

时间:2021-09-09 06:09:03 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】初冬,像一位美丽的、高贵的、矜持的公主,舞动着她那神奇的面纱,送来阵阵凛冽的寒风。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  At about 7 p.m. on a winter night, I finished my homework and went downstairs for a walk in the park with my parents. When we came to the park, the winter night looked so quiet. There are obviously fewer people walking in the park. Occasionally, a few people pass by us in such a hurry. Looking up at the surrounding residential buildings, only a few families are still eating dinner. Most families have closed the curtains. They may have fallen asleep in bed or are hiding in the warm quilt watching TV. Looking at the road next to it, cars don't come and go like before, but it takes a long time after a car passes,

  The cry of joy shook the snow off the. The willows that had lost all their leaves were covered with shiny, hairy silver bars.

  The pine and cypress trees that are evergreen in winter and summer are covered with fluffy and heavy snow. Occasionally, with a "creak", the dead branches of the trees were broken. The wind blew up and down the snow dolls on the ground and told them not to be so naughty. The snow doll didn't listen. She continued to dance and play. At this time, a beam of sunshine shines on the snow doll, ha! The sun is out. After a while, the earth opened her hazy sleeping eyes and smiled happily when she saw that her body was so white.


  Winter is a fascinating season. The colorful snowflakes created by winter have created miracles one after another.

  The high sky blew the winter wind, my ears were raw "slaughtered" and gave birth to a small chilblain. Today, the wind invaded me again, but because I was ready, I didn't blow my ears red.

  "Cousin" I heard my cousin's cry. My mouth made a loud cry from the vocal cord with the instinct of my brain. With a sound, my heart was more certain. It must be my cousin! I saw my cousin, his hands kept opening and closing, rubbing each other in exchange for the warmth of his hands. His cheeks were red, his eyebrows rose and fell, his mouth was breathing rhythmically, and his ears were still surprisingly red. There was a little bit of snow on the head. "Cousin, it's snowing outside," replied cousin. I suddenly woke up, "Oh!" "go down and have a look!" OK! "I slowly got out of bed, my feet slowly extended into the cold shoes," so cold "thought in my heart. I slowly walked to the door. I took off my shoes and kicked them. The shoes flew not far away and put on my sports shoes. A colder chill" stabbed "me. I couldn't help but go downstairs.

  "Wow" snow created a miracle in front of my house. It built a less like love in front of my house! In my opinion

  It's so pure and sincere! The sweet scented osmanthus tree in front of the door has also changed, piled together like a five pointed star and pulled on the tree by mistake! This is another miracle!

  Winter is like this! Winter will soon go away! Spring will also come! It is the new year that welcomes us!


  Winter came on a fast horse or in the cold wind. Anyway, at that moment, the earth was covered with winter cotton padded jacket.

  The cicadas no longer scream, the lotus leaves leave, the maple leaves are yellow, the fallen leaves on the ground are covered with silver frost, and the bare branches lose their aura.

  Some people complain that winter comes too early. The painter has no time to draw the beautiful shadow of autumn; The poet had no time to chant the beauty of autumn; Scholars have no time to write down the sadness and harvest of autumn; Lovers have no time to feel the romance of autumn.

  But I complain that winter comes too late. Autumn's beautiful shadow is colorful, but there are too many sadness to make people confused, which can match the snow in winter. Looking forward to the snow, the child looks out of the window again and again, waiting for him, always in full bloom. But what he expected was that the flying snowflakes fell on the ground and gave the world a layer of silver makeup, making people feel peaceful and pure.

  But "no one is perfect". The beauty of winter is the biting cold wind. Every day, the cold wind, like an ever victorious general, commands thousands of troops and horses, surging like a tide. Where the cold wind runs, the vegetation is cold. It is said that "the fragrance of plum flowers comes from the bitter cold", but now, even plum flowers have to give way to the cold wind. Cold wind's hand is like a sharp bayonet, cutting everything mercilessly.

  Perhaps the winter is too harsh. All flowers fly away from the winter, and their vitality is covered under the snow. Even the chrysanthemums in full bloom in autumn also lower their high heads at the moment. Only Chimonanthus chinensis is in full bloom, standing on the branches, singing songs, overlooking the withered white flowers and withered autumn chrysanthemums.

  At the moment, winter is pregnant with a heavy snow. His pace is getting bigger and bigger. He waved goodbye to autumn. Winter dominates the world.


  Snow capped mountains, vast snow fields, white mountain roads, such as satin rivers, this is a snow world.

  In the early morning of winter, the ground was covered with a thin layer of silver white frost flowers, and the cold air all around went straight into the bone seam.

