

时间:2023-10-14 07:53:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Unit15 of Book2
  1.a few , a little , a lot of , lots of , few , little , some , many , much, a bit , a bit of, a lot,
  2. Jean‘s kitchen , the twins’ room, the children‘s , men’s coats
  3. So do we . So we do. We do so .
  4. potatoes.tomatoes.radios.photos.
  5. would like sth\to so. Want to do
  6.pass me the cheese= pass the cheese to me
  7.Help yourself to some meat.
  Help yourselves to some meat, my children.
  8.one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips .
  9. take it home \to their workplace
  10.or, and but too also as well
  12. the most popular
  13. find \hear\watch\see\notice--- do\doing
  14. enjoy sth\doing \oneself
  15.be good \bad for your health keep healthy eat healthily
  be good \bad for sb. to do sth

