

时间:2023-11-05 09:03:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


  Dialogue 3

  Waitress: Good evening. ________.

  Jim: ________, ________.

  Waitress: Would you sit here?

  Jim: ________, near the windows?

  Waitress: Sorry, it's been ________.

  Jim: ________. That ________.

  Waitress: ________. ________ a drink before dinner?

  Jim: A gin and tonic, please.

  Tom: ________ whisky.

  Waitress: I'll be right with you.

  (The waitress is away. Jim and Tom are looking at the menu.)

  Jim: What will you have, Tom?

  Tom: It's great to me. ________ recommend?

  Jim: ________ seafood or meat?

  Tom: I ________, for I was brought up near the sea.

  Jim: Seafood. Let's see. Oh, they have shrimp, lobster, crab, prawn, and salmon... I hope you won't be disappointed, for all the seafood here is frozen. It won't be fresh from the sea.

  Tom: I hear roast beef, pork, pork chops, lamb chops and fried chicken are good. I'd like to ________.

  (The waitress comes to the table.)

  Waitress: Would you like ________?

  Jim: Yes. I'll have roast beef, green beans, a creamed prawn soup, cheesecake and coffee for dessert. As for you, Tom, I suggest lamb chops for the main dish, a vegetable salad, a creamed chicken soup, and what for dessert?

  Tom: Ice cream.

  Jim: ________, Tom?

  Tom: Just fine. Thank you.

  Waitress: What dressing do you want on the salad?

  Jim: ________ Russian?

  Tom: Russian, please.

  Waitress: ________ roast beef ________, ________, or ________?

  Jim: Medium, please.

  (After eating)

  Tom: It's good, isn't it?

  Jim: Yes. ________?

  Tom: Yes, I'm quite full.

  Jim: Waitress, the bill, pleases.

  Tom: I'll pay for it.

  Jim: I'll treat you this time.

  Waitress: Here's the bill.

  Jim: (Paying the bill) Keep the change, please.


  Dialogue 3

  Jim: Good evening. A table for two.

  Waitress; Yes, please. Would you sit here?

  Jim: How about that one over there, near the windows?

  Waitress; Sorry, it's been reserved.

  Jim: All right. That will be fine.

  Waitress: Here's the menu, would you like a drink before dinner?

  Jim: A gin and tonic, please.

  Tom: A glass of whisky.

  Waitress; I'll be right with you.

  (The waitress is away. Jim and Tom are looking at the menu.)

  Jim: What will you have, Tom?

  Tom: It's great to me. What would you recommend?

  Jim: Would you prefer seafood or meat?

  Tom: I prefer seafood, for I was brought up near the sea.

  Jim: Seafood. Let's see. Oh, they have shrimp, lobster, crab, prawn, and salmon... I hope you won't be disappointed, for all the seafood here is frozen. It won't be fresh from the sea.

  Tom: I hear roast beef, pork, pork chops, lamb chops and fried chicken are good. I'd like to have something new.

  (The waitress comes to the table.)

  Waitress: would you like to order now?

  Jim: Yes. I'll have roast beef, green beans, a creamed prawn soup, cheesecake and coffee for dessert. As for you, Tom, I suggest lamb chops for the main dish, a vegetable salad, a creamed chicken soup, and what for dessert?

  Tom: Ice cream,

  Jim: Is that all right, Tom?

  Tom: Just fine. Thank you.

  Waitress: What dressing do you want on the salad?

  Jim: How about Russian?

  Tom: Russian, please.

  Waitress: Do you want your roast beef rare, medium, or well done?

  Jim: Medium, please.

  (After eating)

  Tom: It's good, isn't it?

  Jim: Yes. Have you had enough?

  Tom: Yes, I'm quite full.

  Jim: Waitresses, the bill, please.

  Tom: I'll pay for it.

  Jim: I'll treat you this time.

  Waitress: Here's the bill.

  Jim: (Paying the bill) Keep the change, please.


  1、 预定

  I like to book / reserve a table.

   make a reservation


  Are you ready to order now? May I take your order please?


  Anything to drink? What would you like to drink?

  4、 推荐

  What would you recommend? Do you have any recommendation? What's your special?


  I'd like…

  How would you like your steak? well done 全熟 medium 半生不熟的 rare 三四分熟

  for here or to go 在这边吃还是带走

  May I have a free refill? 续杯

  What you have ordered, can just make a combomeal. 超级套餐

  6、结账场景: Pay the bill

  1)AA付账 Let's go Dutch. Let's go fifty-fifty. Let's have a separate bill.

  2)请客 a、treat n. The treat is on sb. the treat is on me 我请了。

This is my treat. v. I'll treat you. b、I will pay the bill / buy the bill.

  7、小费 tip n. Give sb. a tip v. tip sb

   Keep the change as your tips.


  1、菜单 menu

  2、一道菜 a dish

  3、点餐 order the meal

  4、上菜 serve the meal

  5、餐巾、餐布 napkin

  6、剩菜剩饭 leftover

  7、打包 pack

  8、外带餐盒 doggy bag

  9、桌上转盘 lazy Susan 10、夜宵、消夜 midnight snack

  语音变化总结 音的同化现象

  1、/ t / & / j / / tF / Nice to meet you. What about you? last year

  2、/ d / & / j / / dV / Did you see him? And you? one hundred year

  3、/ s / & / j / / F / I miss you. 4、/ z / & / j / / V / How is your study? Can I use your pen?

  nature [5neitFE] natural [5nAtFErEl] sugar [5Fu^E]

