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【#英语资源# 导语】农历八月十五是我国的传统节日——中秋节。在古代,中秋节与春节、元宵节、端午节并列为我国四大传统节日,深受人们喜爱。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Speaking of this year's Mid Autumn Festival, I have nothing special, because I didn't go to a restaurant with my father to have dinner with my relatives, nor did I go to my grandparents' house to watch the moon with my mother. Only my father went to dinner alone, and only my mother and I were at home, so I had a dumpling for dinner.

  At 6:20 p.m., when I went downstairs and didn't play with my partner, I looked up at the night sky. What I saw was not only dark clouds, but also dark clouds. I didn't see the beautiful figure - the moon I love. Empty in my heart, I went home carelessly

  The night is getting cooler, and there are fewer people outside at ordinary times, but today is different. Instead, there are more and more people outside, most of whom come to enjoy the moon.

  At about eight o'clock in the evening, I came to the balcony of my home and saw the beautiful figure - the moon. Now, it's not only the dark clouds, but also an extra moon quietly climbed up the top of the clouds, and it was particularly dazzling. Looking at the particularly dazzling moon, I can't help thinking of two poems: hours don't know the moon, call it a white jade plate. I doubt the jade mirror, flying in the clouds. Looking at it, I feel happy. In order to remember this year's moon, I specially took pictures of this year's moon with my mobile phone as a souvenir. I can see into God, suddenly, a particularly harsh words came, "this year's moon is so beautiful!" "My family is finally reunited this year!" It turned out that the grandparents downstairs were discussing the Mid Autumn Festival. When they mentioned these, they were particularly happy. Hearing this, my heart was slightly affected: it was really about Grandpa and grandma enjoying the moon, and my nose was sour when I wanted to go

  Think of the past, no matter what festival it was, my parents and I went to my grandparents' house for the holiday and talked about family routines together every day. At that time, I was always happy and time passed quickly. Every time I came home, I was always unwilling to leave. Now, I want to go, but my mother always doesn't take me. Gradually, over time, my mother takes me, and I feel strange. I always don't want to go, and I want to cry as soon as I go

  After this mid autumn festival, my feeling is: life in the world, from the clutch, together, can't block our yearning and expectation for this day. The bright moon is in the sky, and the night is like day. There is always a trace of care and blessing, flowing into my heart. The Mid Autumn Festival is a happy day for our family, a day when we miss our relatives, and an indelible day for us! Here, I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


  The Mid Autumn Festival is the 15th day of August in the lunar calendar. On that day, I think it's just a tasteless ceremony for everyone to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes. However, on September 15, when I was five years old, I think the Mid Autumn Festival is really our holiday, a holiday that we children can fantasize about.

  On the Mid Autumn Festival when I was five years old, I just went to the big class of kindergarten, and my mind was full of childlike fun.

  In the evening, we ate moon cakes and looked at the moon. Suddenly, a strange question came to my mind: how big is the moon? I frowned, put down the moon cake, and my small mouth stopped. Mom saw it and asked me what happened. "How big is the moon?" "What do you think?" I made a circle with my hand, gestured at the round moon above my head, and then showed it to my mother: "so big." "Yes!" Mother snickered and answered.

  "Mom, tell you the story of the Mid Autumn Festival, will you?" Mom ate and ate, suddenly came up with such a sentence. "Good! Good! I like listening to stories best." I jumped up, "then tell me why the moon is so round in the Mid Autumn Festival!" "Because today is August 15 of the lunar calendar!" "Oh." "Do you know? In ancient times, there was a legend about the moon. According to legend, in ancient times, one year, there were ten suns in the sky, which made the earth smoke and the sea dry, and the common people could no longer live. A hero named Hou Yi was shocked to know this. He climbed the top of Kunlun Mountain, used his magic power, opened his divine bow, and shot down nine redundant suns in one breath... From then on, the custom of Mid Autumn Festival moon worship was spread among the people It's on. " At this time, my heart is full of doubts: why can't Hou Yi also go to heaven? If Hou Yi asked the queen mother of the West for another elixir, wouldn't he also be able to go to the moon? Then, maybe they will have many dolls, like me! So I fantasized in my little world and kept fantasizing

  A few years later, I learned that it was just made up by people, but how I wish it was true. There was a hero named Hou Yi and a beautiful woman named Chang'e... This is our holiday, a holiday for our children to fantasize.


