________?
--It was ____________ and _____________.We flew kites in the playground.
4.—Are you cooking meat?
--No, I’m not. I’m cooking__________.
5.--Were there any mobile phones twenty years_________?
--No, there ___________.
1. 二十年以前______________ 2.读报纸________________
3.在办公室___________________ 4.观看新闻_______________
5.昨天早晨___________________ 6.all over the world__________________
7.look out of the window_________8.then and now______________________
9.make a sentence with__________10. call people anywhere________________
二、判断下列划线部分读音 是否相同,相同的用“√”表示不相同用“×”表示。(每空2分,共10分)
1. mother sister ( ) 2.day holiday( )
3. tree sea( ) 4. catch call ( )
5.wear year( )
1.It rained all day____________12th April.
A. at B. in C. on
2.He wanted _____________ you the fish.
A. gives B. to give C. gave
3. Where did Miss Li go _______ the holiday?
A. for B. with C. to
4.The apples ____________ the tree turned red.
A. on B. in C. at
5. ______ shout in the classroom.
A. Doesn’t B. Don’t C. Didn’t
6.My father is ____________ holiday.
A. in B. at C. on
7. Can you make a sentence _________ “eat”?
A. on B. with C. to
8. --What day __________ today?
A. was B. were C. is
9. Don’t _________, Tim .Helen is doing her homework.
A. shouted B. shout C. shouting
10. The kite flew too high and we couldn’t _______ it.
A. get on B. put on C. hold onto
1. It often _________ (rain) here in spring , but it _________(not rain) last week.
2. Look out ! The bus __________(come).
3. There __________ (be) a food festival at school yesterday.
The children _______(be) excited. They ___________ (eat) a lot.
4. Miss Li _________(teach) us English. We all like her very much.
5. Jim often asks his mother ________(read) stories for him.
6.—Did you __________(call) me yesterday?
--Yes, but you weren’t at home.
7.—What did you do on the farm?
--I_________(play) with the ducks. It was great fun.
1. Yesterday, there _________ (is/was) a fashion show at school.______ (What/How)
great fun!
2. Jenny is _________(show/showing) her new mobile phone to me.
3. --_________ (Who’s/Whose) kite is it?
--It’s my __________(cousin/cousin’s).
4. In the morning, there ________(was/were)some black _______(clouds/cloudy)in the sky.
5. --Where __________(do/did) you go last weekend?
--I_______ (go/went) to the Shanghai Museum. I ___________ (see/saw) many interesting things.
六、阅读短文,判断正误。 (每题2分,共10分)
Last Sunday was a funny day. Liu Tao came to my home in the morning. We studied English together. We read some funny English stories. At about ten o’clock, we went to Chennan Park on foot. And we fished there. It was very interesting. We cooked lunch at about 12 o’clock and it was very nice. Then we cleaned the kitchen. We watched TV after lunch. At about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, we played pingpong.
( )1. Mike watched TV ________________.
A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening ( )2. Mike and Liu Tao went fishing __________.
A. at home B. in Chennan Park C. at school ( )3. They went to the park _____________.
A. on foot B. by bus C. by bike ( )4. When did they play table tennis?
A. at about 4 o’clock in the morning B at noon
C .at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon ( )5. Who cooked lunch? ____________.
A. Mike. B. Mike and Liu Tao. C. Mike’s mother.
1.now 2. party 3.windy 4.listen 5.in the park
6.Art 7.sea 8.mother 9. liked 10.jeans
1.Please listen to me?2.What day is today?
3.Can you see the bird in the tree?4.Where are the balls?
5.What are they doing?
1.--Who’s the next one to make a sentence?
--It’s my turn.
2.--Where did you go for the National Day holiday?
--I went to the Great Wall.It was great fun.
3.—How was the weather yesterday?
--It was cloudy and windy.We flew kites in the playground.
4.—Are you cooking meat?
--No,I’m not.I’m cooking fish.