  Snow should be the first to bring winter information. You see, it has finally come in the expectation of people. Its steps are so light and soothing. It quietly falls from the distant sky. Pieces of bright and clean snowflakes fall on the bare branches and on the bare earth. Oh, it is weaving a thick white down jacket for the earth. At this time, the gray sky seems to be clear, and the world is completely integrated. Ah, what a white world

  Early in the morning, there were chirping children on the street. The children came together to make a snowman with seven or eight small hands like purple sprouted ginger. Although the snowman is just a big pile up and down, it is very white and bright. The children made eyes for him with coal balls, cut paper into the shape of his mouth, painted it with crimson color and pasted it on the snowman's face. So the snowman was made. The children clapped their hands, nodded and laughed for him. They seem to have forgotten the cold, and their hearts are full of hope.

  The sky in winter is dazzling white. You can often see big white snowflakes falling from the sky, like light girls spinning and dancing in the air. The snow fell on the ground, softly stepping on it and creaking. The snow flew to the trees, and the branches wore crystal crowns. The snow fell on the fields, which were covered with an endless silver blanket.


  It just snowed today. On my way home from school, I saw beautiful snowflakes. Naughty snow dolls hide and don't want others to see their posture. It's like giving us a beautiful surprise. But I saw them.

  When I got home, I saw them on the road. They decorated the bushes with a little snowflake into a shy and generous little girl. The trees are green and the snowflakes are white. The combination of the two is really beautiful. Snowflakes dotted the trees, and the trees reflected the snowflakes. Snowflakes and trees are really like a pair of partners with very tacit cooperation! In a word, it is: a little white in the green.

  Some bushes are green below and yellow above. Dotted with a little snow, the bushes are more beautiful. The yellow leaves are mixed with some white snow. White snow and yellow leaves set off the earth, and the blue sky shines on them. Let them become dancers on the stage, the king between the blue sky and the earth, and the pride of snowflakes and bushes.

  When writing a composition, I inadvertently looked up at the window and found another object dressed up by snowflakes. That's the roof. The roof is made of blue tiles. The white snow dotted on the blue tiles is like dotted in the blue sky. Such a harmonious and beautiful combination is more like an ink painting. How can I not be intoxicated in such a beautiful place?

  This is winter, this beautiful and harmonious ink painting!


  Winter is like an angel. The snow on the ground is her wings, the slow snow frost is her long hair, the cold wind is her breath, and the thick fog is her robe.

  Standing on a high mountain, I saw endless snow. There is joy everywhere in the white world. Look! The pine tree was covered with a thick mink coat, and the snowflakes danced on it. Slowly, they were tired of jumping, so they lay on the earth and had a quiet rest. Suddenly, a little boy hurried over. "Ah -" accidentally knocked grandpa Pine's mink coat off, put it on himself and became a "living snowman". Not far away, there is a very lovely big snowman: he grins and has a fat belly, which looks very funny. The snowflakes came again, but somehow they slipped into the distance on skateboard shoes? Oh, brother Dongfeng gave it to them!

  The sight slowly shifted to the river. Listening to the clattering sound of running water, like a rhythmic musician, the little sparrow stood on the river, accompanied by a great musician. Eh! How can a little sparrow stand on the water? Can they hang the Dharma in the air? Oh, it's them standing on the crystal clear ice! In the thick fog, the girl also ran out to play. She covered the river with a white quilt.

  My sight was slowly robbed by the grass in my backyard. The leaves in the grass have condensed into crystal clear icicles. Next to the icicles, there are white plum blossoms. The white plum tree was planted by my father and me in the spring of the previous year. Now it has grown into a graceful "girl". She stands there, swaying her graceful posture with the wind.

  Unconsciously, I like winter more and more. I like its quietness, its composure, its purity and its uniqueness.


  Winter is coming, sweat is invading and snow is falling. The north wind is howling. It's the so-called cold wind to the bone!

  Not far away, you can see several pines standing proudly in the snow. Green bamboo is still so green. It fights with wind and snow together with wax plum blossom. Their spirit is worth learning. It is really worthy of being "three friends in winter"!

  The fierce Python hibernated. The industrious little ant has already stored food in autumn and is now sleeping in the cave! The lovely little hedgehog is also sleeping in the warm winter.

  The children are wearing thick clothes. Look! They are skiing on the hillside! The children at the foot of the mountain are playing rope skipping, skating and making snowmen. How happy they are!

