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【#英语资源# 导语】《水浒传》写的是北宋末年宋江等一百零八位英雄的传奇故事。他们的勇与力、智与真,主持正义,追求理想,以及朋友的合力相助、患难与共,使我们无限景仰,热血沸腾。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  I closed the book again and read the Outlaws of the Marsh. It was a scene of deep suffering and robbing the rich to help the poor. The 108 heroes on Liangshan Mountain may have gone to their hometown with the wind, but they left us nothing but endless thinking.

  At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, darkness shrouded in the sky, blindfolded and fascinated people. The imperial court is rotten and the people are in dire straits. Perhaps no one would tear away the so-called confusion, but the 108 heroes on Liangshan Mountain lit up the whole sky with their unwilling mediocre hearts.

  Song Jiang refused to be mediocre and was forced to Liangshan; Lin Chong is not willing to be mediocre, leaving behind the heroic words that "Lin Chong is the most honest and loyal man, who is famous in the Jianghu, and shows heroes in Beijing. If he succeeds in his ambition, he will be powerful in Shandong"; Lu Zhishen is not willing to be mediocre and saves Lin Chong who has been dispatched... Looking at the heroes in the book, which one didn't struggle because he didn't want to be oppressed by reality? Which one is willing to be mediocre? No, they did not allow mediocrity to haunt them. They played a heroic war song of great vitality, solemn and sorrowful desolation.

  "Born in mediocrity, died in mediocrity" is a tragedy of one's life. Premier Zhou Enlai's words "study for the rise of China", which is an enlightening voice, tells a young man's lofty ambition, but also tells the backbone of China. China's development process has gone through many difficulties, and we need too many such people who are not willing to mediocrity and dare to practice to explore the way forward for us. As the successor of the 21st century, how can I be reconciled to mediocrity!

  If it is earth, why can't it be a mountain; If it is water, why can't it be an ocean; If it is a tree, why can't it be an aspen; If you are a man, why are you willing to be mediocre! With reluctance, with ideals, with confidence, go flying! I believe that everyone who is unwilling to be mediocre will "rise to the top of the world"!


  It is said that Wu Song and Song Jiang stayed at Chai Jin's house for more than ten days. After Wu Song got well, he decided to visit his brother in Qinghe. Chai Jin and Song Jiang couldn't keep him, so they gave him some silver and put wine on the table to bid him farewell.

  Wu Song walked for a few days and came to the ground of Yanggu County. He was hungry too. He saw a hotel in front of him with a flag on it. It said: "Three bowls are not worth a hill.". He went in, sat down, put down the whistle and shouted, "Shopkeeper, get it right away." The shopkeeper took three bowls, a pair of chopsticks, a dish and filled them with three bowls of wine. Wu finished his drink with a sigh of relief and said, "Good wine, take some more dishes to eat." The shopkeeper brought beef and poured two bowls of wine. The shopkeeper stopped pouring and cut the meat. Wu Song knocked on the table and said, "Pour wine!" But no one poured for him. Wu Song yelled for a long time, and then shouted, "Why don't you pour the wine?" The tavern came over and pointed to the words on the wine flag and said, "Three bowls are not worth a hill!" Wu Song asked, "Why do you call three bowls but the ridge?" The tavern said, "My family is very strong after drinking. After drinking three bowls, I fell down, so I called them" three bowls but a ridge " The shopkeeper couldn't beat him, so he poured three more bowls... Finally, he drank eighteen bowls before going out. The tavern stopped him and said; "There is a tiger on the mountain. It often hurts people. Don't walk alone!" Wu Song shouted at the restaurant and went up the mountain. Halfway up the mountain, Wu Song wondered if there were no tigers? He lay down on the big bluestone and slept. Suddenly a tiger jumped over. At this time, Wu Song was awakened, but instead of being scared away, he fought with the fierce tiger. He used his fist to beat the tiger into its seven orifices, bleeding and unable to move. I think of me. I usually hide far away when I see a mouse.

  Since reading this article, I have never been afraid of any danger or difficulty. I would think of Wu Song fighting against tigers. Let's be a brave pupil!


  The four masterpieces shine like four bright stars. During the winter vacation, I read one of them, The Water Margin. This book describes the heroes in Liangshan and exposes all kinds of evils in the feudal society and the ruling stage. He praised the rebellious spirit and just actions of the heroes of the uprising.

