【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语一直都是雅思考试中的一个重难点部分,很多考生在雅思口语考试中得分都不理想,这样很多考生非常的头疼。所以在备考时,我们要多了解一些话题,所参考一些范文。以下是®文档大全网整理的雅思口语之有趣的邻居范文,欢迎阅读!
雅思口语一个有趣的邻居口语题目:Describe an interesting neighbor
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
What this person likes to do
And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting
Mr. Andrew John (...use a common name of your country...) is one of the neighbours whom I like very much. Since I live in an urban area, people are close to each other and maintain a strong neighbourhood relationship unlike the metropolitan area.
In our neighbor, we know almost each and every people living there, what they do, what are their updates, what are their profession and their overall personality and characteristics as well. Mr. John's house is adjacent to ours and I meet him almost every day. Mr. John is a retired army person who is now around 50 years old. He lives in his house alone and I have never found his relatives visiting him except some old colleagues. He stays inside his house most of the time and in the evening he sits in the veranda. He is a quiet man and likes to read a lot. I have seen him coming to live in his house almost 5-6 years ago. He bought the house from our previous neighbour.
I had had several conversations with him and I often play chess with him. I like to read as well and our reading habit was the primary reason we started liking our accompany each other. I like and admire this man very much. Though at first impression he seems to be an arrogant person, but in reality he is an intelligent, calm, good-hearted and charming man. I have heard lots of stories from him. He has travelled to many different places and has lots of experience. Since I have become close to him, he refer me books that I mostly enjoy reading. He advises me whenever I seek for his guidance. He is sometimes a close friend, sometimes a mentor and sometimes a guardian. I like him because of our unclaimed friendship, his personality, honestly, morality and his great mind.
1. What games are popular in your country?
Well, if we can consider sports as games, then football is definitely the most popular game in my country, but we also love board games like chess.
2. Do you play any games?
Not regularly these days. I play the occasional game of tennis with my brother-in-law, and I recently played a bowling game on the Nintendo Wii with my nephew. I wasn't very good at it.
3. How do people learn to play games in your country?
I think children teach each other to play games. I remember a friend at primary school teaching me to play chess, for example.
4. Do you think it's important for people to play games?
Yes, it's really important, especially for children. I think research has shown that play can improve brain development, intelligence, creativity, and the ability to cooperate with others.
Our team lost. It was a good game, though。
Middle-aged people like to cook at home, young adults are a bit different, though。
例如exactly, basically, really这些副词可以加强或者缓和语气,更准确的表达我们的真实想法。例如:
That's exactly what I want!
Where are you going exactly?
So basically, there's not a lot I can do about it。
The more expensive articles are not necessarily better。’
People are now aware of the fact that many restaurants are not that hygienic。
Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward。
It doesn't matter how expensive the gift is, it's the thought that matters。
5:用tend to替换most of
当你想说most of… 的时候,不妨改口成tend to,词汇量有没有显得多一些!例如:
Most Chinese people cook at home instead of dining out. 就可以说成Chinese people tend to cook at home.
Describe a place near water you have been to;
a toy you had in your childhood;
Describe an unforgettable experience.
值得注意的是形容词限定有不同的变形形式, 包括形容词最限定(Describe the politest person you know)定语从句限定( a person who visited your home; A TV program you like )
A good parent you know.
“A parent” 限定了只能描述父母中的一个人。
“good” 限定了在我们的描述过程中,所有的例子都要为“好” 这个词来服务。例如在生活中关心孩子,把孩子照顾的无微不至。在教育中尊重孩子,培养他养成独立的人格等。细节越多就越有说服力。
“you know ” 又限定了这个家长必须是我们身边的人,我认识他并且和他有交集。 不可以说亲子节目中看到的明星家庭。
出题逻辑:围绕5个“W”和一个 “H”
通过观察所有地点类题型就会发现,所有题目的出题逻辑都是围绕5个“W”和一个 “H”展开的。他们分别是Where, When, Who, What (see, do), Why and How.。
作为 Where这个元素,其实可以提前做好充分准备,懂得灵活运用表示方位词汇就好,考生可以根据不同话题套用固定句型。
When和Who主要是介绍建筑建造的年代和到访的人群,基本做个简单回答就可以了,类似It was established/ built/ finished in 一个年代就好。在说When时,还可以结合How often you visit this place? 一起做出回答。
在说What这个问题时,要从what you can see?和 what you can do?两方面考虑。说一个建筑里能看见什么,无非是它造型,大小,装潢(interior design, 是不是exquisite, 有没有一些glass curtain walls, 和chandelier, 墙上可能还挂着的oil paintings)和布局(layout), 几层楼, 然后可以列举一系列甜点名称;并着重介绍某个best seller。
Why?为什么喜欢是要重点交代一点,这时可以综合所有你曾经去过的咖啡店优点来个头脑风暴。 也许你喜欢原因可能是这个咖啡店的饮料,或是早餐, 也许店家是位制作咖啡的:因为每杯手工调制的咖啡上都会有很漂亮……都是喜欢的原因。