5.--Were there any mobile phones twenty years ago --No,there weren’t.
1—5 BCACA 6—10 BCAAC
1.next, turn 2. National, holiday.3. yesterday, cloudy, windy
4. fish 5.ago, weren’t
1.twenty years ago 2.read newspapers
3.in the office 4.watch news
5.yesterday morning 6. 全世界
7.向窗外望 8. 过去和现在
9. 用……造句 10.随处给人打电话
二、判断下列划线部分读音 是否相同,相同的用“√”表示不相同用“×”表示。(每空1分,共10分)
1—5 √√√××三、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1--5 CBAAB6—10 CBCBC
1.rains didn’t rain 2. comes 3.was were ate 4.teaches 5.to read
6.call 7.played 五.选词填空。(每题1分,共10分)
1.was what 2.showing 3.whose cousin’s 4. were 5.clouds 5.did went saw


I 听力部分(共30分)
A 听录音,找出你所听到的内容(听两遍)(10分)
1. A. back B. bank C. black
2. A. panda B. plane C. pencil
3. A. want B. water C. wait
4. A. ticket B. jacket C. T - shirt
5. A. orange B. fridge C. village
6. A. please B. pleasure C. picture
7. A. eighty-five apples B. eighty-five people
C. eight pineapples
8. A. look at the dress B. look at this dress
C. look at his dress
9. A. I can see a stamp on the map.
B. I can put the grape on my foot.
C. I can put the cup on my head.
10. A. Would you see it for me, please?
B. Would you speak to me, please?
C. Would you show it to me, please?
B 根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的应答(听两遍)(5分)
1. A. He's twenty-nine. B. He's a policeman.
C. He's from Japan.
2. A. Theirs, I think. B. Here you are.
C. I have some.
3. A. It's Tom's. B. They're red and blue.
C. Beside the sofa.
4. A. No, thanks. B. It's my pleasure.
C. That's all right.
5. A. Me too. B. Sure. C. Not bad.
C 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的答案(听两遍)(5分)
1.A. It's green. B. It's purple. C. It's dark.
2.A. Class 2, Grade 4. B. Class 5, Grade 2.
C. Class 2, Grade5.
3.A. She's Nancy's sister. B. The girl in the car.
C. The girl in a blue dress.
4.A. He's in Wang Ying's home. B. He's in the cinema.
C. He's in the playground.
5.A. It's 3312869. B. It's 3312896. C. It's 3312986.
D 根据你所听到的短文,填入所缺的单词(听三遍)(10分)
The boy ______ the tree is my friend. His name in Tom. Alice is his _______ .They are_______ England. They _______ speak Chinese, _____ I can help them. They live in a white house near the river. _______ are some trees and _______ beside it. It's very nice. At home, they _______ a computer. They can play _______ on it. _______ E-mail address is home@163.com
Dd ______________________________________________ Uu
把下面的句子,正确规范地写在四线格内 (4分)
are you in class three grade five yes i am
二、找出与所给例词划线部分读音相同的单词 (6分)
1. eraser A. bad B. age C. panda
2. next A. tree B. cinema C. umbrella
3. like A. white B. lovely C. ticket
4. soon A. foot B. room C. bedroom
5. office A. present B. blouse C. house
6. mouth A. brother B. three C. clot
三、选择正确答案 (20分)
1. --- Where is Mrs King? --- She is _____ the bus stop.
A. in B. on C. up D. at
2. ---How much ____ the jackets?
A is B are C an D am
--- Let me _____. Seventy-four yuan.
A. are; see B. is; see C. are; have a look D. is; have a look
3. ---It's cold(冷)now. _____ I _____ my coat?
--- Yes, please.
A.Am; put on B. Shall; put on
C. Am; take off D. Shall; take off
4. ---These footballs are Jack's. Give ____ to _____.
--- All right.
A. them; his B. they; his C. them, him D. their; him
5. ---Excuse me, is this _____ school?
