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【#高一# 导语】对于刚刚升入高中的高一学子来说,每一个科目的学习都是一项挑战。高一英语的难度与深度都不是初中英语可以媲美的,所以在这个阶段要学会归纳总结,©文档大全网为各位同学整理了《高一英语必修一笔记整理》,希望对你的学习有所帮助!

1.高一英语必修一笔记整理 篇一

  1. What should a friend be like? 询问对方的看法

  2. I think he / she should be…表示个人观点的词语

  3. I enjoy reading / I'm fond of singing / I like playing computer games. 等表示喜好的词语

  4. Chuck is on a flight when suddenly his plane crashes.“when"作并列连词的用法

  5. What / Who / When / Where is it that...? 强调句的特殊疑问句结构

  6. With so many people communicating in English everyday,“with+宾语+宾补”的结构做状语

  7. Can you tell me how to pronounce...? 带连接副词(或代词)的不定式做宾补的用法

2.高一英语必修一笔记整理 篇二

  1) from now/today/then/that time on 自现在起/今天/那时/ 那时起

  2) go by 经过,依照,作为指南

  3) go by sb/the law从某人旁边经过/遵守法律

  4) let a chance go by 放过机会

  5) (time) go by (时光)流逝

  6) go after/go over/go out 追求/检查/熄灭

  7) go all out/ go in for 全力以赴/从事,酷爱

  8) go through 遭受

  9) as a result 结果,因此

  10) as a result of 作为…的结果

  11) with the result that 结果是,因此

  12) without result 毫无结果

  13) result from = lie in 因…引起

  14) achieve one’s goal 实现某人的目

  15) set a goal 设定一个目标

  16) a personal call 亲自访问

  17) one’s personal view 某人的个人观点

  18) personally speaking 就个人而言

  19) in a way = in one way 在某种程度上

  20) in no way 一点也不,决不

3.高一英语必修一笔记整理 篇三

  1) in search of = in the search for 寻找

  2) search for sb/ sth 寻找某人/物

  3) search … for sb/ sth 搜查…以寻找某人/物

  4) decorate sth with 用…装饰

  5) decorate sth in/after…style按照…风格装饰

  6) decorate for 为…装饰

  7) belong to 属于

  8) in return for 作为回报,作为报答(原因)

  9) no doubt 无疑地,很可能

  10) without (a) doubt 无疑地

  11) beyond doubt 毫无疑问(常作插入语)

  12) in doubt 感到怀疑的

  13) be worth doing sth 值得做某事

  14) take apart 拆开

  15) come/ fall apart 崩溃,瓦解

  16) apart from 除了…以外都,除去

  17) in evidence 明显的,显而易见的

  18) at the entrance to 去…的入口

  19) think highly/much/a lot of 高度赞扬/评价

  20) think little/poorly of 忽视,不重视

4.高一英语必修一笔记整理 篇四

  1. access information获取信息

  2.through a computer/telephone


  3.consist of =be made up of=be composed of 由……组成

  4. consist in=lie in 在于、存在于

  5. consist with =agree with 与……协调,与……一致

  6.a network of computer 电脑网络

  7.system of communication 交流系统

  8.as well=too=also 也 (用于肯定句)

  9.as well as 和……一样好,同

  10.may/might as well 不妨、还不如

  11.become/be known as =be famous as 作为……而出名

  12. become/be known for =be famous for 因……而出名

  13. become/be known to 为……所熟知

  14 access information获取信息

  15.be accessible to 可接近、可使用、可进入的

  16.have /gain/get access to 得以接近

  17.crash into 撞上/击

  18.hundreds/thousands/millions of +名词复数

  19.dozens /scores of+名词复数 许多

  20.数词+ hundred/thousand/million / dozen /score+名词复数

5.高一英语必修一笔记整理 篇五

  1.argue about 争论…..

  2. be found of 喜欢…..

  3. all the time 一直,始终

  4. make fire 生火

  5. develop a friendship建立友谊

  6. care about 关心,担心

  7. in order to 为了……

  8. hunt for 搜寻;追寻;寻找

  9. such as 例如

  10. make friends交朋友

  11. be regard as被当作…..

  12. click …away 点击……发送

  13. make a difference有所不同

  14 .drop sb. a line给某人写信

  15 keep in mind记住

6.高一英语必修一笔记整理 篇六

  1.dream of/about (doing) sth.梦想;幻想

  2. pretend to do / be假装做某事

  3. to be honest说实话

  be honest with sb.对某人坦白

  be honest in sth.坦白承认

  4. attache… to认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接

  5. form the habit of养成……的习惯

  6. perform侧重表演的能力、技巧或效果;主语可以是人或动物


  performance n.演出;演奏;表演

  7. in cash用现金,用现钱

  pay in cash给现金;现金支付

  by credit card用信用卡

  by cheque / check用支票

  8. play a joke on sb.=play jokes on sb.戏弄

  make fun of捉弄;取笑

  laugh at sb.嘲笑

  9. rely on =depend on依靠,指望

  10. or so “大约;……左右”

  11.break away from脱离;摆脱

  12. above all:最重要的是,尤其,首先

  in all:一共;总计

  after all:毕竟;终究;别忘了

  at all: (否定句)根本,完全(疑问句)到底