  The book describes many vivid characters, such as the brave Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen, Song Jiang, Wu Yong, Wu Song and other 108 heroes. They were forced to Liangshan to eliminate evils for the people and to act on behalf of heaven. Although they made many great contributions, they were regarded as bandits in Liangshan by the government and the court. But I think they are all heroes in Liangshan.

  Liangshan heroes fought with them one after another in order to get rid of the scum of the imperial court! They are all very powerful. Wu Yong's superhuman wisdom, Song Jiang's leadership and everyone's heroic performance have made Liangshan's team grow up gradually.

  Among 108 heroes, Wu Song is my favorite. His indomitable, forthright, brave and fearless spirit deeply moved me and made me admire Wu Song.

  One time in the book is about Wu Song going to a hotel, drinking 18 bowls of wine and going out. In spite of others' dissuasion, he went to Jingyanggang while drinking. In the evening, he met a big tiger. In the fight with the tiger, he skillfully avoided the tiger's pouting, lifting and shearing. After the whistle was interrupted, he pressed the tiger's head with his left hand, and beat the tiger's head with his right hand desperately to kill the tiger. From this, we can see Wu Song's bravery and fearlessness.

  This book has greatly benefited me from learning about the history of ancient China and the decadence of feudal society. I was deeply moved by the spirit of the heroes of the Marsh. The stories in the book are fascinating. The stories, big and small, deeply attract me.


  After reading the Outlaws of the Marsh, I had to admire the 108 heroes in it. Needless to say, Lu Da, who is as powerful as an ox, let alone Wu Yong, who is resourceful... Let me talk about Wu Song, who is highly skilled in martial arts, brave and resourceful, and hates evil as a foe. In the Water Margin, Wu Song has done countless things that people admire and enjoy, but the section of "Drunk Beating Jiang's Door God" is the most memorable one.

  The part of "Beating Jiang's door god when drunk" originates from Wu Song's help when he sees injustice. It's about Wu Song who turned himself in to the prison city of Mengzhou after he surrendered to the murder of his sister-in-law. The hotel opened by the son of the official camp was occupied by Jiang's door god, so he asked Wu Song. Wu Song was furious and decided to go to find Jiang's door god. In the Joyful Forest, Wu Song pretended to be drunk, and finally used his own "Yuhuanbu, Yuanyangjiao" to beat Jiang Menshen to beg for mercy on his knees, and recaptured the hotel for the son of the official camp.

  I can't help feeling happy when I read this. I like Wu Song's forthrightness, his integrity and hatred of evil, and his spirit of helping friends. When I read earlier that Wu Song killed a fierce tiger, I was amazed by his bravery and cleverness. Now I know better that what he can do is his determination to fight the tyranny and pacify the people, which drives him to have such supernatural power and courage to kill a tiger.

  Also, Wu Song took back the hotel and sent Jiang's door god to the government. From this point, we can see that Wu Song is careful. Although he does not take the first place like Songjiang, he also has the chivalrous courage to help when the road is not right. Isn't this commendable?


  In this winter vacation, I read The Water Margin, which mainly showed that the government was defeated in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the people could not make a living, so many heroes came out. They gathered in Liangshanpo, robbed the rich and squeezed the poor, repeatedly violated the government, and finally were recruited by the imperial court. The Outlaws of the Marsh is a well-known masterpiece, which also expresses the evil of the fatuous monarch and the defeat of the government at that time. After reading this book, I seemed to see the scene of Liangshan heroes fighting against the enemy. The Water Margin also revealed the irreconcilable contradiction between the people and the ruling class at that time through the story of the uprising of Songjiang and others, showing the scene of poor people gathering in Liangshan to fight against the enemy. The Outlaws of the Marsh not only reveals the reasons for the failure of the peasant uprising, but also reflects the great tragedy of the peasant uprising.

  The Water Margin describes many lifelike heroes, such as Wu Song, Song Jiang, Li Kui, etc. Their stories are very wonderful. For example, Wu Song admires Gang and fights tigers, beats Jiang's door god when drunk, Song Jiang kills Yan Boxi angrily, and Li Kui kills four tigers. My favorite is Wu Song fighting tigers. Wu Song here is smart, flexible and brave. Writing stories about the Qing Festival is fascinating and deeply impressed on our minds

  After reading this book, I not only learned about the heroic deeds in ancient times, but also learned how to be resourceful and brave. After reading this book, I also had many feelings against the feudal society.