--- No, _____ is next to the post office.
A.your; our B. yours; ours C. yours; our D. your;ours
6. ---Hi! _____ you Mr Read?
---No, I'm not. Look! The man in black ____ Mr Read.
A. Are; is B. Am; is C. Is; am D. Is; are
7.---Alice, can you see a photo ___ Mr Green ____ the wall?
--- Yes, I can.
A. on; of B. of; on C. in; of D. of; in
8. Pingping ____ a small bedroom, but his parents _____ a big one.
A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have D. has; has
9. Lucy and Lily are in _____ class, but in different ____.
A. same; row B. the same; rows
C. same; rows D. a same; rows
10. --- I want some grapes. --- OK. _____
A. Here it is B. Give you, please.
C. Here you are D. Have it, please
四、连词成句 ( 8分)
1.put, the, under, T-shirts, table, don't, the (.)
2. go, now, time, watch, it's, and, TV, to, ( . )
3. from, friends, your, are, where, fathers (? )
4. you, the, please, would, me, show, zoo, way, to, the (?)
( A )
6. What's thirty-three minus fifteen? A. Blue
7. What's the time now? B. It's eighteen.
8. Are you sure? C. It's eight.
9. What's your favourite colour? D. Yes.
10. Whose toy boats are these? E. They're Lin Tao's.
______ ______ two ______ and a telephone _____ the bed.
2、---我的裙子在哪里? --- 在门后吗?
--- Where are my ______ ? --- _____ they _____ the door?
3、---凯特,今天下午你能照顾双胞胎吗? ---能。
--- Kate, can you _____ _____ the twins this afternoon?
--- Yes, I can.
七、下面的对话,做后面的判断题,"Yes"表示同意,"No"表示不同意(10分)( M: Mum S: Sam )
It's Sunday. Sam and his mother are at home.
M: Sam. It's time for lunch. Come and clean your hands first.
S: OK. Mum. What's for lunch?
M: Can't you see? They are all on the table.
S: Oh, chicken, fish ( 鱼 ) and rice! I like them very much.
M: Thanks, and have some vegetables (蔬菜). Here you are.
S: Thank you, Mum. I know vegetables are good for health(健康).
M: You're right.
S: Mum, may I have some grapes after lunch?
M: Sure.
1. On Sunday Sam and his mother don't have lunch at home.
2. There are some cakes, eggs and vegetables on the table.
3. They don't like vegetables.
4. They think vegetables are good for health.
5. Sam would like to have some grapes after lunch.



一.. Read and choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个)(8分)
 (     )1.  A. post office  B. cinema  C. bookstore   D. together 
 (     )2.  A. ship       B. taxi     C. Train       D. foot
 (     )3.  A. morning     B. tonight    C. tomorrow     D. straight
 (     )4.  A. turn       B. slow    C. office       D. stop
 (     )5.   A. what       B. who      C. where         D. white
(     )6   A. usually     B. what      C. sometimes     D. Often
(     )7.  A see         B buy       C  comic        D.visit
(     )8、A mooncake    B postcard   C dictionary       D.word book
1.在今晚                            2.read a book                      
3.明信片                            4.take a trip                  
5.离…远                            6.turn left                 
7.漫画书             _____          8.science museum                    
9.慢下来              _____        10 traffic lights                    
read     collect     clean      watch     visit    take   ride   play 
__________stamps       __________TV           __________a trip
__________books       __________the  room      __________a  bike
四、 把问题和合适的答语对应起来。(5分)
1. (  ) How can I go to the nature park?  A. It’s next to the cinema.
2. (  ) Where is the post office?        B. I’m going to the science museum.
3. (  ) What are you going to do?       C. I’m going at 9 o’clock. 
4. (  ) When are you going?           D. I’m going to read a magazine.
5. (  ) Where are you going?          E. You can go there by 2 bus ..
五、连词成句并正确写在四线三格里(注意句首字母大写及标点符号。)(10 分) 
1.   are   What  going  tomorrow  you  to  do   (?) 
