
时间:2023-05-07 22:37:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露滋润它成长;小草感恩大地,因为大地使它更加鲜绿;植物感恩阳光,因为阳光使它们生机。而我,则感恩我的父亲,因为父亲教育我做人要正直。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is father's day, which is easy to forget, because it is not as easy to remember as other festivals.

  However, today I gave my father a big surprise, because I always don't like to express, even if I have ideas in my heart.

  This morning, my mother had just finished breakfast. I ran over and asked her with a smile: Mom, can you give me a few dollars? She asked me what I wanted to buy. I suddenly ran back to my bedroom as if I remembered something. More than ten seconds later, I ran away to the street. My mother was confused. I didn't know what I was going to do. After about 20 minutes, I ran home in sweat. I took a can of Suntory beer in both hands. I said to my mother: do you know what festival it is today? Mother tried to think and think, just can't remember which special festival today is, today is father's Day! I said loudly and cheerfully, as soon as I clapped my forehead, yes! Today is father's day. Why can't I remember?

  Mom stared at the beer in my hand and still didn't know what I wanted to do with it. I continued: Mom, dad is usually too hard! I go to work every day, take me to school in the morning and pick me up from school at noon. I've never been late. I know my father is kind to me, so today I bought these two bottles of beer for my father with the money I usually save in the savings tank, because my father told me that he won't be tired if he drinks a cold beer when he is hottest and tired. I know how to write a few words of "I wish my father a happy holiday" on it. When I see one of them, I think I know how to give it to my mother. I know how to give it to my father!

  At the moment when his father received the gift from me, I saw happiness and comfort in his delighted eyes.


  Another year's father's Day is coming. Thinking of the previous father's day, I prepared all kinds of gifts for my father. My father was very happy after receiving the gifts. In my impression, the most unforgettable father's Day was the father's day when I was in the third grade of primary school. Now I think of it, I still can't forget it.

  Because I didn't review carefully, I failed in that Chinese exam. After the test paper was distributed, I found that several questions I had done at ordinary times were wrong, and my carelessness also made me lose a lot of points. When I got home, I didn't dare to show my father the test paper. At the thought of his usual stern appearance, I hid the test paper secretly. When I got home in the evening, after dinner, my father stopped me. I had an ominous hunch. Sure enough, my father asked me whether the test paper for the Chinese exam had been distributed. As soon as I thought of the poor score, I quickly shook my head and lied to my father that the teacher said it would be distributed in a few days. My father looked at me suspiciously and asked, "really didn't I send it?" I still insisted that I didn't send it, "then what's going on?" my father took out his mobile phone. The original teacher told my father about the exam when he saw that my study was unstable. The text message already said the score of the exam paper.

  I didn't dare to look up at my father. My father sighed and said to me, "a failure doesn't mean anything, but lying is a serious mistake. I often teach you to be honest, but you lied." Then my father asked me to take out the test paper and carefully analyze each question for me. Before going to bed, my mother came to my bedside and said to me, "today is father's day. Your father thought you would prepare a gift for him, but he didn't expect such a special gift." After listening to my mother, I couldn't help crying and wanted to say to my father: I'm sorry, but I haven't had the courage.

  Today, whenever I recall that year's father's day, I deeply regret it.


  Father's day this is a festival of filial piety to my father. Such a festival is a good time for my father to rest and experience being a father. Father's day makes me unforgettable.

  Many things happen on father's day. The only thing that makes me unforgettable is communication, heart to heart, having dinner with my father, and the best time is the time with my father.

  Father's Day reminds me to give my father some surprises and make my father feel that father's Day is a warm and unforgettable time for my father. In fact, in life, father is our closest person, and father's love is like a mountain surrounded by us. Around me all the time. Father's Day reminds me of my father's greatness and selflessness. Giving me economic support in life and encouraging my study in life are actually the greatest and most selfless. In this world, only my father can bring me such selflessness.

  On this father's day, I thought of making a meal for my father and let him sit there and feel warm. I went to the market to buy some vegetables and came back, and then I began to get busy. Wash vegetables and cook, wash vegetables and cook. In this busy time, what I don't feel is a kind of warmth, what I don't feel is a kind of family happiness, which brings me a kind of exercise in my life. While exercising, I feel a kind of love, a kind of selfless love, a kind of great father's love, surrounded by me all the time.

  The unforgettable father's day makes me feel warm and feel my father's pain and fatigue in this world for us.


  On father's day, Tintin decided to use his pocket money to buy a pair of leather shoes for his father as a holiday gift. So he "killed" his piggy bank.

  After killing the little fat pig, Tintin rushed into his father's room like a rabbit, While crying, he said to his father, "Dad, I accidentally broke your favorite vase just now. Dad was angry when he heard it! He blew his beard, stared, opened his mouth and bit his teeth. Without saying a word, he kicked Tintin's thigh, left and right. Tintin was kicked out of the door.

