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【#小学英语# 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《小学四年级上册英语期中试卷【三篇】》 供您查阅。


一、为图片选择合适的单词,并将其字母标号填在相应的括号内。(10分 )
A. shoes B. fan C. light D. key E. schoolbag
F. glasses G. candy H. teacher’s desk I. toy J.classroom

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Turn on the light. 打开门。
Put your maths book in your bag. 张贴图片。
Open the door. 打开灯。
Put up the picture. 把你的数学书放进书包里。
( )1、 A、 window B、black board C、 black
( )2、 A、 colour B、 Chinese book C、 math book
( )3、 A、 thin B、 strong C、 door
( )4、 A、 strong B、 quiet C、 hair
( )5、 A、 desk B、 chair C、 computer game
( )6、 A、 teacher B、 student C、 school
( )7、 A、 under B、 near C、 where
( )1、How many ___ do you have?
A.pencils B .pencil C.pen
( )2、I have a sister. ___ name is Lily.
A 、His B、 She C、 Her
( )3、___ is my book?
A.What B.Where C.How
( )4、___ is she? She is Amy.

A.What B.where C.Who
( )5、___ colour is it?
A.What B.Where C. Who
( )6、Let ___ clean the window.
A .I B.me C.we
( )7.This ___ my friend.
A.are B.is C.am
( ) 8. We have six new _____.
A, light B, fans C, pen
( ) 9. She ____ my friend. She _____ long hair.
A, is; have B, is; has C, are; has
black strong long big old
short small white new thin
六、从B 栏中找出A栏相对应的答语。(10分)
( )1、How many pencils do you have? A. His name is Mike.
( )2、Where is my picture? B.Ten story books.
( )3、What colour is this bag? C.Thank you.
( ) 4、What is his name? D.I have three pencils.
( )5、What’s in the schoolbag? E. It is near the door.
( ) 6、Let me help you. F.Lily is my good friend.
( )7、How many English books can you see? G.It is orange.
( )8、Who is your good friend? H.She is my sister.
( )9、What do you like? I.I see five.
( )10、Who is she? J.I like English.
A.have B.fat C.storybooks D.a E.An F.What’s
Amy:Hi!Chen Jie, I a new schoolbag.
Chen Jie:Really?
Amy:Look!It is black and white.
Chen Jie:Wow!It is a panda!
in your schoolbag?
Amy: English book, maths book ,three and...
Chen Jie:It’s a panda!
1. chair where the is
2. see Let’s and go
3. big is so It
4. near window the it’s
5. shoes his are blue
I have a friend.Her name is Wang Chen.She is ten years old..She is from ShangHai.She is cute.she has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair. She likes English very much..She likes Chinese ,math,too.we are good friends.
( )1、Wang Chen is a boy.
( )2、She is twelve.
( )3、She has a big mouth.
( )4、She likes English very much.
( )5、Wang Chen and I are friends.


( )1、A.those B.this C.these
( )2、A.flower B.famer C.funny
( )3、A.ear B.egg C.eye
( )4、A.small B.square C.strong
( )5、A.child B.circle C.children

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )
( )1、A.It’s a dot. B.They are birds.
( )2、A.I’ m fine. B.I like noodles.
( )3、A.two B.circle
( )4、A.Yes, we are. B.You are soldiers.
( )1、Look at this elephant.
( )2、These are flowers.
( )3、I like noodles.I don’t like rice.
( )4、Let’s play a guessing game.
( )5、It’s a square.
( )1、A.meet B.left C.right
( )2、A.dumpling B.biscuit C.hungry
( )3、A.funny B.strong C.mouse
( )4、A.grass B.tree C.those
( )5、A.line B.dot C.five

policemen biscuits rice sheep egg
( )1、There____ five dots.
A. are B.is C.am
( )2、I ____ like rice.
A.don’t B.isn’t C.doesn’t
( )3、---What are ____?
---They’re birds.
A.tha B.this C.these
( )4、---What are you doing?
---I am ____.
A.draw B.draws C.drawing
( )5、The children ___ on an outing.
A.is B.am C.are
an Turn are at How
1、______ left !
2、Look ___ that monkey.
3、It’s ___ egg.
4、These ___ birds’ eggs.
5、___ mang circles are there?
1、I like bread.
2、Those are flowers.
3、It’s a circle.
4、Look at this monkey.
5、We are soldiers.


3. ri gi fh
4. good bird egg
5. brother sister flag
二.选出你所听到的句子, 在括号内打勾。(共10分)
1. I like milk. ( ) I like noodles. ( )
2. I like cake. ( ) I like bread. ( )
3. I like noodles. ( ) I like rice. ( )
4. These are seagulls. ( ) These are ladybirds.( )
5. Look at the elephant.( ) Look at that tiger. ( )
三.把听到的句子与对应的图片排列顺序。 (共10分)
( ) These are eggs.

( ) That is a bird.

( ) This is a triangle.

bread and milk scarf and hat

morning and afternoon bag and purse

三. 选择.(圈出正确的中文意思)。(共10分)
1. brother A. 兄弟 B. 姐妹 C. 爷爷
2. thanks A. 谢谢 B. 茶壶 C. 郊游
3. monkey A. 老虎 B. 猴子 C. 大象
4. bread A: 饺子 B: 果酱 C:面包
5. small A. 大的 B. 左边的 C. 小的
四. 根据左右句子的内容, 连线组成完整的对话。( 20分)
1 Nice to meet you. I like biscuits.
2 What’s that? Nice to meet you , too
3 What are those? It’s a triangle.
4 Whose is this, Linda? Those are seagulls.
5 What do you like ? It’s Jane’s purse.
五.选择正确答案的序号填在括号里 (共10分)
A: fine B. These C: big D: like E:Yes
( ) 1. -How are you ?
-I’m _________
( ) 2. Look at this elephant . It’s __________
( ) 3. -What are these?
-__________ are eggs.
( ) 4. I ___________ jam and bread.
( ) 5. -Is it your bag?
-__________, it is.

1. These are three apples.
2. Look at these big elephants.
3. I like bread.
4. I don’t like noodles.

