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【#小学英语# 导语】书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。学习从来就不是一件轻松地事情,小学阶段要注重培养学生对待学习能坚持投入进去的决心,把学习当成一种使命。尤其学习一门外语,不像汉语有天然的环境熏陶优势,更加需要学生去坚持。以下是®文档大全网整理的《小学三年级下册英语单元试卷(笔试部分)》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  一、 读一读,把下列单词的序号填在相应的横线上。
  1. big 2. UK 3.small 4.mother
  5. China 6. dad 7. Canada 8. short
  9. sister 10. long 11. brother 12. USA
  国家类: —————————————————
  ( ) 1. 你想说看那只长颈鹿,你应该怎样说?
  A.Look at that giraffe. B.Look at that monkey.
  ( ) 2.如果你看见一只熊,它又矮又胖,你会怎么说?
  A.It’s tall and thin B. It’s short and fat.
  ( ) 3. 你想说:“到这来,孩子们”,会怎样说?
  A.Nice to meet you. B.Come here,children.
  ( ) 4. 看到一只大象,你想说: “它有小眼睛和大耳朵”,你会怎么说?
  A.It has small ears and big eyes.
  B.It has small eyes and big ears.
  ( ) 5.如果你想问:“她是你的妈妈吗?”,你会怎样问?
  A.Is he your father?
  B.Is she your mother?
  ( )1. Who’s that woman?
  ( )2. What is this?
  ( )3. How are you?
  ( )4.Is she your mum?
  ( )5. How many animals do you know?
  A. yellow B. tiger C. tall D. nine E. mother
  ( )1. ten six seven ___________
  ( )2. __________ father sister grandmother
  ( )3. short long __________ small
  ( )4. _______ green blue red
  ( )5. giraffe ________ ostrich elephant
  五、阅读理解。对的打“√”, 错的打“×”。
  Today I go to the zoo. I see many animals. The tiger is big. It has a very big mouth. The giraffe is so tall. It has a small head and a long neck.(脖子) The panda is very cute. It has big black eyes and a fat body. The fox has a long big tail. The zebra is black and white. The horse is brown. Oh, that is a gorilla. It has long arms. The monkey has long tail. I love animals very much.
  ( )1. Today I go to school.
  ( )2. I see a brown zebra and a white horse.
  ( )3. The gorilla has long arms.
  ( )4. The fox’s tail is long and big.
  ( )5. The giraffe has a small head.


  hands , Jenny , black , doctor , window
  1、Open the ____________.
  2、Clap your ____________.
  3、Let’s see the ______________.
  4、My eyes are ___________.
  5、My name is ___________.
  Ⅱ . 选出不同类的单词。
  ( ) 1. A. warm B. cool C. green
  ( ) 2. A. eye B. nose C.left
  ( ) 3. A. ten B. five C. hand
  ( ) 4. A. pen B. hand C. ruler
  ( )1.—What colour is it? —It’s________
  A.red B.big C.good
  ( )2.—________. —Nice to meet you ,too.
  A. Hello . B. Nice to meet you. C. Hi.
  ( )3. —______________? —It’s a book.
  A. What’s this? B. Where is the book? C. What colour is it?
  ( )4. —How do you feel ? —______________?
  A.I feel tired. B. It’s a book . C. Six .
  IV. 按要求完成句子.
  1. my , leg , hurts (用所给单词仿照例句写句子)
  >例: My head hurts .
  2. are eyes His black (连词成句)
  ( ) 1. What colour is your hair?
  ( ) 2. Are you okay?
  ( ) 3.What’s the matter?
  ( ) 4. How many books do you have?
  ( ) 5. How are you ?
  A. My head hurts. B. Six.
  C. I’m fine, thanks. D .No, I’m sick.
  E. My hair is black.
  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
  A. Li Ming has six chairs.
  B. Wave your arm.
  C. He is tired.
  D. This is my right ear.
  VII.阅读短文,对的在题前括号内打“√ ”,错的在题前括号内打“×”。
  My name is Danny. My hair is black. I have three hairs. My eyes are black. I have two hands. My hands are green. I have eight fingers. I walk to school. I feel happy.
  1、( ) My name is Jenny .
  2、( ) I have three hairs.
  3、( ) My eyes are black.
  4、( ) I have ten fingers.
  5、( ) I walk to school.

