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【#英语资源# 导语】喜迎国庆十一来,笑看江山风雨过,回忆人生多曲折,畅想未来满欢乐,愿望终究会实现,梦想一定能成真,祝你十一欢欢乐乐过,幸幸福福一辈子。下面是©文档大全网整理发布的国庆节英语演讲稿及作文,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  Dear teacher, dear students:

  Everybody is good! The title of my speech today is: the national flag fluttering.

  Inadvertently saw the five-star red flag flies on the playground, against the background of the leaves is very bright. When I see the national flag, my heart skip a beat and kind of respect, let me once in a very long while can't calm pride and responsibility.

  We often say the five-star red flag of the dyed red by the blood of the martyrs, in fact, many great men and soldier's achievement is to add luster to the flag. When the manned spacecraft mission success again and again, when displaying the national flag li-wei in spacecraft, the space left China, flag flutters to the progress of science and technology. In front of the disaster, aid from all directions, move, warm the heart, at the same time also let the flag be unselfish dedication touched.

  Flag is in our heart of the sun, it is light, is the hope. We poured all the love of the motherland in the five-star red flag.

  In Tibet, a man named tsering song jin, a 99 - year - old granny, she adhere to the national flag at home every day, many people are confused at her behavior and even mistakenly thought is the spirit of the old man out of the question, but don't know the old man was expressed in this way for a deep feeling of the motherland. In old Tibet, the old man's aunt is forced by the landlord, as falling off a cliff, the heavy burden of her husband also die in oppression, she was alone. Until 1959, the liberation of Tibet, the serfs! Great changes have taken place in the life of the old man is, in 1965, the National Day, she received a more precious than jewels for her gift - a red flag with five stars. From then on, even in the absence of the national anthem, and there is no formal flagpole or national flag on time every day, she represents the auspicious ghee and daub on the pole, to express the love and blessings of the motherland. 526 months, 526 days, for 45 years. The old man express with pure love in this way.

  Speak of the national flag will have to mention the national flag guards, a monitor of iron in the convoy, his name is Su Xing. During a mission, a nail pierced his spurs into the heart of his right foot, but he just walked through the jinshui bridge, through the chang an avenue, which covered a glorious 138 steps, completed a flag-raising tasks, from then on, he was known as the iron man. "Good up the motherland the first flag, condensed thousands of patriotism." Is their commitment to the motherland.

  Love the national flag, is to love the motherland. As teenagers we is the hope of the motherland in the future, we are proud of our motherland more responsibility, we want to make the country more rich and strong (powerful), the national flag is more bright-coloured. Temporarily not economy after full power contributed to the construction of the motherland, for national strength enhancement in underdeveloped. Only said that we now, study hard, constant innovation and improving is the best return to the motherland, the true love!

  The national anthem at the moment resounds in my heart again, a flag in mind, five planets Venus yi yi is unripe brightness. I believe in, the unity of various nationalities and the leadership of the communist party of our struggle, our motherland will be figuring out a brilliant new chapter. See, flag in gone with the wind!












  Is my motherland, the beautiful and rich and strong (powerful). In covered with the flowers of the earth, under the vigorous growth of conifers, in all over the sky the sun light of sunrise, I read you greedy, solemnly.

  You is a book, it is a huge volumes across the heavens and the earth, records the Confucius "cultivate one's morality rule. Flat world", wen tianxiang "everyone must die, and return contemplated firebombing according to historical records," declaimed; Tohave has left yue fei "loyalty". Lin zexu humen "no-smoking" feat and young zhou "for the rise of the Chinese reading" clank of the oath... These shining like the sun shines in the hearts of each and every one of the Chinese nation, with an unyielding.

  Read you, I feel you again "vertical through the ages, cross has eight shortage" of the grand and vast. Your records too much great earth vicissitudes of life with the ups and downs - shame traitorous pact blazed the scar on your words; The invaders with the dust of imperialism trample over your beauty; Ten years of political turmoil has also make your feet become heavy slow... As I sigh. Sorrow and deep concern for you, you are strong to stand up again, in the "Chinese people have stood up from" cheers, the spring breeze of reform and opening to the outside, in Hong Kong and Macao return to laughter, in the joy of "shenzhou v" rise smoothly, in the five-star red flag flying above Athens, you welcomed the glorious time and time again, created an another miracle! I also saw a guileless. Gentle old man with "one center, two basic points". "development is the absolute principle" brush paint blueprint: "economic growth at an average annual rate of nine point eight percent, China with six ranks the world before the comprehensive national strength and continue to move forward." How exciting it all, what makes people inspired! What could be better than have prosperous motherland more fascinating proud and proud? !

