
时间:2022-09-09 03:14:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】中秋节作为重要的传统佳节,一直受到中国人的重视,以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Today, we usher in the Mid Autumn Festival in 2022. On this day, we can do many meaningful things, such as putting on the Kongming lamp to pray for good luck, appreciating the moon, guessing lantern riddles, eating moon cakes, appreciating osmanthus and so on. The Mid Autumn Festival is also called reunion day. On this day, the moon will be rounder than usual, and people will also eat round moon cakes. The round moon and round moon cakes represent reunion. On this day, vagrants who work abroad will return to their hometown to reunite with their relatives with the feeling of "being a stranger in a foreign land alone and thinking twice of their relatives every holiday".

  Today, my father who works in Shenzhen also came home to join us. After dinner in the evening, we went to the balcony and waited for the protagonist sister moon to appear. About nine o'clock, the moon came out. The round moon was hanging in the clean night sky like a big jade plate. Seeing the main character appear, mother quickly brought the fruits that had been prepared long ago, including red apples, round Shatian pomelo, crystal clear grapes, the drooling oboe moon cake, and the five kernel moon cake that father likes to eat. The table was full. Then, mother brought the sacrifice, and after mother's worship, we began to eat.

  While we were eating, we talked about the poem. First of all, I wrote the title. Just after I said "dew will turn white tonight", my brother immediately said "the moon is my hometown's bright". I was unconvinced and said "raise your glass to invite the bright moon". Before I finished speaking, my brother rushed to say "four people in the shadow". I was confused. When did I get one more person? The younger brother touched his head and said, "obviously, there are four people, father, mother, me and brother. Don't they happen to be four people?"? After listening to my brother's explanation, we all laughed. Look at the moon in the sky again. It seems that Wu Gang and Chang'e in the Moon Palace are also secretly laughing.

  Today is a day of reunion and happiness. I wish my family, my teachers and my friends a happy, happy and healthy life forever. I also wish all the people in the world a happy reunion.

  Moon, please take my wish and fly to the high sky to spread my blessing on my relatives.


  Our motherland has many traditional festivals: Mid Autumn Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival... If you ask me which festival I like best? I will tell you without hesitation - Mid Autumn Festival. Because there are delicious meals and fragrant moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. Early in the morning, my mother and I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. We wandered until the food basket could not hold. Back home, mother went to the kitchen to cook. After a busy afternoon, mom brought delicious food to the table. There are steamed crabs, braised meat, shredded potatoes, prawns... All of them are my favorite. But I dare not eat too much, because I have to eat moon cakes later!

  After dinner, a bright moon hung in the sky, shining brightly on the earth. There was a round table on the balcony with moon cakes on it. There are many kinds of moon cakes: bean paste, pear, banana, egg yolk, pepper and salt... All kinds of flavors. And my favorite is Dousha moon cake. The bean paste is fragrant, sweet and soft. Take a bite and it tastes great! I eat moon cakes freely until my stomach is as round as the moon in the sky.

  I like Mid Autumn Festival. Do you like it?


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. My friends and I went for a picnic in the mountains. We made delicious beef and potato chips and mixed a cold dish. After eating, we had a panoramic view at the top of the mountain. It was not until noon that we went home with a lot of talk and laughter.

  In the evening, the Mid Autumn Festival party began, but the moon hid behind the clouds shamefully. I really want to fly to the sky and tear the clouds open to let sister moon come out. It's time to eat moon cakes. I took my little turtle Maomao out and let him share delicious moon cakes with us. Mother peeled some apples for the little turtle. The little turtle blinked, shook his head and tail, as if to say, "I don't like eating!"

  I ate all kinds of moon cakes, and the little turtle Maomao tried to drill into his mother's arms. He might be sleepy and fall asleep in his mother's arms.

  After the Mid Autumn Festival party, the moon came out. The little turtle seemed to know that we were going to look at the moon from the window. He also woke up and ran around on the sofa excitedly. My mother and I, as well as the little turtle, climbed through the window to look at the moon and the stars. Although my mother told many stories about the moon, I still felt that there was something missing. Oh, without dad, Dad can't come back to celebrate the festival with us because of his busy work. I don't know if dad is thinking about me?

  Although this mid autumn festival lacks my father to accompany me, I still feel very happy!

  I like the Mid Autumn Festival, and I like the shy moon more!


  "I look up at the bright moon and look down at my hometown." "I'm a stranger in a foreign land alone. I miss my relatives every holiday." The Mid Autumn Festival, a festival filled with deep joy and light yearning, has come to the world again in the chanting of sadness and joy by poets.

  In the evening, after the reunion dinner, I could not wait to run to the balcony. The evening wind is cool, but it is mixed with some warmth, like a soft hand, gently caressing my cheek; It is also like a postman, who brings people's laughter and laughter. My heart is sweet to hear.