  The Mid Autumn Festival is happy, a symbol of reunion, and one of China's traditional festivals. The day of the Mid Autumn Festival is in the middle of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. People also call it the Mid Autumn Festival. Every place has different ways to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. Each has its own characteristics.

  I clearly remember the scene of the Mid Autumn Festival in our family. Everyone steamed moon cakes. The moon cakes just came out of the pot have a delicate fragrance and are attractive. It's really a happy thing to eat the delicious moon cakes that we have been looking forward to every Mid Autumn Festival. My mother can't make moon cakes, so I can eat delicious sesame sweet moon cakes steamed by my grandmother every Mid Autumn Festival. Mom will also buy various flavors of moon cakes to take home, including egg yolk moon cakes, jujube mud moon cakes, Hami melon moon cakes, honey peach moon cakes... And my favorite is sweet but not greasy Acacia red bean moon cakes. We all sat around the big table on the balcony and ate delicious food. My father's cooking was very good. My family sat around, chatting while eating, talking about work, asking about study, chatting about the future, and discussing the future. It was happy, and the elders were happy, and the moon cakes were sweet in their mouths, with endless aftertaste. Listening to a loud noise in the sky, colorful fireworks flew into the sky. My brother and I screamed. The eyes of my family were immediately attracted by the colorful fireworks. My brother and I jumped and laughed happily. My grandfather took a sip of wine glass and said; Now there are fireworks in the Mid Autumn Festival. The living standard has really improved. Grandpa smiled kindly.

  Look at it quickly, everyone, look at it quickly. My brother shouted, and my brother and sister danced and laughed; "The moon is coming out, the moon is coming out..." we cheer! The moon on the fifteenth day is like a shy little girl, dressed in silver gauze, walking towards the night sky step by step. Mother said that the moon is a symbol of purity. It is so bright, like a pearl hanging high in the air. At this time, I can't help thinking of Li Bai, the "fairy of poetry", and the fairy tale Chang'e running to the moon.

  Grandpa once said that the Mid Autumn Festival is a harvest season and a day for farmers to enjoy the joy of harvest. What a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


  On the Mid Autumn Festival, I think of my grandmother's "missing relatives every festival". Every Mid Autumn Festival, our family should get together and have fun. But this year's Mid Autumn Festival, only less grandma.

  I think of how much grandma loved me before I was alive! Care in study and care in life. Thinking of what Grandma had to eat, I was always reluctant to taste it, but it was all left to me. Once, grandma got a big orange and knew I loved it, so she kept waiting for me until the orange rotted. What I want, grandma is always generous to pay. However, all this is the past. Grandma finally left us two and a half months ago because of illness.

  Thinking of grandma, tears blurred my eyes. I remember when I was five years old, once I saw others have piles and piles of snacks. I was so jealous that I cried to my parents. Dad said, "Ke Jianwen, it's not that mom and Dad don't buy it for you, but that it's bad for children to eat more snacks." At that time, I was Kenyi there, only knowing that I also wanted what others had, so I cried even louder. Dad was finally angry because it was useless to reason. He dragged me past and slapped me. At this time, grandma just came in, hurriedly pushed dad away, picked me up, and asked, "sweetheart, what's the matter, tell Grandma." I told grandma the whole thing while crying. Grandma coaxed me and said, "no problem, grandma buy it for you!" Dad said helplessly, "Mom, don't spoil him too much. Don't buy it." Grandma said, "how can you be parents? Now that you have only one child, do you want to satisfy him a little?" Grandma took me to buy a lot of delicious and interesting things. At that time, I was very happy. All I knew was, "grandma is good, it's good to have grandma."

  When I received the news that my grandmother was leaving, my heart suddenly became cold, like the ice and snow in December. I know that I will never see grandma's amiable face, hear grandma's warm and doting voice, and never get grandma's love. Tears finally fell down like pearls with broken lines.

  Grandma, Mid Autumn Festival is coming, how are you? Grandma, if you walk well, I will think of you every moment and your love for me; In every Mid Autumn Festival, I will think of your concern for me!


  The Mid Autumn Festival falls on August 15 of the lunar calendar every year. At this time, people eat moon cakes, enjoy the moon, and have family reunion, because the moon is the roundest on that day. There are many wonderful stories about the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival. With these visions, I also enjoyed the moon this mid autumn festival.