  Read you, I sank into the meditation to death. Your content is so rich, your future is so beautiful: 16 big grand vision for you to inject new vitality; To accelerate the development of optoelectronic industry is to catch up with the world precedent; Petroleum resources, vigorously develop will make our self-sufficiency; A shallow sea water also can't stop us complete reunification of the motherland. All this is to prove to the world of a nation. Clearly never yield and never destroyed spirit cry!

  "Ride the waves will sometimes, straight to the sea and the sea in full sail." The motherland, we firmly believe that your words will be more competitive, your future will be more beautiful!








  Dear teachers and schoolmates:

  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. The title of my speech today is "I love my motherland".

  In the east of the world, there is a civilized country, she is beautiful and broad. In the east of the world, there are a great people, she is industrious and strong, she is my motherland - China. I love my motherland, because of the beautiful scenery of the motherland; I love my motherland, for the motherland a hindrance; I love my motherland, for the motherland literature...

  The natural beauty of the motherland, to let the people praise. Magical jiuzhaigou, "guilin landscape of guilin", "the world first Buddha" the leshan giant Buddha, the beauty of the Sun Moon Lake, the potala palace, the Himalayas... More than that, its majestic, magnificent, huangshan I putuoshan elegant, kunlun is halcyon, hangzhou is famous for its west lake, the world knows of Beijing the imperial palace. North scenery, ice jade build by laying bricks or stones; The loess plateau, bold and unrestrained. As the sentence: "jiangshan so much jiao, made countless heroes bow in homage". This vast land, the sonata form, in addition to China, which country has so many beautiful scenery? Which country's land there is that there are miles and miles of mountains and rivers of magnificent landscape? I love my motherland!

  A hindrance of the motherland is always let people praise. In the 60th anniversary of National Day military parade, sas students parade troops, sailors, airborne troops and other 14 contingent, permitted 30 equipment also profuse coming. Specially-built equipment from the armed forces, selection of domestic new equipment. Look at these equipment, I felt so proud and proud, I JunWei zhuang, zhuang in China, I love my motherland!

  Literature is always let people praise of the motherland. "Journey to the west" in ancient times, a dream of red mansions, romance of The Three Kingdoms, "the water margin" to bing xin's ", and the stars ", lu xun in days of yore, guo moruo's "phoenix nirvana"... All classic, which country in our country so excellent literary works? I love my motherland!

  I'm proud of myself is a Chinese, I love my motherland.










  Good afternoon, everybody! Today I would like to talk about customs of Miao nationality in our country. Now it has a population of more than 7 million. Half of them live in Guizhou province, and others dwell in Yunnan, Hunan, S

  ichuan and other places. They have their own language and characters which are just as this image showed. Their houses, which are called Diao Jiao Lou, were built of wood with national feature. The foothold of the house look precarious, but it is actually steady and safe. The music and dance there has a long history, this picture shows Tai Ping Xiao, this one describes Tiao Yue, and this one expresses Gu Wu. Miao women's beautiful skirts and silver accouterments are known all over the world for their nice work. They have lots of festivals, such as Climbing Festival, Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival etc.

  Now let me introduce you some interesting customs of Miao nationality.

  Lu Sheng Wu will be the first. Lu Sheng's sound is bright and thick, and could be played by both men and women. When celebrating the New Year, getting married or building new house, people always hold Lu Sheng in hands, sing and dance gladly to express their happiness. When Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I’m very glad to make a speech here.www.zixuekaoshi.net Today my topic is “I love you, China.”

  Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name—Chinese. Since the day I began to talk, the most beautiful sentence I’ve ever learnt has been “I love you, China!”

  I love you, China, and I’m so proud of being a Chinese. I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. I’m also proud that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese.