  At this time, my mother sent me moon cakes and reclining chairs. I smiled gratefully, and while tasting the delicious moon cakes, I lay on the chair and looked up at the sky like black swan velvet. I saw that the sky was filled with half bright and half dark stars, which radiated tiny but clear light, like one eye looking at the ground curiously; It is also like a warm window. Behind every window there are happy people

  Suddenly, a more bright light attracted me and I looked sideways! Ah! It's the moon like a big jade plate! It is quietly hanging in the sky, like a dignified and virtuous woman sitting firmly on the sky curtain, just like a delicate and beautiful girl, the dancer's white gauze skirt is singing softly in the sky. The charming and elegant light makes people intoxicated.

  The night is gradually deepening, and the moon is still not reducing its beauty. I look at it carefully, as if there is a osmanthus tree with a whirling shadow. I can't help but think about it - is there still a lovely man holding the spotless rabbit under the osmanthus tree and gazing at the person I love deeply. Can she survive the cold Guanghan palace and cry quietly at night

  My thoughts floated gently with the evening wind, and there was no sound in my ears. The wind, laughter and fireworks seem to have all disappeared. In my eyes, I only have the moon as big as a jade plate. My restless heart, illuminated by its quiet and gentle moonlight, is gradually calming down. Ah! The moon seems to be smiling, too. It is as quiet as the mother's arms, but it makes people attached.

  The moon, gently sprinkles the night like water. Star, slowly telling a beautiful myth. I, quietly sink into the sweet dream

  This is really a beautiful moonlit night!


  The long-awaited Mid Autumn Festival has finally arrived, and everyone is happy to celebrate this special festival in various forms. My family is no exception. On the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, the whole family gets together to enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival.

  In the evening, my sister, brother and brother all came to my house. Suddenly, I saw poetry, so I proposed to hold a poetry conference. With everyone's consent, the meeting began. The first is my brother. He stroked his "beard" in the style of poet Li Bai and said affectionately: "wonderful! Wonderful! What a wonderful idea! Let me say it first."'The sea rises and the moon rises, and the horizon is at this time. "" how bright the moon is, shining on my bed curtain. " As soon as my brother finished speaking, my sister hit on me. "Raise your glass to invite the moon," I said slowly, "to shadow three people." "When will the moon appear? Ask Qingtian about the wine." My brother said in a strange voice. I was about to say it when my sister said at her throat, "the moon is hanging in the autumn sky, and the brightness is wet." oh dear! Broken! This is exactly what I want to say. What should I do? Just as I was scratching my ears and scratching my cheeks, they came to tease me, saying, "sister, if you can't think of it in ten seconds, you will lose! Ten, nine..." and counting. But I was so anxious. I suddenly looked up and saw the bright moon in the sky. I shouted like I was holding on to a straw: "bright moon, bright moon, bright moon. It's still missing." "An hour does not know the moon. It is called a white jade plate." "The moon comes at night in the mountains, and I never see it at dawn." "The night is not long in this life. Where will the moon look next year?" Just as we were having a heated discussion, my mother cried out like a child: "I'll come!" on the night of August 15th this year, we'll eat moon cakes together. "" ha... Ha... "Our mother's poem made us all laugh.

  But I'm really hungry. So they ate round moon cakes. Eating this sweet moon cake, I felt a little sour in my heart: are Taiwan compatriots also enjoying the moon? Are they also looking forward to joining the embrace of the motherland and reuniting with everyone at an early date? Not to mention, today's moon really should be "the new moon is like a bud, the half moon is like a ladle, and the full moon is like the bright eyes of the West son." This sentence!

  Osmanthus fragrance on August 15th. I had a happy and unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival in the moonlight and the night light with some cool and sweet scented osmanthus fragrance.


  Every Mid Autumn Festival, every household gets together to taste moon cakes, melons and fruits, and enjoy family happiness. As the saying goes, "every festival is a time to prepare for family reunion", everyone hopes to have a family reunion during the festival. Although it is human nature, it can not always be achieved. When we have a family reunion dinner, there are always a few people missing from the dinner table, and we can't go home for the new year because of business. But I think what can be better than a family reunion?

  After dinner, it's time to enjoy the moon. We each moved a chair and sat down in the courtyard. Adults are talking, and all kinds of moon cakes are placed in front of me, but I look at the round moon, Quietly think: "This bright moon has aroused many people's rich imagination. Chang'e steals fairy medicine and lives lonely in the Guanghan palace ever since; Wu Gang is punished for cutting down the osmanthus tree forever; the little jade rabbit makes medicine for Chang'e in the Guanghan palace; these legends that I heard since childhood can never be forgotten. Ah! How much I want to be with Chang'e, how much I want to comfort the suffering Wu Gang, and how much I want to tease the lovely little white rabbit! But they can't be realized ... "I can only eat sweet moon cakes and think about the legend about the moon... It's late at night, and the gentle moonlight spreads all over the earth. Everything looks like a silver veil. The houses and trees are all asleep, and they seem to be sleeping in an incomparably wide "cradle". I also slept, the silver moonlight lit up my room, and the Mid Autumn Festival also passed quietly in the passage of the moonlight.
