【#能力训练# 导语】世界总是千变万化的,而我们恰好能从一些小小的故事之中,去感悟这个世界上的某些道理。下面是®文档大全网分享的外国英语神话故事【三篇】。欢迎阅读参考!
Ares son of zeus and hera ,ares was appointed god of war.hewas terrible and majestic,and his march shook the world.of all the major gods at olympus,he was the most hateful ,loving struggle and war and ever thirsty for blood .on the other hand he signified courage and victory in battle ,and was devoutly worshipped by soldiers going to war.prayers were addressed to him before the war and spoils presented at his altar after it. he was the one god who ever had to submit to the power ofhis inferiors .at one time lack of tact and good udge ment led to his shame.he was fighting with two giants ,and finding himself no match for the two monstrous creatures,laid down hisarms and was imprisoned in chains. he was set free in the end by the artful hermes,but not before he had suffered all the humiliations。he was as thoughtless as he was unkind .a son of poseidon''s,attempting to kidnap his daughter,made the war-god unhappy,so that he killed the youth without he sitation.in retaliation,poseidon dragged him before a group of athenian judges for trial.the court was held on a hill outside athens.ares presented his case and was declared innocent . the hill was ever after called areopagus ,“the hill of ares”,and the judges receivedthe names of areopagitae.
Eros(Cupid ) eros was the god of love ,better known by hislatin name cupid.son of aphrodite by ares ,he took his place among the small gods of olympus.he was represented asa little naked boy ,with sparkling wings ,and he carried his bowand arrows wherever he wandered.shooting his thrilling arrows in evils ,he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction.the lovely ,naughty god had two kinds of arrows :the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it. besides ,he had a torch to light hearts with. though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god ,zeus himself included ,was safe from his evils.at one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and such burning love was awakened in him for the human maiden psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg zeus for justice. another famous story where eros played an important part was the argonautic expedition.medea ,daughter of king aeetes ,was wounded by eros'' arrows,took jason''s part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero''s wife.
Prometheus prometheus was a titan .in the war between zeus the giants he had stood on the side of the new olympiangods.out of the clay he made the first man ,to whom athena gave soul and holy breath.prometheus spent a lot of time and energy in creating the gift of fire.and fire raised
普罗米修斯是泰坦巨人之一。在宙斯与巨人的战争中,他站在新的奥林波斯山神一边。他用粘土造出了第一个男人。雅典娜赋予了这个男人灵魂和神圣的生命。普罗米修斯还花费了很多时间和精力创造了火,并将之赠予人类。火使人成为万物之灵。 在这之后,举行了第一次神与人的联席会议。这个会议将决定烧烤过的动物的哪一部分该分给神,哪一部分该给人类。普罗米修斯切开一头牛,把它分成两部分:他把肉放在皮下,将骨头放在肥肉下。因为他知道自私的宙斯爱吃肥肉。宙斯看穿了他的把戏。普罗米修斯偏袒人类,这使宙斯感到不快。因此,他专横地把火从人类手中夺走。然而,普罗米修斯设法窃走了天火,偷偷地把它带给人类。 宙斯对他这种肆无忌惮的违抗行为大发雷霆。他令其他的山神把普罗米修斯用锁链缚在高加索山脉的一块岩石上。一只饥饿的老鹰天天来啄食他的肝脏,而他的肝脏又总是重新长出来。他的痛苦要持续三万年。而他坚定地面对苦难,从来不在宙斯面前丧失勇气。最后,海格立斯使普罗米修斯与宙斯恢复了他们的友谊,找到了金苹果,杀死了老鹰,因而解救了人类的老朋友。