attach v. 贴上,系上,缚上(attach… to … 把…贴/系在…上面)
attempt n. (常与at, on, to连用)努力, 尝试v. (常与to连用)企图, 尝试 (attempt to do sth./make an attempt to do sth. /试图做…);
attend v. 注意, 出席(at), 参加, 上(学, 教堂) ( attend school /上学; attend a lecture /听讲课; attend (at) a wedding /出席婚礼; be attended by/ 由...陪同; 由...照料);
attention n.注意, 关心, 关注, 注意力( pay attention to ../注意..);
attitude n.态度, 看法, 意见(attitude to/towards…/对…的态度, take [assumed] an attitude of 取…态度);
attract vt. 吸引(attract –appeal to), 诱惑(attract one’s attention/引起某人注意);
attractive adj. 有吸引力的(attractive – appealing ), 漂亮的(attractive – beautiful – pretty );
attribute vt. 把...归因于(to)..., n.属性, 特质, 标志(attribute ..to ../ 把...归因于);
audience n. 听众, 观众, 读者(a large audience/很多观众);
August n.八月(略作Aug);
aunt n. 伯母, 婶母, 舅母, 阿姨;
Australia n. 澳大利亚,澳洲:
author n. 作家, 著者(best author畅销书作者; joint author/合著者);