  I love you, China, for I can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. Last year, I got an opportunity to visit the United States of America. During my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. While at , he looked at me and asked: “Little boy, how long have you been in America?” “About a month,” I answered, “How lucky you are!” he said, “If you were living in China, how could you learn such perfect English?” I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are able to learn English at school. I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “I’m proud of you, China


  大家下午好!今天我想谈谈我国苗族的风俗习惯。现在它有700万以上的人口。他们中的一半住在贵州省,另一半住在云南,湖南,四川等地。他们有自己的语言和文字,就像这张照片所显示的那样。他们的房子,被称为刁娇娄,是用国家特色的木材建造的。房子的立足点看起来不稳定,但它实际上是稳定和安全的。音乐和舞蹈有着悠久的历史,这张照片显示了台平晓,这一迢月介绍,这一次Gu Wu表示。苗族妇女美丽的裙子和银饰品是已知的世界各地为他们的好的工作。他们有很多的节日,如登山节、中秋节、端午节等。







  Hello everybody,

  Facing all of you on the stage, I have the exciting feeling of participating in the march of history.

  About 170 years ago, China was forced to open up its door by Western canons and gunboats. It has been through the struggle and sacrifice of generations that we finally have gained the opportunity to choose for ourselves. The policy of reform and open is the choice that has made all the difference.

  Who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world; the fact that we have devised our own nuclear weapons;the fact that we have successfully sent our satellites into space,No.7 shenzhou manned space flight, which proves the successful development of space technology across the major milestone, www.zixuekaoshi.net and the fact that our GNP ranks to NO.3 in the world.

  When it comes to celebrating the 60th birthday of our great motherland, I would contribute my individual and unique colors to creating a more diverse motherland.

  The tranditional Chinese culture teaches us to study hard and work hard so as to honor our country.We won't let people down.

  We will devote our wisdom and passion to the historic cause of making this nation a greater and happier land for everyone of us.

  Finally, I do hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy citizen of the country; I do hope everybody can become the backbone of our nation and make great contributions to our society!

  That's all, Thank you !











国庆节英语作文:National Day Holidays

  October 1 of each year is the annual National Day of our great motherland mother's birthday. With the ups and downs, we have the mother of the motherland 55 years of age, this day, to celebrate the nation are celebrating the holiday.


  Early in the morning, we went to the school, at school, students have a blackboard, drawing; do some greeting cards, the Zhutibanhui; there through the diary, in the form of poetry to express their love for the motherland's mother . National Day vacation, the students get out of the house, together with parents, to visit historical sites and enjoy the great culture of the motherland. Hanging at the entrance of the store balloons and bunting, red, yellow, green . . . . . . filled with a festive atmosphere. Inside voices that are discounted, to carry out series of promotional activities. Sea of people on the street, even buying the car to a long row of the team have to play good, and so on for a long time. Scenic areas like the long queue of visitors, countless men, women and children in the best of them, people are taking advantage of the holiday play out. Almost no empty parking places, restaurants, hotel revenues must be substantial.


  Beijing distant uncle called to tell us that the Beijing National Day extraordinary excitement. I would like to go to Beijing to see Tiananmen Square to see the face of our great capital city, uncle and I have an appointment next year in conjunction with the summer tour Beijing.


  National Day is a happy day, really raise people's living standards rapidly. We are in the embrace of the motherland's mother, the well-being, happiness and growth, mother of the motherland is willing to always beautiful, always prosperity of the motherland is willing to prosper year after year, developed!





  远方北京的叔叔打来电 话告诉我们,北京国庆热闹非凡。我很想去北京,看看*,看看我们伟大首都的面貌,我和叔叔已经约好明年暑假一起同畅游北京。




  The National Day that day, the air crisp, the square every lamppost hang flags, the first tree hanging from the lights, the square is dressed up more colorful. In the morning, in every corner of the square has been full of singing away.


  On one side of the square, why so busy? Oh, here is a big stage, the stage a few graceful actor in singing and dancing. Whenever the stage after a performance, the audience's applause like flowing water continuously.


  Look at the other side of the square, why more lively? Oh, there are many people in the activity! You see, the old people in exercise done of passion; Young people in the following table, singing, chat while walking, and the... Can be taken; The children like fish into the water, happy to play the game...


  I like the National Day, I prefer the noisy, vibrant scene National Day!








