

时间:2023-03-03 09:13:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

High school students want to have their own style, because they want to have individuality, they want to show to the world that they are cool and the only. I see many girls make up and dress the mature clothes in the school and the boys wear the strange ear studs. Teenagers do these because they think it is the fashion and can present themselves. In my opinion, fashion has nothing to do with the outlook. Even though some girls make them look like the models, what they wear is not suitable with their age. As a high school student, it is important to dress comfortably, what they wear should show their vitality, this is the fashion. Fashion is comfortable and shows people’s character, making people confident. Different stage has the different beauty, thus to has the different fashion. 高中生想要拥有自己的风格,因为他们想要有个性,向世界展示他们的酷和。我看到很多女孩子化妆,在学校穿着成熟衣服,一些男孩子带着奇怪的耳钉。青少年这样做是因为他们觉得这是时尚,能够展示自己。在我看来,时尚和外表无关。虽然有些女孩子让自己看起来像模特,但是她们的穿着打扮和年龄不符合。作为高中生,穿着舒服很重要,着装应该展示他们的活力,这才是时尚。时尚是舒服的,并且展示了人们的性格,让人们看起来自信。不同的阶段有着不同的美,所以时尚也不同。

高中英语作文:什么是时尚 What Is Fashion.doc
