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【#英语资源# 导语】中秋之夜是个美好、祥和的夜晚。家家户户欢聚一堂,品尝月饼和瓜果,享受天伦之乐。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  "There is a bright moon on the sea, and the ends of the world are at this time." look forward to the stars and the moon. The long-awaited Mid Autumn Festival has finally arrived.

  During the day, we prepared well for the moon at night: put a square table in front of the window, buy moon cakes and fruit and put them on the square table. Finally, after dinner, night finally fell. Miss moon doesn't know when she has quietly jumped into the dark sky. Look, the bright moon, like a huge white jade plate and a bright mirror, is looking at you. At this time, the lonely Chang'e must regret eating the elixir when she saw our round scene; When the jade rabbit who is making medicine sees the food in front of us, his saliva must "fly down 3000 feet"; Wu Gang, who has worked hard to cut down trees, must also envy the perfect life in the world at the moment and also want to enjoy the happiness of his family. After a while, Miss moon seemed to notice that we were looking at her, shyly hid behind Brother Yun, but soon showed her cheeks and secretly looked at us. It is often said that the moon on August 15 is the roundest and brightest of the year. Seeing you today, you really deserve your reputation. There are few stars beside the moon. They have lost their former glory and disappeared like birds homing. Maybe it's because they all hide when they see the moon. Seeing us, sister Yun in the distance covered her face with a handkerchief and didn't dare to look at us.

  The silver moonlight enveloped the earth like a silver scarf. At this time, I couldn't help chanting the quiet night thought by Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: "the bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raise your head to look at the bright moon and bow your head to think of your hometown." yes, there must be many people who work outside and can't reunite with their relatives at the moment. What a pity for them! I will never forget this happy and poetic Mid Autumn Festival!


  On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, my parents, Grandpa and grandma and I happily went to the supermarket to buy moon cakes.

  We came to Yasi supermarket, which was packed with people. After a long time, we came to the area selling moon cakes. There are all kinds of moon cakes with bean paste flavor; Strawberry flavor; Orange flavored... It's so full of everything that people are dazzled. We finally chose the moon cakes with bean paste and mung bean taste, and the family went home happily.

  When I got home, I couldn't wait to wash my hands with soap, and then took a moon cake. With a knife in my left hand and a fork in my right hand, I divided the moon cake into five parts in two or three times. I didn't care whether it was elegant or not. I wolfed it down. After a while, a moon cake was destroyed by me.

  In the afternoon, I thought to myself that my parents had gone home. This time, our family could finally have a reunion dinner together.

  Time passed quickly. It was time for dinner. I invited my elders to the table first, and then I was very excited. "Wow! Today's dishes are so rich" I couldn't help shouting. There are bright red pig blood, green cabbage, red and white shredded meat, delicious and juicy steak... I've been salivating. I picked up chopsticks and ate them.

  After dinner, our family came to the balcony to enjoy the moon. Today's moon is particularly round. It's like a big white jade plate with golden clarity hanging in the sky. It's so beautiful that I can't help chanting Li Bai's poem: "I don't know the moon when I'm young. It's called a white jade plate."

  This mid autumn festival, our family had a good time, let me always remember!


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. It is a day for all families to get together.

  In the evening, when my uncle and I were having dinner, my uncle said with great emotion, "when we were young, we didn't have enough to eat, so we couldn't have a good mid autumn festival." I comforted and said, "now the economy is developing. We don't need to be hungry anymore. If we have time for the Mid Autumn Festival, our family can eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon." everyone nodded and agreed. After dinner, we went to enjoy the moon. At this time, the moon seems to be covered with a thin veil. The moonlight is hazy and the stars in the distance are shining. At this time, I asked my uncle, "how did you spend the Mid Autumn Festival before?" my uncle sighed and said, "at that time, the family was very poor and the autumn harvest was busy. Who had time to enjoy the moon?" I asked again: "did you have moon cakes at that time?" my uncle recalled thoughtfully: "What moon cakes are there? Even if there are, sprinkle a little sugar on the bread and bake it. It will be moon cakes."

