
时间:2023-10-03 02:11:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


   eg:I got up late. 
   I was late for school. 
   Because I got up late, I was late for school. (原因状语从句) 
   I got up late,so I was late for school. (结果状语从句) 
   1. 地点状语: 
   地点状语从句通常由where, wherever,everywhere 引导; 
   eg:Where I live there are plenty of trees. 
   Wherever you work, you will gain much valuable experience as long as you are willing to work. 
   Wherever=no matter where 
   Everywhere they went, they were warmly received. 
   Where there is a will, there is a way. 
   eg: Where you are confident,you will succeed. 
   eg:Where previously the bank had concentrated on the big infrastructure projects , such as dams, roads and bridges,it begin to switch to projects which directly improved the basic services of a country. concentrated on :集中于;

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