  Winter is coming. People wear thick and heavy cotton padded clothes and cotton padded shoes. They look very heavy, but they are very cute. Whenever snowflakes like cotton float in the sky, the earth becomes a silver white world, which is very beautiful. At this time, we can play snow related games, such as snowman, snowball fight and snowcart. I especially like the game of snowcart, It looks good when pairs of children slide quickly in the snow. Although sometimes people turn upside down and make themselves covered with snowflakes, we are very happy. Winter is really a beautiful and interesting season. I like winter


  Autumn gradually goes away, even the last dead leaves on the big tree fall down in a whirl, silent and quiet. Winter is coming

  The chilly wind drilled back and forth around my neck, and I shrank - it was still cold. In other people's articles, I saw "snow falling quietly, a piece of holiness", but in my hometown, the so-called snow is rare. I hate winter! At school, I was wrapped in a thick down jacket and shrunk. I didn't want to move around. I sat on a stool and curled up: "how can I survive this winter? It hasn't snowed yet. If it snows, I won't be cold to death!" "how can it? It's a good day."

  One day, my mind changed

  "Come on, let's go to the mountain." "sister, do you have a fever? If it's spring, it's OK, but now it's winter!" I said discontentedly, "are you going or not!" "OK, I'll go.". When I got to the mountain, I was surprised to find that winter was not beautiful, but that it was just beautiful. Winter is a little girl. She doesn't have a beautiful skirt like spring, but she has a light blue skirt; She doesn't have blond curls like summer, but she has long black straight hair; She doesn't have a pair of crystal shoes like autumn, but she has a pair of snow-white cloth boots... Standing on the top of the mountain, looking down, a few cooking smoke seems to be looming at the foot of the mountain, which makes people have a trace of infatuation. Open your hands and embrace winter. It's still cold, but I think this is the test given to us by God - the test of cold.

  In winter, let my ignorance say "I'm sorry" to you, but you won't be so stingy, will you! Winter, what can I say about you?


  Some people like spring because it is full of vitality; Some people like summer because it is colorful; Some people like autumn because it is fruitful. I like winter because of the flawless and beautiful snow.

  "Ah! It's snowing!" the students shouted together.

  I quickly looked out of the window and found that there was already a thin layer of snow on the playground. Snowflakes fall from the sky one after another. In the afternoon, snowflakes have dyed the whole earth white, like spreading a thick quilt on the earth, and the trees become white. After school in the evening, grandpa came to school to pick me up. Because the road was snowy and slippery, the cars drove very slowly. It usually took us ten minutes to go home, but it took us more than twenty minutes to get home today. When I got home, it was still snowing. It was the first and possibly the biggest snow this year.

  The next day, after I got up in the morning, I looked out of the window. There were a layer of ice flowers on the windows. The ice flowers were very beautiful. Some were like horses running on the grassland, some were like chickens pecking rice, and some were like small fish swimming

  In the afternoon, I went out of the house to see the snow in the yard. My eyes were full of white. The ground and roof were covered with thick snow. The pine branches, green bamboo and grape trellis were hung with "silver bars". They were in various shapes and glittering, like snow-white pear flowers. "Snow White" made the earth look really beautiful!

  In the evening, for the convenience of traffic, Grandpa organized our sweeping. We shovel and sweep broom, and through our efforts, we sweep the road to the garage clean. The heavy snow not only brings us happiness, but also brings a bumper harvest to the farmers.


  Spring, summer and autumn have passed. They are anxious to say hello to winter and leave. Winter may not be a good thing for people who like spring, summer and autumn, but it is great news for children on campus.

  At first, the snowflakes were still vaguely countable and indistinctly hard to find, as if there was a God in the sky, carelessly scattering a few broken petals; Slowly it became dense, and it seemed that the god man and his lover were playing in the garden and knocked down several pear flowers; Finally, it was snowy. It was clear which couple had a happy waltz on the spur of the moment and rolled up the snow all over the sky.

  At this time, jingling, jingling... It's time to finish class. "Teacher, you're working hard!" before the teacher's voice fell, the students ran out like a swarm of bees to the snow. In our class, we took shovels to shovel snow, made the shoveled snow pile very high, and then repaired the snow pile to adult type. Several students placed the snowball at the top of the snowdrift, and the snowman's round head was done. I also borrowed a carrot from my aunt in the restaurant and put it on the snowball to make a nose. He also made eyes and mouth with stones. After a while, a vivid snowman was made.

  Then sun XuKe said, "let's have some excitement. Shall we have a snowball fight?" "OK!" we answered with one voice. For a time, we saw snowballs flying in the air, filled with our laughter and laughter. "Not good," "Ouch!" "hit!", shouting one after another. The whole playground became a sea of joy. We were having a good time, and the class bell rang

  Ah! The winter on campus is really beautiful. The winter on campus is really happy. The winter on campus is very good. It is a unique paradise for our children. I love the winter on campus!

