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【#英语资源# 导语】又到一年重阳时,我送你的祝福不重样!祝你心情大好喜气洋洋,家庭美满幸福永不打烊。重阳节快乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  When I first met Chongyang, maybe it was the song "remembering Shandong brothers on September 9". I remember when I was young, the teacher spoke on the stage and I listened under the stage. "I'm a stranger in a foreign land alone. I miss my relatives every festival. I know my brother's climbing place, and there is only one less person inserted with Cornus." during the Double Ninth Festival, the author who is alone in a foreign land thinks of his relatives and thinks of his relatives when they climb according to the customs of Double Ninth Festival on the day of Double Ninth Festival.

  At that time, I didn't feel much when listening to this poem. Maybe it was because I was young. The homesickness mentioned in the poem didn't resonate with me as a child. Only as people grow up day by day, until one day, when they read this poem again, the artistic conception in the poem is displayed in front of them.

  Chongyang is destined to be a poetic Festival. Although Li Qingzhao wrote Chongyang, the author's inner entanglement is also transmitted to readers through the word itself. "The mist and thick clouds worry about the eternal day, and the auspicious brain dissipates the golden beast. On the Double Ninth Festival, the jade pillow gauze kitchen is cool in the middle of the night. Dongli carries the wine. After dusk, there is a faint fragrance in his sleeves. Don't say no. the curtain rolls the west wind, and people are thinner than yellow flowers."

  This is what the female author wrote to her newly married lover. Shortly after Li Qingzhao's marriage, her husband Zhao Mingcheng "went on a long journey", and her boudoir was lonely. She deeply missed her husband. This year, when I was in the ninth year of the ninth year, I thought of my relatives twice during the holidays, so I wrote this word and sent it to Zhao Mingcheng.

  There is also Meng Haoran's poem "passing through the old man's village", "my old man has chicken and millet, and invites me to the countryside. The green tree village is close, and the green mountain is slanted outside. There is a banquet in the face garden, talking about mulberry and hemp with wine. When it comes to the double ninth day, chrysanthemums will come." this poem is about an ordinary farmhouse banquet, but after reading it, it seems to be a quiet and elegant Pastoral Symphony, In particular, the last one is written in fashion, which means that it is reluctant to give up, and the aftertaste is not exhausted. It is necessary to drink and be a guest again on the Double Ninth Festival next year. The cordiality and harmony between the host and the guest are not only self-evident, but also suggest the time of the invitation.

  There are too many poems about the Double Ninth Festival. In the Double Ninth Festival, when you read these poems, you can feel the author's meaning through the poetry itself. At the same time, it also allows people to cherish their relatives more on such a festival.

  Chongyang is a day for people to miss their loved ones. It is happy to have loved ones around. The loved ones who have left are more worthy of missing. Today's Double Ninth Festival has another meaning, that is, it is defined as the elderly's day, on which most children will go home to visit their parents.

  Let's cherish every Double Ninth Festival, because the Double Ninth Festival year by year is similar every year, but the relatives around us will be far away from us one day because of the passage of time. Cherish and cherish these Chongyang poems are also the sentiment given by the Chongyang Festival itself.


  In the four seasons of the year, I like the autumn with chrysanthemum fragrance best; Among the many festivals of the year, I think the Double Ninth Festival is a festival that makes me happier than children's day and the Spring Festival. That's because the Double Ninth Festival in autumn is also the "old people's Day", "longevity day" and "respect for the elderly". In a year, only this festival belongs to my grandmother!

  On the Double Ninth Festival, people enjoy chrysanthemums, eat Double Ninth cake and climb high to pray for blessings. They are very happy. However, for me, the Double Ninth Festival is not only happy, but also Thanksgiving!

  Every Double Ninth Festival, I always insist on visiting my grandmother's house every year. This year I am no exception. Today, I came to grandma's house with fruit and cakes. As soon as grandma opened the door, her eyes brightened, she happily picked me up and said, "my little granddaughter has come to see me again. It's so good. Grandma is so happy." I whispered in grandma's ear, "grandma, today is Double Ninth Festival. I wish you a happy holiday." "OK, OK, thank you!" Grandma's eyes narrowed into a seam, as if she was a lot younger.