  That night, while watching TV, I suddenly remembered that today was the Mid Autumn Festival, so I asked my mother to take the telescope and come to the gate of the community to watch the moon. We waited for a long time, and the sky was blank, not even the shadow of the stars. The sky was empty, only dark, not other colors. We were a little disappointed. But after a while, I saw a hazy light in the sky and some stars. I think: the stars are out, then the moon will come out. I looked at the sky, slowly there was a ray of light, curved, and soon turned into a boat; Finally, it turned into a big round plate. Ah, the moon is out! The round moon shines its bright light on the earth in the sky. The silver light of the moon shines on the tree. The tree looks like wearing a white gauze and shines on the flowers. The flowers are like a mirror, reflecting the light on my face. Looking at the moon, what seems to be on it? Oh, that may be the legendary taxi Chang'e and the jade rabbit, looking at the bright earth. Soon, the moon disappeared. What is it? Slowly, the thing floated away. Looking through the moonlight, it was a cloud. It turns out that there are clouds at night. At this time, I found that the ants on the ground did not move, as if they were also looking at the moon. How charming the moon is! My mother told me: because people can live a perfect life, so people should look at the moon and make a wish. So I may have a wish: I hope every day can be perfect.

  The moon is so mysterious! It's round, beautiful and bright. I'll definitely enjoy the moon again next time.

  According to the records of the West Lake tour in the Ming Dynasty, August 15 is called the Mid Autumn Festival, and the folk leave it with moon cakes, taking the meaning of reunion. It is the evening when people have swallows to enjoy the moon, or take doze Lake boats, and travel along it until dawn. On the Su Causeway, singing together is no different from the day.

  Why is the Mid Autumn Moon twice as bright as usual? According to the analysis of modern meteorological science, the Mid Autumn Festival is mostly controlled by the high-pressure weather system. The atmosphere is stable, with less particles, dust and impurities in the air. The visual range is good, and the autumn is high and crisp. Therefore, the moonlight is exceptionally bright.


  Speaking of Chinese traditional festivals, I believe you must come with your mouth open, such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, etc., but today I want to talk about the Mid Autumn Festival, which is full in August, October and may.

  Everyone must be familiar with the Mid Autumn Festival. So, do you know it? If you want to know, come with me. Let's talk about the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival first. Some people say that the Mid Autumn Festival is a festival to commemorate Chang'e, but today I want to talk about its true origin. The Mid Autumn Festival has a long history. Like other traditional festivals, it is also slowly developed. Ancient emperors had the ritual system of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and the moon in autumn. As early as in the book "Zhou Li", the word "Mid Autumn Festival" has been recorded. Later, nobles and scholars also followed suit. In the Mid Autumn Festival, they looked at the bright and round moon in the sky, watched and worshipped, and reposed their feelings. This custom spread to the people and formed a traditional activity. It was not until the Tang Dynasty that people paid more attention to this custom of offering sacrifices to the moon that the mid autumn festival became a fixed festival. The "Mid Autumn Festival on August 15" was recorded in the records of Emperor Taizong in the book of Tang. This festival was popular in the Song Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was as famous as new year's day and became one of the main festivals in China.

  Now, everyone knows the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival. Next, I want to tell you about the customs and legends of the Mid Autumn Festival. Let's talk about customs first. The Mid Autumn Festival has customs such as appreciating the moon, eating moon cakes, appreciating osmanthus flowers, and drinking osmanthus wine. I also have an interesting little legend about the Mid Autumn Festival. The legend is like this: in ancient times, Hou Yi shot the sun and performed meritorious deeds, and the mother of the West King rewarded fairy medicine. On August 15, Hou Yi took people hunting. His disciple Simon went to his house to steal medicine. In order to protect the medicine, his wife Chang'e swallowed it. Chang'e, who ate the magic medicine, flew into the sky uncontrollably. Hou Yi, who was late, only saw Chang'e, who was about to disappear. In memory of the kind-hearted Chang'e, later generations designated this day as the Mid Autumn Festival.

  Ah! Mid Autumn Festival, I love your colorful legends, your white, shiny, round moon, and your interesting customs... How many poets have met you, written poems handed down through the ages, and how many people have praised you as a beautiful festival... To me, you are an auspicious day, a wonderful day, and a day of reunion. You are my favorite day!