  Tintin took his pocket money directly and ran to a nearby shoe store without looking back. After arriving at the shoe store, Ding Ding said to the landlady out of breath, "buy... Buy a pair of... Men's shoes." The landlady was puzzled and asked: you are still a child. How can you wear adult shoes? Ding Ding told the landlady that she didn't wear it herself, but bought it for her father. The landlady listened and praised him as a good child who is filial to his parents! The proprietress asked again, "how big are your father's feet?" Tintin turned around, pursed up the * stock, pointed to the footprints his father had just kicked and said, "my father's feet are so big." the proprietress was stunned for a long time before she smiled and said, "so you have drawn the size on the * stock!


  Father's love is like a song. I am a bird, and father's love is the sky. I fly in the care of father's love. I am a small fish, and my father's love is the ocean. I swim in the warmth of my father's love.

  My father is an ordinary businessman, but in my eyes, he is the greatest father in the world.

  I remember one severe winter, I wore a cotton padded jacket less at school, which made me shiver. I rubbed my hands and regretted not listening to my mother. At this time, I heard my deskmate say, "Liu Junyi, your father is coming!" When I walked out of the classroom, I saw my father smiling, holding a cotton padded jacket in his hand and saying, "come on, put it on.". I put on my cotton padded jacket. My body was warm and my heart was warm. My father said, "pay attention to it in the future". I smiled and nodded hard. When I got home, my mother heard that I was wearing a cotton padded jacket less at school. She scolded me severely and was about to hit me. My father came over with a smile and said, "children are not sensible. Forget it." I looked at my father gratefully. My father educated me with tolerance.

  Another time, I made trouble outside and lied to my mother. My mother's criticism made me blush and I shed tears of regret. When my father saw it, he quickly wiped my tears, reasoned with me, and said to my mother, "beating and scolding children is not a good way of education. We should reason with them. After all, they are still children." My father told me a lot of truth, which made me admit my mistake wholeheartedly.

  I grow up day by day and know to be grateful to my parents. I will hand over a cup of hot tea when my parents are tired; After dinner, my parents rest and I'll wash the dishes.

  I have a good father who let me know what love is. I grow up in love, with a light of gratitude in my heart, illuminating the way of my life!


  Dad, I really want to thank you!

  In the past, my handwriting was in a mess, ranging in size and staggering... Anyway, it was very poor. I didn't pay attention to this situation. Until these two years, my paper score was deducted in each final exam. Dad found this, so, starting from this summer vacation, my family started my "little devil training".

  At the beginning, I had to practice eight, nine or ten words a day. However, my father soon found the defect: it's hard to master too many words. So my father gave me "commutation" and practiced five or six words a day. In the end, just let me practice one or two words a day. From "heavy punishment" to "lightest punishment". I can't help sighing: the world is changing so fast!

  I practice calligraphy and complain. Of course, there is a reason. When I practiced for a long time and couldn't practice well, I was angry and anxious. I often cried a few poor tears while scolding myself for being a fool. Especially when I encounter good-looking TV programs and can't watch them, it's the time when I'm extremely sad. At this time, I'm confused and can't practice my words well. At this time, my father will first guide me ideologically, and then patiently help me analyze the structure of words, the characteristics of strokes and what should be paid attention to. Sometimes, if I don't listen carefully, my father will explain it to me again and again until I understand it.

  Now, school has begun, and I have become a fifth grade student. In the first few days of school, my words were praised by the teacher. I was happy in my heart. However, I know how much effort my father has made behind this honor?

  Thank you, dear dad!


  My father's name is Qiu Kaihang. He is 39 years old and works in Pinghu. He's not tall. I stand with him. I'm only a little shorter. He is fat, like a giant panda, with a fat face and big eyes, embedded in his face like a pair of big pearls. He also likes to laugh very much, and his voice is very loud and clear. When he had a lot of moustaches on his chin, he would sometimes stab me with a moustache, making me laugh and hide next to my mother. His brain is very good. I can't do my math homework. He can say the idea of solving the problem immediately.

  My father's hobby is playing badminton. Sometimes when my father can't find someone to play badminton with him, he will ask me to play with him. Sometimes I can beat my father, and sometimes my father can beat me. My father told me to play with him with the play I learned in school. Sometimes I play for more than an hour and I can't tell who wins. Sometimes I'm tired and I'm defeated by my father in more than ten minutes.

  My father is very strict with me. When I do my homework, as long as I make a mistake, he will severely criticize me. For example, once when I was writing a Chinese exercise, I wrote two wrong words. My father said sternly, "why did I write two wrong words?" I said sadly, "I accidentally made a mistake." The father asked sternly, "Why are you careless?" I cried and said, "two words with the same pronunciation, it's hard to tell which word to fill in."