  After dinner, I decided to implement the plan I had already prepared, that is to wash my grandmother's feet to make her happy. So I brought a basin of hot water and invited grandma to sit down in front of the bed. Grandma asked me suspiciously, "what are you doing?" "I'll wash your feet today!" "Oh." grandma didn't say anything, so I helped grandma take off her shoes. Ah, a smell came out. I covered my nose. Alas, what feet to wash? Don't wash it! Grandma saw me hesitate, smiled and said, "why? Do you want to be a deserter?" "I, i... no, I'm going to wash you!" so I had to take off my socks for grandma, ah! Why is this foot completely different from mine? The muscles and veins of both feet are abrupt, and the skin that has lost its elasticity has turned brown, so old that even the toenails have changed shape. My heart suddenly seemed to overturn the bottle of five flavors, and the ups and downs poured into my heart.

  Touching grandma's calloused feet, I held back my tears and fell into meditation: grandma, you usually look so strong and capable, but these feet completely show your old and thin. It's you who have worked hard for this family all your life. Until now, you still work all day, but you're never tired. How hard you are! Grandma, you have given me infinite love and care. Even if I did something wrong, you never blame me. You always treat me with a loving heart and often teach me to study hard, but I often think you nag and live up to your pains. Grandma, what is it to wash your feet once? Even if you wash your feet every day

  The Double Ninth Festival is a time of love for children. An ordinary and unusual Double Ninth Festival has passed, but it is of great significance to my education. Grandma, I must study hard, grow up and honor you, so that you can live a happy life!


  September 9 of the lunar calendar is our traditional festival in China. Therefore, it is called Double Ninth Festival, also known as Double Ninth Festival. The double ninth festival actually existed as early as the Warring States period, but it was not until the Tang Dynasty that it was officially a folk festival. People usually climb high, enjoy chrysanthemums, drink chrysanthemum wine, insert dogwood and eat Chongyang cake when the Double Ninth Festival is coming or celebrating!

  Speaking of this, many people must think of Wang Wei's eternal famous poem: being a stranger in a foreign land alone, thinking twice about relatives every festival. I know that when my brother climbs high, he inserts Cornus all over, and one divination is missing. I will also think of Li Bai's nine days: today the clouds are good, the water is green and the mountains are bright. Drinking with a pot, the chrysanthemum is cold and prosperous. The ground is far away, the pine stone is ancient, the wind raises the string and the pipe is clean. Peeping at the wine cup and smiling alone. Today, let's take action to shorten the love distance between us and the elderly.

  First of all, we interviewed grandpa Ma, an "urchin" who loves planting plants. When he arrived at Grandpa's house, his enthusiastic grandfather had carefully prepared fragrant Chongyang cake, golden bananas and hot plate millet. At first, we were embarrassed to eat. Grandpa kindly said, "if you don't eat, I won't tell you my story." in this way, we listened to Grandpa's life story while eating. Grandpa, who is in his 70s, was born in Liuhe. He was admitted to Xuzhou Coal Mine in 1958, joined the army in 1959, and is the navy of the Raptor crossing the river. 20__ I like to plant some flowers and trees after I retired in. Suddenly, a tree covered with purple and blue fruits attracted me. I heard my grandfather say that when he cultivated qinanxiang, there were only a few centimeters of thin branches. After more than 20 years of careful care, it was almost two floors high now. Grandpa also took off some leaves of chinanxiang and let us rub them in the palm of our hands. Suddenly, a faint fragrance came to our nostrils. No wonder it was called "chinanxiang".

  After leaving grandpa Ma's house, we came to grandma Hu's house again. At the moment of opening the door, bursts of fragrant ink came to my face. Smart little reader, you should have guessed! Yes, grandma is an old man who loves calligraphy and painting. There are many lifelike calligraphy and painting works on the wall. Grandma warmly received us. We learned from our conversation that grandma loved painting and calligraphy when she was young, but she had to be busy with her work. After retirement, he has been studying calligraphy and painting and won many awards. It also makes her life rich and wonderful after retirement. Grandma wrote a work for us at the scene. Holding the pen in grandma's hand, you can really write flowers and flow. The little reporters sincerely admire it. Grandma's unremitting valuable quality is worthy of our good study. Finally, grandma wrote in every little reporter's book: study hard and make progress every day.

  Through this visit, I deeply realized the meaning of "it's never too old to live and learn". On the occasion of the Double Ninth Festival in 1999, I wish the elderly all over the country: happiness is like the East China Sea, long water, and longevity is not old than Nanshan.