  The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. Every August 15th of the lunar calendar is a traditional Mid Autumn Festival in China. On this day, every family will eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon at night. However, we can't enjoy the moon this year because it rains on a cloudy day, and the round moon is hidden behind clouds!

  There are beautiful legends about the Mid Autumn Festival, one of which is "Chang'e running to the moon". In ancient times, there were ten suns in the sky, and people couldn't stand the hot baking. There was a man named Hou Yi. He had infinite power, and shot down nine suns with a bow and arrow. The queen mother thanked him, so she gave him a pair of fairy medicine, and if he ate it, he would become a fairy. Hou Yi was not willing to leave his wife Chang'e, so he let Chang'e keep it. A bad man named Peng Meng heard this. He took advantage of Hou Yi's hunting to come to Chang'e's house and forced Chang'e to hand over the elixir. Chang'e had no choice but to swallow the elixir. After eating it, she felt light and floating all the way to the moon. Hou Yi came back. Knowing this, he was so angry that he wanted to kill Peng Meng, but Peng Meng had already escaped. Then, he saw a figure on the moon, much like Chang'e, and put her favorite fruit cakes on August 15 every year. This custom has been passed down to now, and this story has been passed down to now.

  Another legend is that in ancient times, in order to resist the ruler, a man named Zhu Yuanzhang hid his creed in the moon cake and made an appointment to revolt together on August 15. Finally, they won the victory. In order to commemorate this event, we eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon on August 15 every year.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion. The moon is the brightest and roundest on this day. It is a day of reunion. Eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon. Everyone is happy together.

  Moon cakes have become necessary for the Mid Autumn Festival Holiday gifts are a symbol of family reunion. In ancient times, moon cakes were made very big. As many people in the family cut as many pieces. Now there are more moon cakes than before, including strawberries, oranges, pineapples and so on. They are sour and sweet, and the taste is very fragrant, which makes people happy to spend this day and have a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

  But we can't see the beautiful moon this year, but we still have a good time. I hope the moon next year is big and round!


  The annual Mid Autumn Festival is finally here! My father, mother and brother came to my grandmother's house to celebrate the festival with my grandfather and grandmother.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. On this day, we can taste delicious moon cakes and enjoy the moon at night. You can also pick up fragrant falling flowers under the osmanthus tree with a flower basket. Not to mention how happy!

  After the sumptuous dinner, our family placed tables and chairs under the osmanthus tree, enjoying the moon and eating moon cakes. Yo! There are so many moon cakes on the table! With bean paste flavor; Fruity; Five kernel flavor; And ham flavor... The color of the moon cake is golden yellow, and the shape is round. It is said that eating moon cakes is a symbol of family reunion. My brother and I couldn't wait to open one and ate it with relish. It tasted sweet and delicious. My brother gulped and salivated. My mother smiled and said, "eat slowly and don't choke!" My brother wiped the corners of his mouth and made a strange face. We laughed happily... We immediately gave grandpa and grandma another bite. Grandpa and grandma tasted it and laughed happily!

  How time flies! The moon is coming to "take over". The moon, like a shy little girl, slowly poked her head out from behind the clouds. The moon smiles and talks with us, giving us infinite beauty and imagination. Look! The beautiful and bright moon is like a jade plate embedded in the dark blue sky, and like a round moon cake. Look! Sister Chang'e in the full moon is telling a story with the jade rabbit. I envy her so much! As usual, my brother and I said loudly to Sister Moon, "Sister Moon, I wish you a happy birthday and forever beautiful!"

  My father, who was drinking and chatting with my grandparents, told us the story of "Wu Gang cutting GUI": "There is a laurel tree five hundred feet high on the moon. In the Han Dynasty, there was a man named Wu Gang who was obsessed with immortality and did not concentrate on his study. Therefore, the emperor of heaven was angry and detained him in the Moon Palace, where he ordered him to cut trees. Wu Gang cut down a leaf from the laurel tree after cutting it for a year. The leaf will fall from the sky to the earth and become a gold leaf, which will fall on the door of the most diligent people in the world. Whoever gets the gold leaf will become rich. So you When you grow up, you must be diligent. Diligence is wealth. " After listening to my father's story, I seemed to see the sweet scented osmanthus leaves falling slowly from the tree and onto the door of my house. Because my grandparents and parents are very diligent and kind!