  Dad dotes on me. Once when I was ill, he took me to the doctor and asked for leave to accompany me at home. He told me to take medicine and buy me what I wanted to eat. He didn't go to work until I was well.

  As the saying goes, "the kindness of a drop of water is rewarded by a gushing spring. The father's love is higher than the mountain, and the mother's love is deeper than the sea". My father is a big rabbit playing on the grass.

  I'm so proud to have such a good father!


  Everyone has a grateful person. Some are grateful to teachers for their education; Some are grateful to their parents for their upbringing; Some thanked their friends for their friendship. And the person I want to be grateful for is the one who has been silently supporting and encouraging me - my dear father.

  Whenever I encounter difficulties and want to give up, my father always encourages me: child, you have to believe in yourself and you can do it.

  I remember once, my father took me home by riding an electric car. I suddenly wanted to learn to ride an electric car, but I didn't dare to ride it. My father seemed to see my mind and asked me, "shuzhan, do you want to ride an electric car?" I said, "yes, but I dare not ride." Dad asked curiously, "why?" I said, "last time I learned to ride an electric car secretly, because I didn't control the handle well, I suddenly hit a tree. Fortunately, there was no big problem, so I didn't dare to ride an electric car again." "This can't work. You should learn to believe in yourself. There is a famous saying 'is failure the mother of success'? Where is success without failure? I'm sure it's all right with me holding back this time. Don't worry." Dad said back. After listening to my father's words, I was full of confidence. I got on the tram. My father first supported me in the back and carefully taught me skills. After I slowly adapted, my father released his hand and let me ride all the way home... Since this incident, I have learned: we should have confidence in doing things and believe that we can do it.

  If I am a grass, my father's encouragement is the rain and dew in spring; If I am a sapling, my father's encouragement is to nourish my soil; If a butterfly is my father's wing!

  My growth is inseparable from my father's care and help. I will always be grateful to my father. Dear dad, father's Day is coming. I wish you a happy holiday in advance!


  Someone said that father love is like a mountain. Although father love is not as meticulous as mother love, father love is so great; Hardship. When you make a mistake, who is beside you to tell you the truth and teach you how to behave; Enlighten you. Yes, that's your father, the huge arm supporting the family behind you.

  I still remember one time I was carrying that heavy schoolbag after school. I thought it would be nice if someone came to pick me up. I saw a familiar figure in front of me. Ah, that was my father. I ran to his arms. I asked him why he was free to pick me up today. He said, 'I've been picking you up since the morning shift.' in fact, it's not easy for my father to spare some time to accompany me. I'm overwhelmed by the heavy schoolbag. I wonder why my father didn't take the heavy schoolbag like his mother. I wonder if my father doesn't love me anymore. Why doesn't he even ask? I'm a little sad at this time. I was thinking about a good idea. Oh, it turned out that my father said he was going to have a haircut. I said yes without hesitation.

  With the enthusiastic service of the barber and the fact that I didn't have to do it myself, my mood gradually improved. My hair was cut, but before my father finished, I went to my father's haircut position. To my surprise, the white hair on my father's head made me a little ashamed. Because my father's white hair reminds me of my father's hard work, the busyness of returning home late and my ignorance. I also complain about that, but I didn't think of the tiredness of my father's working day.

  Father pays too much for us. Although his love is not as meticulous as his mother, his love is as big as heaven, as wide as earth and as high as mountain, but his weight in my psychology is immeasurable and incomparable, because he is always the greatest person in my heart.

  I will always love you, my father.


  The third Sunday in June every year is father's day. It is said that the reason for choosing June to celebrate father's Day is that the sunshine in June is the hottest in the year, symbolizing the fiery love given by the father to his children.

  Father is like a mountain, so in many cases, feeling father's love is like climbing a mountain. The higher the mountain, the more majestic, the harder it is to climb to the top, the less easy it is to see all of him, and the more unable to understand his true meaning. Therefore, we always can't say and feel deeply about father's love. In many cases, feeling father's love is like a long journey. Only through the transformation of time and space can we find it. However, after finding it, you will find that these are far away, because the former father's love has long been left behind by us.

  The white hair on the temples, the wrinkles on the forehead, and the father like a mountain should not only leave us the back.

  As we grow up day by day, my father is getting old.

  When we finally become the parents of a child, we know that father's love is also a kind of silent love.

  Fatherly love is implicit. Fatherly love is rough. Like his hand, he doesn't know how to decorate it. He always gives silently. Many times, we ignore that our Father also needs our care and love.

  Some say that father's love is like a mountain, others say that father's love is like a sea. But how much love do you have to tell your father?

  In this father's day, let's leave our most sincere blessings to our father and speak out our love for our father!