  After reading the book "Outlaws of the Marsh", I learned how to be brave in dealing with things and how to behave. He also learned about the typical cases of official and civilian revolts at that time. The Water Margin also praised the heroic uprising in Liangshan with great enthusiasm. It was a great inspiration to the later peasant uprisings, and the Water Margin has also opened up a broad road for China's attention.


  When I first read the Water Margin, I felt that the stories in it were a bit absurd. Lin Chong, a hero, is framed by a sycophant but has nowhere to redress his grievances; Cao Gai and others who robbed in the green forest are called heroes; Lu Zhishen, the hero, has a fate of running away when he does justice; A reckless man like Li Kui can also gain a foothold in the Jianghu by killing innocent people indiscriminately; Liangshan heroes used to occupy the mountain as their king, and they were powerful enough to fight against the Imperial Court. Why did they help the Imperial Court? Finally, Liangshan ended up in a miserable situation

  All this makes me puzzled. I don't understand why Shi Nai'an wrote like this. When I was confused, I was deeply attracted by the story. I forgot to eat and sleep, and had to read the Water Margin day and night. When I read it for the third time, I understood the author's meaning.

  After reading the Outlaws of the Marsh, I realized the absurdity. These absurdities were caused by the government and the society in which the people were living in poverty at that time. It was the incompetence of the imperial court, the stupidity of the Huizong, and the villain who led the way that led to Lin Chong, a hero, who was framed by Gao Yamen and his friends. He was tortured on the way to exile and was in danger several times, almost losing his life; It was precisely at that time that the people were living in poverty and the people were in hot water. Only then did some people rob the government and rich businessmen under the banner of "robbing the rich to help the poor", and they were respected; It was precisely because the power of the imperial court was getting weaker and weaker, and the situation of internal and external troubles that heroes from all over the country rose up and took over the mountain to fight against the imperial court.


  "Outlaws of the Marsh" is a rare masterpiece, and the full text sentences are very popular and memorable. It successfully created the image of 108 heroes, all of whom are vigorous and vigorous. This book mainly tells a story about how the government forced the people to revolt. The uneducated and unskilled rascal Gao Qiu was appointed a high-ranking official by the faint king (emperor) just because he played football well. He also relied on his power to oppress everywhere, endanger the people, and aroused the resistance of the people. Among them, the story of 108 heroes led by Song Jiang, Lu Junyi, and Wu Yong who rose up in Liangshan and fought with the government. In fact, those 108 heroes were thirty-six Tiangang and seventy-two Dishaemons wrongly released by Captain Hong decades ago. I think 108 heroes in Outlaws of the Marsh have different temperaments and personalities. In terms of plot arrangement, it is also very interesting. Because there are twists and turns, moving and sharp fierce contradictions and conflicts, they are often unfolded one scene at a time, described in detail one by one, and pushed to the peak step by step, which makes people feel very happy.

  The author of The Outlaws of the Marsh: Shi Nai'an, a writer in the late Yuan Dynasty, first studied, collected, and sorted out the story of 108 uprisings in Liangshanpo led by Song Jiang with his students, namely Luo Guanzhong, the author of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The story was first named "Biography of Jianghu Heroes", and then changed to "Biography of the Marsh". The Water Margin has the meaning of being at the water's edge and in the wilderness, so it is changed to The Water Margin.

  Let's read the Water Margin together and have a taste of the immortal charm of this classic.


  This book revolves around the clue of "the government persecutes the people to revolt", showing the whole process of a group of bullied heroes gathering in Liangshan until the failure of recruitment. From this classic peasant uprising novel, I was deeply moved by the justice and brotherhood of Liangshan heroes.

  "Outlaws of the Marsh" created a number of distinctive heroes. For example, Lu Zhishen and Li Kui, who are upright and look at death as if they were going home; Song Jiang and Lu Junyi who treat people sincerely and respectfully; Guan Sheng and Dong Ping, who are extremely brave and have excellent martial arts. They are incomparably forthright and generous, and almost no one can match them. And my favorite character is Hua Monk Lu Zhishen. He is quick to develop wisdom, and he is both rough and fine. He killed Zhenguanxi with three fists. Just as the disaster was imminent, he said, "You pretend to be dead, and I will pay attention to you slowly." He walked with great strides. If it were me, I would stand in place and wait in silence. I also like Zhiduoxing Wu Yong, who is clever and resourceful; Not only did he outsmart the life class, but also skillfully used serial tricks. Each of the 108 Generals of Liangshan is great, and their stories are more wonderful than each other.