  The moon is so round and bright tonight. I'm looking forward to the Mid Autumn Festival next year!


  Autumn is crisp and crisp, and the annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming. The moon is so bright and quiet against the moonlight.

  Our family came to West Lake Park, sat in the pavilion, ate sweet moon cakes, and looked up at the round moon in the sweetness of moon cakes. The bright moon is hanging in the blue night sky, recording the ancient secret place for thousands of years. The brilliance of the starlight coincides with the stars in the night sky, and the clearness and brightness of the bright moon makes the color of nature pure to Shenggu and noble.

  We boarded the boat again and took the boat to the middle of the lake. I saw the moon hanging in the middle of the sky. There was no fine dust in the sky, and the sky was stained with silk wind. The bright moon reflected in the calm lake water and released its calm side safely. The air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, and the refreshing fragrance floated under the bright moon. When the boat gently paddled across the water, the lake was covered with layers of ripples, and the shadow of the moon also rippled up, straight to my heart, that feeling, really beautiful.

  We just got back to the shore, and the mobile phone rang. It was my cousin who called and said to me, "come to grandma's house quickly. We all want to get together and fight the cake to see who is lucky, and tell me that fighting the cake is the custom of our people in Southern Fujian, and that's the culture of Southern Fujian".

  After listening, I jumped three feet high with joy! Immediately call your parents and grandparents to set out to grandma's house. As soon as we arrived at granny Tai's house, everyone was waiting for us on the terrace! So we couldn't wait to take out the dice and began to shake them. The sweet jingle of dice hitting the porcelain bowl made everyone very excited.

  At first, I was unlucky and didn't have a chance with the number one scholar, but I wasn't discouraged. Finally, I found a number one scholar with golden flowers. I was so happy that I danced with my hands. At this time, my aunt also shook a Tanhua, which made her proud for a long time. While everyone was concentrating on looking at the dice, I suddenly heard my cousin shout, "aunt, uncle is back from Malaysia".

  Yes, the Mid Autumn Festival is a day that makes tourists homesick. Every wandering child will go home as soon as possible to reunite with their relatives on this day. No wonder the "Mid Autumn Festival" is also known as the "reunion festival".


  Time really passed. In the blink of an eye, it was the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15, a day symbolizing reunion!

  The Mid Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival, autumn festival, Mid Autumn Festival, August Festival, August meeting, moon chasing Festival, moon playing Festival, moon worship Festival, daughter's day or reunion festival, is a traditional cultural festival popular among many ethnic groups in China and East Asian countries, which is on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar; Because it is just half of the third Autumn Festival, some places set the Mid Autumn Festival on August 16.

  Appreciating the moon and eating moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival are the necessary customs for Mid Autumn Festival in all parts of China. As the saying goes, "August, October and may are full, and the mid autumn moon cakes are fragrant and sweet.". The word "moon cake" comes from Wu Zimu's "menglianglu" in the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, it was only a snack food. Later, people gradually combined moon appreciation with moon cakes, implying family reunion and reposing their thoughts. At the same time, moon cakes are also important gifts for friends to connect with each other during the Mid Autumn Festival.

  On this day of the Mid Autumn Festival, the food in our family is not very rich. There is only one very special thing, which is the moon cake symbolizing reunion. In everyone's eyes, there is kindness, sweetness, happiness and happiness! At night, the house is warm!

  Life in the world, on and off, together and apart, can not block people's yearning and expectation for this day. The bright moon is in the sky, and the night is like day. There is always a trace of care and blessing, flowing into my heart. Chang'e must also be in the Mid Autumn Festival, looking at the sweet scented osmanthus tree in the Moon Palace, meditating, feeling deep, tears flowing through her cheeks, strings. She opened her arms heartlessly, with ribbons flying and clothes floating. In a trance, people flew up like goose feathers, and she ran to her own heaven, and a myth was born.

  I sat in the yard and looked up at the hazy sky. The moon tonight is very round, but not very bright. Only a faint ray of moonlight sprinkled on the earth! Although there is only a trace, it also makes me intoxicated. No matter whether the moon is round or bright, it is the same in my heart!

  I love this festival. I love this festival full of warmth and love. At this moment, I sincerely wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival! Say I love them more sincerely to my relatives!