2.  can   go   How   to   hospital   the  I  (?)
3.  the    Where     library       is  (?) 
  4. go   I    by  usually  to     bike    school ( . ) 
5.going    are    When    you   (?)  
六、根据汉语完成句子。(每空一词)  (16分)
1. 我经常骑自行车去上学。  I __________go to school by________. 
2. —你怎样去学校? —我乘公交车。
 — ________do you_____ to________ ? —I go by_______ . 
3.—今天下午你要去哪里?   —我要去书店。    
—_______are you going this_______?   —I’m _______ ________ the bookstore. 
4.我要去买一本漫画书。  I’m going to ________a___________ ____________.   
5.科学博物馆在哪里?  _________ is the ___________  _____________?
 (   ) 1、- __________ can I get to the zoo ? 
         -On foot . 
A . How    B . When   C. Where
(   )2-  __________ are you going ?
          -This afternoon.
A. When   B. Which  C. Where
(   )3、-Can I help you ?
A. Yes ,I want to buy a book .   B . Here they are .   C. Thank you .
(   )4、-I am going to Beijing for my holiday .
          -  __________                
A. I’m sorry .    B. Have a good time !    C. Thank you .
(   )5、My brother is going to__________ my grandparents on Saturday morning.
A. visits     B. visit    C. visiting 
(   )6、My friends __________ swim tomorrow.
A. go to    B . are going to    C. are going 
(   )7、Usually I go to school by bus, __________ it’s fast .
A. because   B . but   C . and 
(   )8.I’m in Beijing now .I can go to London__________          .
A. by plane    B. by bike   C . on foot 
(   )9、__________ , where is the hospital ?
A. I’m sorry .  B . Thank you .  C . Excuse me 
(   )10、-Is there a park near here ?
           -  __________       
A. Yes , it is .  B . No ,there is .   C . Yes ,there is . 
A: _______________________________
B: I usually read books in Yucai Library
A: Oh, really!                    
B:It’s behind the People’s Park.
B:Yes. It’s only 5 minutes’ walk.                   
B: Sure, if you like. But you must remember the traffic rules.
A: Of course. _________________________________
B: That’s a good idea! ______________________________
A: At 3:00 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, OK?
B: OK. See you then.
1.My home is near the bank.(对划线部分提问)_____________________________
2.I go to the shop on foot.(对划线部分提问)  _______________________ 
3They are going to the Great Wall on Saturday.( 提问)______________________
4.I am going to take a trip this weekend.(否定句)_________________________
My name is Tim.Tomorrow is the weekend.We have no classes.My parents aren’t going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow.My mother is going to the supermarket .My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle .I’m going to play computer games with my cousin .Tomorrow evening we are going to have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema .I think we are giong to have a nice weekend.
(   ) 1. Tomorrow is Monday . 
   (   ) 2. My mather is going to the bookstroe .
   (   ) 3. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle .
   (   ) 4. I’m going to play computer games .
   (   ) 5. We are going to have a nice weekend.
    My name is Tim . Tomorrow is Sunday .I have no classes .My parents aren’t going to work ,but we are going to be very busy tomorrow .My mother is going to buy some food for next week .My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle .I’m going to play computer games with my sister .We are going to have a big dinner tomorrow evening .After that we are going to the cinema .I think we are going to have a nice weekend .
(   )1. What day is it tomorrow ?  
A. Sunday    B. Saturday   C. Weekend 
(   )2. What is Tim’s mother going to do ?
A. have class   B. buy some food for next week .  C. cook dinner 
(   )3. What id Tim’s father going to do ?
A. read books   B . write a letter  C. visit Tim’s aunt and uncle.
(   )4.When do they have a big dinner ?
A. tomorrow evening   B  next weekend   C. Sunday
(   )5.Where are they going after dinner ?
A. bookstore   B. cinema   C. museum


