

时间:2022-03-30 12:32:41 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#六年级# 导语】期末考试不仅仅是对每个人的综合素质的一次挑战,更是对同学们一个学期以来学业成果的一次盘点、检阅,是对同学们的自觉性、自信心、意志力、诚信度的一次考验。®文档大全网准备了以下内容,希望对你有帮助!

  1.Daming______ ( visit ) America now .

  2. ______ ( tell ) me more about the Great Wall .

  3. ______you______ ( miss ) China ? Sometimes .

  4. We______ ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .

  5. They______ ( collect ) lots of great stamps last year .

  6. Let’s______ ( go ) to Chinatown now .

  7. Look! My sister _________ ( play ) with the toy cars .

  8. Do they like ________ (swim) ?

  9. Tom’s mother _______ (have) a nice jacket .

  10.Can you _______ (make ) a paper plane for me ?
  1. in Does penpal your live Shanghai (?) (连词成句)


  2. going be a I’m to scientist (。) (连词成句)


  3. Danny’s father is a police officer. (对画线部分提问)

  _____ _____ Danny’s father _______?

  4. 4. My uncle works in a factory. (对画线部分提问)

  _____ _____ your uncle ______?

  5. Where is the restaurant? ( ) (判断句子升调“↗ ”还是降调“ ↘”。)

  1. The river is three thousand ________ (千米) long.

  2. I _______ (写) a story in English yesterday.

  3.There were Chinese people ________(到处)。 The people _____ (说)Chinese and English.

  4. I like _________(收集) toy cars, what about you?

  5. Can you _________(回答)my questions?

  6. I can’t sleep well in a _______(凌乱的)room.

  7. You can answer the question with different _______ (方法)。

  8. You can see lots of _______(椰子) trees.

  9. It is ________(困难的) for me to use the chopsticks.

