

时间:2021-09-13 02:09:41 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】一百年来,在中国共产党的领导下,中华民族团结起来英勇顽强实现了从站起来到富起来到强起来。一百年来,革命先驱们发扬了伟大建党精神,弘扬建党精神,不怕牺牲,锤炼品格,传承红色血脉。我们对他们怀着崇高的敬意,怀念做出重大贡献的第一代领导人,怀念革命先烈们奋斗的丰功伟纪。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Look at the present, your style is still. In the new era, your thoughts are shining with wisdom, developing and moving forward. Generation after generation of promising young people, under your guidance, move forward bravely and dare to compete with God.

  Looking forward to tomorrow, your miracle is still writing. As a new generation of young people, we, who grow up under your glory, will also fight in the sky under your guidance. In the tide of world development, be the last wave to stop the flying boat, shoulder the important task of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, shoulder their own historical mission and shoulder the important task entrusted by the times. We will release youth passion and pursue youth ideals in our struggle, pave the way and build bridges for national rejuvenation and contribute to the construction of the motherland with youth and struggle.

  Happy birthday, lovely Communist Party of China, I wish you all well and prosperity.


  Life is a hundred years old, old at dusk; Our party has been young for a hundred years. A call and answer, sleeping lion Shu Wang, thousands of the world, all animals panic; A hundred echoes, the country is rich and the people are strong, speed up the whip, and strive for prosperity; Answer every call, global applause, Chinese mind and emotion. With 90 million Party members, everyone has the heart of a calf and the courage of a bare child, and works together to strive for the top; Cadres and the masses unite, work together with the party, strengthen themselves hand in hand, walk shoulder to shoulder, and stride towards glory.

  He lives tirelessly and acts faithfully. The Centennial great party stands in heaven and earth, and the Savior of the people is haobi in Langyue; Hongji's great cause, brilliant Yan and Huang, and 56 nationalities have entered a well-off society in an all-round way together; Look around the world, share globally, work together in the same boat, share rights and responsibilities, and contribute to China's strength. Ask where the well-being of all the people is? What is the hope of mankind? What is the mainstay of the world? Looking around, looking for ancient and modern, only the Communist Party of China.


  In, the Communist Party of China ushered in his 100th birthday. Looking back on the past 100 years of trials and hardships, it can be said that the past 100 years have been 100 years for our party to break through difficulties and forge ahead, and 100 years of trials and hardships and brilliant achievements.

  Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people of all ethnic groups fought hard, pushed down the oppression of the three mountains and established a new China. Through the hard work of generations of predecessors, the Chinese nation, full of war humiliation and backwardness, has finally stood up! China is like a giant dragon, standing in the east of the world again as a big country.


  On July 23, 1921, on a cruise ship of the Communist Party of China in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, Mao Zedong and Dong Biwu, representatives of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, solemnly sworn in the founding of the Communist Party of China, which brought a light of hope through the haze to the Chinese people suffering from the severe disaster, pointed out the direction to the foggy Chinese revolution and lit the guiding light.

  China in 2021 coincides with the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The mission of the times gives our young generation many missions, which are different from the stall economic wave under the previous epidemic and the employment crisis under the previous epidemic. How to overcome, how to overcome and how to make their talents and learning have a place to play. Formally, we should learn from our predecessors what they should learn from their fine Chinese communist spirit of daring to be first, fighting bravely, and being good at challenging the unknown and unyielding. The opportunities and challenges in 2021 are a stage to show our young people the opportunity to love the country and the party.


  The Centennial great party has achieved great achievements for thousands of years, made countless sacrifices and experienced ups and downs. *** Keep the loyalty and love to the party and the people in mind and implement it in action.

  At present, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to embark on a new road to achieve the second Centennial goal. The group company is in the initial stage of Second Entrepreneurship and the opening of a new Bureau of Tibet company. As a party member and leading cadre of grass-roots enterprises, it is necessary to practice the purpose, work hard and offer, obey the command, work tenaciously, dare to sacrifice, work hard, overcome difficulties, abide by discipline Lay stress on rules, keep close contact with the masses, firmly rely on employees, make due contributions to the high-quality development of the company, and be willing to devote everything to the realization of the second Centennial goal and national rejuvenation.