  After reading the Outlaws of the Marsh, I learned the charm of classical masterpieces. A "Outlaws of the Marsh" shows a heroic belief - to act on behalf of heaven; A "Outlaws of the Marsh" shows the heroic spirit - chivalrous and righteous; A "Outlaws of the Marsh" shows the true character of heroes - sharing weal and woe. A "Outlaws of the Marsh" writes the heroic spirit - march forward bravely!


  During the summer vacation, I read the Water Margin, one of the four masterpieces. Although many of them were very tired, I insisted on reading it. However, there is always a reward for the effort, which has taught me a lot of truth.

  It is needless to say that Song Jiang and Xiao Whirlwind Chaijin helped the poor, nor did Wu Song's beautiful drunken fist. Wu Yong is resourceful. Li Kui, a naive man, is quite wild. He is a reckless farmer and has the habit of traveling without a job. He gets angry at any moment. He doesn't care about everything when he is in trouble. He always says two things and scolds three times. The result is either to suffer losses or regret, but it has the spirit of "wealth cannot be compromised, poverty cannot be removed, and power cannot be defeated". The most important thing is that he has a kind of heroic spirit, and a kind of justice willing to do everything for his brothers. I am particularly touched by his attitude. I just want to think that if he comes to me, I believe that few people can have such charm. This is not because of his appearance, nor because he has such a tall body, nor because he has a lot of wealth, just because of his strong points in the eyes of others. Please don't underestimate his strong points, which will become extinct in the world.

  I clearly remember that when I was babbling, I often went to my neighbor's house to eat without scruple. There was no etiquette, no restraint, only joy. My neighbor's sister still likes me very much. I often chat with my neighbor, but we installed a wooden door at the beginning. Our society is naturally short of a love, a very important love and care. As for caring, I think it may only take a simple greeting or a smile from the heart to make people smile and feel the care of family members. Don't be too stingy. A greeting or a smile won't make you lose anything, but it can make your personality sublimated.


  The author of The Outlaws of the Marsh is Shi Nai'an, and his novel The Outlaws of the Marsh is widely known. It not only describes the villains who commit many crimes and oppress the people, but also describes the heroes who rob the rich and squeeze out the poor and take risks. They are forced to die by the rulers of all sizes, from the Song Dynasty emperor to the tyrant landlords and the servants. They have no choice but to rebel. Through reading the Outlaws of the Marsh, I have a more essential understanding of the feudal society. The most vivid story in the book is that Wu Song, a hero, fought against tigers when he was drunk.

  It was said that Wu Song left three bowls and went straight to Jingyanggang. After walking more than a mile, Wu Song felt tired and thirsty. He lay down on a big stone and was about to sleep when suddenly a big tiger with white forehead and hanging eyes sprang out of the disordered trees. Seeing this, Wu Song suddenly broke into a cold sweat and woke up more than half of the time. Then he turned over and jumped off the bluestone, picked up the whistle holder and flashed aside. The tiger pressed his two front paws on the ground and threw himself at him. Wu Song hurriedly dodged to one side. Seeing that Wu Song could not be caught, the tiger simply lifted and cut him, but the clever Wu Song dodged. The tiger was about to attack again. Wu Song hurriedly swung his whistle and chopped down from the air. Unexpectedly, he hit a tree and the whistle holder broke in two. At this moment, the tiger pounced on Wu Song, and Wu Song jumped back. The tiger fell right in front of him. Wu Song dropped his whistle, grabbed the skin of the tiger with both hands, kicked it hard, and hit it with his fists. Soon, the tiger only had one breath left. All his facial features were blood. Wu Song went to the tree and picked up a half of the whistle, and then beat again for one or two hundred times, until the tiger had no breath. Wu Song returned to the bluestone slab and rested for a long time before he left Gangzi.

  The stories in Outlaws of the Marsh are tense and full of life; Those legendary and lifelike characters will always live in my heart and never die!
