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【#英语资源# 导语】火红七月热得快,眨眼之间暑假来。想睡懒觉睡懒觉,想玩游戏玩游戏,不上学,不补课,把心放开,自由自在,作息时间,随你安排。愿你暑假快乐!©文档大全网为大家准备了《暑假生活英语作文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.暑假生活英语作文 篇一

  This summer, my father enrolled me in a basketball training class because I have always enjoyed playing basketball. I had several basketballs when I was only five years old. At that time, I didn't know how to play basketball, I could only roll it on the ground and play. On the first day of the basketball training class, I was very happy. I put on my new Basketball uniform early and waited for my father to send me to the training ground. Upon arriving at the training ground, several boys were already playing ball on the playground, one of whom was my classmate. The teacher also waited early on the playground. I quickly jumped out of the car and headed straight to the basketball training ground, patting the ball like the other team members. But this mischievous ball didn't listen at all and ran away without hitting it a few times. This basketball is running around like it has grown feet. At first, I had some thoughts of giving up. After holding on for a few days, I realized that I could control the ball and basketball was no longer as unresponsive as it was a few days ago. Wow, I can finally control basketball. Hahaha, I am extremely happy. I am happy to tell a few friends and teachers, and I have also received praise from the teachers. After more than 20 days of training, I have mastered ball control, racketing, and pitching, and I have also mastered them very well. The teacher said I am a little dunker. This basketball training has taught me to persist and strengthened my physical strength.

  This summer vacation, I also learned to swim. My sister and I both participated in our community's swimming training camp, and swimming is also our favorite sport, but we are both very afraid of water. At the beginning, neither my sister nor I dared to swim in the water, but we held onto my father's hand tightly. The first time I came to the Natatorium, many children were so excited. They took the Swim ring and hurried to the shallow pool. They splashed water and splashed water, making our sister's face covered with water. We made bursts of laughter. My big friends are playing in the deep water area. A few days ago, I only dared to play in the shallow water area. After nearly fifteen days of learning, I mastered breaststroke. At this time, my courage grew stronger and I no longer wanted to stay in the shallow water area to play. From time to time, I went swimming in the deep water area and played until someone else came home. Under my father's urging, I couldn't help but leave. When I got home, I felt very tired and fell asleep after taking a shower.

  Summer vacation life is really exciting, it makes me love life even more.

2.暑假生活英语作文 篇二

  During the summer vacation, my sister took me to play in the small river. The river is clear, and you can see small fish and shrimp swimming happily in the water. Sister suggested, "Let's catch fish together!" So, we carefully surrounded the fish and held them in our hands. The fish was very clever and escaped. After many attempts, we finally caught a few small fish and shrimp. Watching them swim in our palms, we feel particularly happy.

  In the evening, my mother took me swimming. I put on my swimsuit and swimsuit, and took the Swim ring with me. After diving, I found that the water only reached my knees. I originally wanted to try the deep water area, but I found that the water in the deep water area was too deep, so I was afraid and didn't go there. I cover my nose in shallow water, potentially underwater. I tried many times and found that it was 20 seconds. I also tried to lie on the Swim ring, swing up and down with my feet, and swing back and forth with my hands. I find this quite interesting. I also competed with another child in the water to hold their breath. The rule is to see who holds their breath the longest and wins. In the end, I won. He seems very sad, and I comforted him that winning or losing is not important, friendship is the most important.

  Another morning, my sister and I went for a morning run together. We quickly arrived at the river. The track is very long, and halfway through it, I feel very tired and exhausted. Sister suggested that we come to the competition. I suddenly came to my senses. Sister shouted 3, 2, and 1, and the two of us rushed out like arrows from the string. It was originally mine, but my sister looked at me and unconsciously ran in front of me. I looked at her back and quickly chased after her. So, chasing after each other, we reached the finish line. Although I feel very tired, I am very happy because I persisted in reaching the finish line.

  Summer vacation life is very exciting, which makes me love life even more.

3.暑假生活英语作文 篇三

  The wind is high and the air is refreshing. When the first ray of sunlight shines on the earth in the morning, the whole earth seems to be covered in a golden coat, and it also brings us a new day!