  "It's so good now. There are many mooncakes in the street. You can have whatever you want." my uncle talked about his life now, filled with happiness and felt very satisfied. I talked with him for a long time. The moon in the sky has lifted its veil and revealed his face as white as jade.

  The moon in front of the window is the past month, and the people in front of us are people from the past. The Mid Autumn Festival mentioned by my uncle's generation is only stored in their memory, with mixed flavors. We can't understand it. Through chatting with my uncle, I probably know that they spent the festival in the past. A lot of feelings arise spontaneously. The Mid Autumn Festival in the past is really different from now. How happy our life is now, and I should cherish it I hope my uncle and his generation will live a happier life in the future.

  It's also the mid autumn festival night. The moon is brighter tonight. I look up at the moon in the sky. That round face seems to be smiling at me.


  "Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. You can eat moon cakes. That's great.". I cried excitedly. Mother said that moon cakes can be eaten on the Mid Autumn Festival, but we can't eat them for nothing. We should make a poem. Ah, I frown at the thought of this, because it's difficult to write a poem. I've been thinking for a long time. I've finally figured it out.

  At night, the moon came out. It was golden and round. It looked very beautiful in the dark sky. "Eat moon cakes!" cried his brother. "I'll come first, I'll come first", I scrambled for the position. I read happily: "it's like the autumn wind coming all night, and the moon is round during the Mid Autumn Festival.

  The autumn wind sends the autumn moon with laurel, and the autumn day is still hotter than the summer. The wind is cool at night, and the years are round and round. "" Oh! I can eat moon cakes, yeah! "I jumped up happily with the moon cakes, and immediately sat down to listen to the poem. When his younger brother came on, he chanted shyly, "the moon is round and round like a big disk. Moon cakes are sweet and sweet for the Mid Autumn Festival." his younger brother also got a moon cake. We both laughed happily. After eating a moon cake, I still wanted to eat, so I made up another poem and read it to my mother. I looked at the moon in the sky and blurted out, "the moon is golden, like a big gold plate. Chang'e lives in it, and the jade rabbit comes to make medicine. The Mid Autumn Festival sends health and wishes people long life." then I was very happy because I got another moon cake. My brother is very jealous. Looking at me, there is another one. He also ran to read a poem: "the moon is round and round in the Mid Autumn Festival. I eat moon cakes under the moon." you see such a loud voice, I heard it outside. "Suddenly I wonder why the moon is round. It's 15 today." his poem is not bad.

  I wish teachers, parents and students all over the world a happy mid autumn festival.


  This Mid Autumn Festival this year, I went to the countryside and felt good at home.

  When I came to the room, the table was full of moon cakes, big, small, red and yellow. I threw myself on the bed and looked at this and that. I was really happy that night. We got together and had dinner together. Grandpa and grandma went to the market and bought many and all kinds of dishes. When dinner began, I couldn't wait to eat a chicken claw. Everyone ate happily. The side dishes are very rich, which makes people greedy. After a while, Grandpa smiled and said to me, "let's go and get the moon cakes together.". Grandpa and I went upstairs to select carefully and found two boxes of moon cakes with the most primitive packaging and look delicious. I excitedly opened the moon cake and took out a piece. There were many beautiful patterns carved on the moon cake. My mouth was so greedy that I stuffed it into my mouth and took a big bite. It was very sweet and sweet. There was a fragrance coming to my face, which made me intoxicated. It turned out to be rener flavor moon cakes. I ate them very fragrant.

  Let's go to the balcony and taste moon cakes to see the round moon. We waited and waited for half an hour, two dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and a plate of silvery things came slowly. I opened my big eyes and shouted excitedly, "the moon appears!" everyone was attracted by the beautiful moon, and I couldn't turn my eyes. At the full moon, our eyes were very tired, so we went back to our room to sleep.

  This mid autumn festival, I had a very happy time, because our family get together, watch the moon and eat moon cakes together. I feel very happy and satisfied.

