

时间:2023-11-15 18:57:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  (1) How come that you didn't get here in time?<(用于引申意义)发生某情况>
  (2) He came to realize that he was mistaken.<渐渐地(表示动作逐渐变化的过程)>
  (3) My dream has come true,<变成现实>
  (4) He talked about his coming trip to the United States.<即将到来的>
  (5) How did the accident come about?<发生,造成>
  (6) I came across(came upon/ran across)this book in an old bookstore on the Fourth Avenue.<无意中碰到,找到>
  He came suddenly across an idea.<(无意中)想到>
  (7) He just asked me to come round for supper.<到这儿来>
  (8) Come along!Arthur,we can't wait all day!<快点>
  (9) Come along!Someone must know the answer to my question.<快说>
  (10) This paper comes out every Friday.<出版>
  (11) I think the roses will come out next week.<开花,发芽>
  (12) I came out first in the examination.<考试结果……;考第……一名>
  (13) The bill comes to $5.<总计>
  (14) When it comes to mathematics,I know nothing about it.<谈到,涉及>
  (15) The robbery did not come to light until the next day.<被发现,被大家知道>
  (16) The question hasn't come up yet.<被提出>
  (17) He came up with an idea.<提出>
  (18) come to oneself<苏醒过来>
  (19) come to an end<结束>
  (20) come into effect(force)<生效>
  (21) come to a conclusion(decision)<作出结论(决定)>
  (22) come into being(existence)<开始存在、建立、产生>
  (23) come into power<开始执政>
  19、I'm as good a cook as she is except when it ____________(making)pastry.
  20、The shock made her hesitate for a moment but she quickly ________________ again.
  21、Can you tell me how the accident ______________ ?
  答案:19、comes to 20、came to herself 21、came about