  Today is my fifth day at my grandmother's house. My grandmother is from Shaoyang County. Soon after the summer vacation, my parents sent me and my sister to my grandmother. It's called cultivating feelings with my grandparents. In fact, I know this is an excuse for my parents to be lazy!

  The weather has been very hot during this period, and I really want to take a dip in the water. However, after breakfast, my grandfather told my sister and I that he would take us swimming today. Upon hearing this, I thought to myself that it was great, come what you want, haha!

  After dinner, Grandpa rode his beloved motorcycle to take my sister and me to the Natatorium. I can't see it anymore. What a big swimming pool, the water is cool. My sister couldn't wait to get into the water when she put on the Swim ring, but it was the first time for me and my sister to swim. I was so scared that I didn't dare to go into the water. I hesitated for a long time. Finally, my grandfather took me into the water. My sister has fun playing in the water with a Swim ring. She is not afraid at all! I feel so strange in my heart. Even when I saw my sister, I was not afraid. I also gained the courage to play dog paddle swimming under my grandfather's guidance in the water. All afternoon, my sister and I learned to swim in the Natatorium accompanied by my grandfather. Although I don't know how to swim yet, I have achieved some success, hehe!

  The summer weather is hot, learning to swim well can strengthen the body and keep it cool and refreshing, it's really great! But also pay attention to safety, choking on water is not a small matter, it's very dangerous!

  The experience of swimming this summer vacation is really unforgettable to me, I am so happy!

4.暑假生活英语作文 篇四

  Today, the weather is sunny. My friends and I have an appointment to catch crabs by the river. Before leaving, I was looking forward to: can we catch big crabs today?

  We arrived at Beitang Park, where there was clear river water, green reeds, tall and large water fir trees, and marshes. It was a great place to escape the heat! I looked over and found some crabs exploring their heads in the cave, some gathering under the roots of the cedar tree, and some leisurely walking in the water. However, as soon as we approached, these little creatures quickly escaped.

  Starting to catch crabs, everyone was very excited. I only heard someone shouting, "Come on, there's a big crab here." Unfortunately, as soon as the words finished, the big crab was frightened and hid in its hole. At this moment, our little dog Qiuqiu began to emerge. It used its two front legs to constantly dig and finally dug open a crab's hole, and out came a big crab. Just as it was about to escape, a little companion took out a clip and caught the crab with lightning speed. Haha, this caught crab was like a captive, obediently staying in the bucket, and the companions cheered happily.

  After a while, my good friend Abu found a big crab walking in the water. She reached out and grabbed it, but who knew that the crab had caught Abu's finger with its big pliers, causing him to scream in pain. He quickly shook his hand vigorously and finally got rid of the crab's entanglement, but also paid the price of bleeding.

  This time catching crabs made me realize how cute and terrifying crabs are.

5.暑假生活英语作文 篇五

  Two months of summer vacation life has ended unknowingly! Calm down and think about the events that happened during the summer vacation... it's really colorful!

  At the beginning of summer vacation, my parents sent me back to my grandparents' house. Because both parents have to work, they don't have time to take care of me. My good days have begun with my grandparents! There is food, drink, and play, not to mention how comfortable it is! The most important thing is that without my mother's constant nagging, my ears are much cleaner! Sometimes I really want to stay here forever!

  But playing is playing, I am still a diligent child. Every morning, I go to the vegetable market with my grandmother to buy groceries. Every time I finish buying groceries, my grandmother asks me to pay and then calculates how much money I should get back? This not only improves my computing power, but also allows me to understand the purpose of money. After buying groceries, I will also help my grandmother pick, wash, sweep the floor, and take out the garbage... This kind of thing that I have done together, I feel very delicious when eating!

  When I have free time, my grandfather will take me swimming. When I first arrived at the swimming pool, I didn't dare to go into the water. Later, with the encouragement of my grandfather, I slowly paddled around in the "shallow water area" with the Swim ring. Later, I boldly played with the children. Once, twice, three times... in this way, I transformed from a "land duck" to a "little goldfish", and I actually learned to swim. But here I want to remind the children with friendship. When swimming, one must be accompanied by an adult before entering the water!

  This is my summer vacation life! Rich and colorful!
