一. 选择题
1. c 2. a 3. 4. d 5. d 6. 7. c 8. 9. d [点拨: 注意小正方形成对角线的形式] 10. b
二. 填空题
11. 6, co, cd, ce, od, oe, de; 5, oc, ca, od, de, eb
12. ab; ab; ad 13. 2007 14. 3, 45, 36; 22.54 15. 正方体, 4, 5, 6
16. 最喜欢语言课的人数占全班学生数的23%
17. -1, -1 18. 4x=6-(1-x) 19. x=1或x=-2 20. 1.30×107
三. 计算题:21. 6
22. 解原式=
23. 解析: “+” “-”号把式子分成四部分, 分别计算再加减.
解原式=-9+9+25×( )-0.09÷0.9=-9+9+(-20)-0.1=-20-0.1=-20.1
24. -1099
四. 解方程: 25. x=11 26. x=-9 27. y=
五. 解答题:28. 1对4, 2对5, 3对6
29. 原式=b-a+a+c+c-b=2c 30. a+b=0, c=0, d=1(a+b)d+d-c=1
31. 解: ∠1=400, ∠bod=900-400=500
∴∠3=500, ∠2= ∠aod=650
32. 解: 设乙还需做x天, 由题意得 , x=3
六. 附加题:33. (1)55.5万人 (2)6% (3)6000人
一、1.13 分析:5-(-8)=13(℃).
2.- 3次(次数不做要求)
3. 分析:一副牌里共有54张,而其中黑桃有13张,所以抽到黑桃的可能性是 .
4.两 两点确定一条直线
第一节1—5 ccbb第二节1—5 babca
第三节 1—5 cbbac 第四节 1—5 cedba
21—25 cbcbd 26—30 cccda 31—35 bdcda 36—40 cadbc
41. help42. swimming 43.eat44.kilometers
45. make 46. be 47. am playing 48.easily
49. criminal50. strawberrie51. washing 52.interesting
53. waiting 54. message 55. candle56. went
57. ride 58. took 59. expensive 60. stayed
61.on the first night 62. played badminton
63.feel about the trip 64. learned a lot
65. took the (a) bu66. one bowl of mutton soup
67. what kind of noodle68. drew manpictures
69. long brown hair 70. medium build
71—75 cabcd 76—80 cabad 81—85aacbc 86—90 cabgf
one possible version
last weekend, mclassmateand i went to mount juci. it waso interesting.
it waa sunnsunday. at 8:00 in the morning we met at the school gate. when everyone arrived, we started. all of ulike riding, so we went there bbike. after about 80 minutes’ ride, we got there. we found it a beautiful place because there were manflowerand fruitthere. so some studenttook photos, some played gameor picked flowers. the othersang songs. at half past three in the afternoon, we got back to school. we were tired and hungrbut we all felt verhappy.
第一部分 选择题
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 d c a d c a a
题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
答案 c d c a d a c
题号 21 22 23 24 25
答案 d d a a c
(1)秦始皇 焚书;(2分)
(3) 西域都护(2分)
(1)a大禹;b李冰 (4分)
(4)加速少数民族的汉化,丰富和发展了中原文化, 促进北方的民族大融合。(2分)