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【#小学英语# 导语】英语试卷的目的不仅只是考个分数,证明我成绩多好多坏,更重要的是,在做题中,你要明白其中的题型、题意,可以举一反三。不要让试卷这些在你眼中成为一种负担,明白学习的意义。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。


班级:_______ 姓名:________ 得分:________ 

Ⅰ 听力部分(40分)                                 


(   )1. A. long hair   B. long face   C. round face 

(   )2. A. rice       B. beef       C. chicken 

(   )3. A. borrow    B. use        C. have  

(   )4. A. dinner     B. lunch      C. supper  

(   )5. A. eraser     B. glue       C. thing 



(   )1. What does she look like?             

(   )2. Can I use your eraser, please?   

(   )3. I’d like a hamburger and some chicken. 

(   )4. He is tall and has big eyes.    

(   )5. Which one do you want, a short one or a big one?  


(    )1. It’s 17 yuan. (    )2. What would you like? (    )3. How much is it? (    )4. I’d like a hamburger and some fish. (    )5. Here is your food. 



Hh   Ii                   Ll  Mm  Nn                      Oo   Pp    Qq     Ss  Tt   Uu Ww  Xx   Zz 


  1. Which one do you want, the red one or the _____ one?   A. short     B. thick     C. yellow 2. Can I _____ your English book, please?   A. look     B. want      C. use 3. What _____ you like? ---- I’d like some fish.   A. do      B. would      C. does 4. I’d like ______ sandwich and _____ beef.   A. some, a   B. a, a        C. a, some 5. Do you want some ______ and ______ ?   A. soups, potatoes   B. soup, potatoes  C. soup, potatos

三、 看图选词补全句子。(10分) 

  1. My English teacher has _____ hair.             2. Do you want some _____?                    3. Mum, can I have a ______?                   4.Can I use your         book ,please?   5. Dongdong is having ______.                  

四、 给问句选择合适的答语。(10分)  

( )1.What does she look like?        A. Yes, you can. 

( )2.What would you like?           B No, thank you.  

( )3.Do you want some soup?            .  C. It’s fifteen yuan.  

( )4.How much is this raincoat?       D. She has a round face. 

( )5.Can I have a pet?               E. I’d like some chicken. 


  1. can  use  I  your  pencil ________________________________________?   

2. thank  much  very  you  _________________________________________. 

3. do  some  you  want  rice   ________________________________________? 

4. short  she  has  hair   ________________________________________. 

5. one  which  you  do  want   ________________________________________? 


My name is Sam. I’m 11 years old. I like playing basketball. My mother is a math teacher. Her name is Julia. She is short and has short hair. She likes vegetables. My father is a worker(工人). His name is James. He is tall and has small eyes. He likes potatoes. I have a pet – a lovely cat, and she likes fish. 

( )1.Sam’s mother likes______. A. playing basketball    B. dumplings    C. vegetables 

( )2. Sam’s father likes _______. A. Vegetables    B. Dumplings     C. Potatoes  

( )3.What does Sam’s mother look like? --- She is ______. A. short      B. tall      C. fat 

( )4. How old is Sam? A. 10 years old.  B. 11 years old.   C. 12 years old.  

( )5. Sam has a ______.  A. cat       B. rabbit      C. dog



(  )1.k   nd (体贴的) A. i    B. o   C. e 

(  )2.f   nny一(滑稽的) A. u    B. i    C. a 

 (  )3.pol   te(有礼貌的)A. i   B. u    C. e 

(  )4.M        day(星期一)A. en   B. on    C. un 

(  )5.Th        sday(星期四)A .er   B. ar   C. ur 

(  )6.s   lad(色拉)A. e   B. a   C. u 

(  )7.t   a (茶)A. a    B. e   C. i 

(  )8.h       lthy(健康的)A. ea   B. ua   C. ia 

(  )9.h    mburger(汉包堡)A. e   B .i    C. a 

(  )10.sw       t(甜的)A. ea   B. ie    C. ee 


(  )1.delicious     A.甜的  B.可口的  C.健康的 

(  )2.Friday       A.星期一  B.星期五  C.星期一 

(  )3.sandwich    A.三明治  B.汉包堡  C.茶 

(  )4.helpful      A.强壮的  B.有用的  C.善良的 

(  )5.fresh       A.甜的   B.健康的  C.新鲜的 


(  )1. A. shy        B. polite          C. banana 

 (  )2. A. hamburger     B. salad        C. tea   

(  )3. A. Tuesday      B. Wednesday      C. ice  cream 

(  )4. A. football      B. ruler         C. crayon 

(  )5. A. old        B. know        C. young 


(  )1. ——       is he?    ——He is my father.       A. Who    B. Whose    C. What 

(  )2. ——       you English teacher like?  ——she is strict.       A. Who    B. What’s    C. How 

 (  )3.——What     you like to drink? ——I’d like some water. A. can    B. would    C. are 

(  )4.Mom! Look     my picture         A. at    B. of     C. on 

(  )5.I have a cooking class       your grandpa.         A. and    B. or    C. with 

(  )6.——What do you     on Mondays?         ——I have English math, Chinese and art.       A. do    B. have    C. play 

 (  )7.——Do you often play basketball on weekend? ——                       A. Yes, I don’t    B. Yes, I do    C. No, I do 

(  )8.——What’s       favorite food?  —— Beef  noodles .       A. you    B. your     C.I 

(  )9.The fish     delicious, I like it.       A. am   B. is    C. are 

 (  )10.——Do you know Mr Young?     ——               A. Yes, I am    B. No, I do     C. No, I don’t 

(  )11.What do you have     Thursdays?       A. on     B. at   C. of 

(  )12.——What    is it today?     ——It’s Monday      A. day    B. today    C. weather 

(  )13.I love ice cream. It’s       .      A. hot    B. sweet    C. delicious 

 (  )14.I love to eat chicken. What       you?        A. about    B. with     C. and 

(  )15.——Is she clever ?    ——Yes,         A. she is    B. she isn’t    C. she isn’t 


( )1.What’s he like?             A. My math teacher is Miss Ma 

( )2.What’s your favorite drink?   B. He is kind, but sometime strict 

( )3.What do you do on weekend?  C.I of ten play computer games 

( )4.Who’s your math teacher?     D. My favorite drink is milk. 

( )5. Is he young?               E. Yes , he is 


(  )1.I often clean my room on the weekend. A.我时常在周未打扫我的房间 B.我时常在周未读故事书 

(  )2.I like this park very much. A.我非常喜欢这个公园 B.我非常喜欢这个花园 

(  )3.他长什么样?       A. Who’s he?     B. What’s he like? 

(  )4.她工作很努力。       A. she is helpful      B. She is hard working? 

(  )5.Apples are my favorite fruit. A.苹果是我最喜欢的水果 B.苹果是我的好朋友 


 (  )1.你想问对方“你想吃点什么时”你会说: A. What do you have on Mondays ?   B. What would you like to eat? 

(  )2.当别人递给你需要的东西时,你应说:      A. Here you are       B. Thank you.  

(  )3.当你想知道你们的语文老师是谁时,你应说: A. Who’s your Chinese teacher? B. What’s your Chinese teacher? 

(  )4.你想说:“小明很聪明时”应该说      A. Xiao Ming is shy.      B. Xiao Min is clever. 

(  )5.你想吃一个汉包堡时,应该说:     A. I’d like a hamburger.     B. I’d like a salad. 


1. kind,   he,    is. 2. she,   is,   who (?) 3. do, have, you, what, on  Mondays. 4. love,  I,   beef   noodles’. 5. would,    what,     you,    like,    drink,    to



 I. 听音,选择你所听到的字母或单词,将其序号填入括号内。每小题读两遍。(8分) 

(    ) 1.  A. PE      B. PC        (    ) 2.  A. ATM     B. EMS (    ) 3.  A. tall      B. short      (    ) 4.  A. kind      B. lovely (    ) 5.  A. chair    B. hair       (    ) 6.  A. holiday   B. Internet (    ) 7.  A. film     B. afraid     (    ) 8.  A. mouth    B. house 

Ⅱ. 听音看图标号,将其序号写在小方框内。每小题读两遍。(12分)   

A.                                     B. 

 (    )   (    )  (    )          (    )   (    )  (    ) 

C.                                     D.  

(    )   (    )  (    )          (    )   (    )  (    ) 

Ⅲ. 听音,圈出与你所听到的内容相符的图的序号。每小题读两遍。(6分) 

  1.                       2.                        3.

Ⅳ. 听音,在与你所听到的内容相符的图下的方框里画“√”。每小题读两遍。(4分) 

  1.                                 2.                  


Ⅰ. 请按字母表顺序写出相邻的大小写字母。(8分) 

Ⅱ. 请圈出与图意相符的单词。( 6分) 

plane   ship         chair   boat             paper    present    chess   cook        July   September       USA   Australia 

Ⅲ. 请选择与图相对应的词组,将其序号填在括号里。(16分) 

① take a photo    ② play chess   ③ sitting room   ④ Teachers’ Day   ⑤ play football    ⑥ watch TV   ⑦ on the bike    ⑧ the Great Wall (      )      (      )      (      )     (      ) 

Ⅳ.. Read and choose. 看图,从A、B、C三个选项中,找出与图片意思相符的句子,将序号填在括号里。(每小题2分,共10分) 

Ⅴ. 请给下列句子选择相应的图片,将其序号填在括号里。(10分)    

A          B          C          D           E         

(     ) 1. This is a story book. 

(     ) 2. The boy beside Wang Tao is Peter. 

 (     ) 3. I’ll go to Wuyishan by plane. 

(     ) 4. It’s Sunday today. We can play in the park.

 (     ) 5. He is drawing a panda. 

Ⅵ. 读一读,判断图片与对话内容是否相符,相符的在“□”里打“√”,不相符的打“Χ”。(6分) 

  1. A: Can we play in the park? B: Yes. Let’s go.

2. A: What are they doing? B: They are making flowers. 

3. A: Who’s that girl ?         B: Which girl? A: The girl with long hair.    B: That’s Sally. 

Ⅶ.. Read and choose. 请选择与所给情景相符的用语,将正确答案的序号填在方框里。( 10分) 

Ⅷ. 请根据表格内容,模仿范例写句子。(3分) 例: I’m Julia. I can cook.

