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【 51TEST.NET- 加拿大留学奖学金 】

We have many scholarship opportunities that recognize outstanding academic performance and help take care of the cost of going to university.
  What are the different types of scholarships?
  The Mount has a number of different scholarships available and some of these require you to complete an application.
  How do I apply?
  Choose if you are applying for an undergraduate scholarship, graduate scholarship or mature student entrance scholarship.
  From there, decide if you want to apply for entrance or in-course scholarship.
  Awards & Prizes of Merit
  Prizes and awards are given to in-course students for particular achievements. Please note that the listing of awards and prizes is accurate, but that changes may occur.
  Undergraduate scholarships
  Undergraduate scholarships are awarded one year at a time and are assessed and awarded on your most recent academic work.
  Entrance Scholarships
  If you are a high school student with an average of 80 percent or more you will need to apply before March 1 to qualify for an entrance scholarship. Students in the Advanced Placement or the International Baccalaureate program, International students and high school graduates who have not attended a post-secondary institution and are within one year of graduation will also be considered for entrance scholarships.
  Entrance Scholarships (automatic consideration for all qualified applicants)
  Entrance Scholarships which require specific application
  Currently taking applications for March 1, April 1 and August 1.
  Diamond Jubilee Entrance Scholarships
  Open to high school students and Mature students. Mature students entering the University for the first time or reentering to complete a first degree after a period away from study, are eligible for these Scholarships listed below.
  In-Course Scholarships
  In-course awards are made to students on the basis of coursework completed at Mount Saint Vincent University. The overall eligibility criteria for in-course awards require a minimum GPA of 3.5 plus nomination by faculty.
  In-Course Scholarships (automatic consideration for all qualified applicants)
  In-Course Scholarships which require specific application
  Entrance Scholarships (automatic consideration for qualified applicants)
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  Diamond Jubilee Entrance Scholarships
  Entrance Scholarships which require a specific application
  1.Entrance Scholarships (automatic consideration for qualified applicants)
  How Do I Apply for an Entrance Scholarship?
  In order to be considered for an entrance scholarship you need to submit a complete application for admission to the University by March 1.
  How does the Mount calculate my scholarship?
  The Mount uses a simple formula for calculating the average used for scholarship awards. We use the most current transcript received in our office by March 1. The scholarship average is comprised of the applicants top five grade 12 academic grades; including English. If the applicant does not have five grade 12 academic grades, then the top grade 11 academic grades will be used to round out the five.
  Each IB, AP or advanced level course used in the calculation of the scholarship average will add one percentage point to that average.
  Students are automatically considered for the following scholarships:
  Please note that this listing is accurate, but that changes may occur.
  125th Anniversary Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association Entrance Scholarship
  Established by the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association, this scholarship is for a student entering Mount Saint Vincent University in either a full-time or part-time course of study.
  Aramark Canada Ltd. Scholarship
  Established by Aramark Canada Ltd. in recognition of their long-standing relationship with Mount Saint Vincent University. This scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time student entering any program of study at Mount Saint Vincent University.
  Beacon Securities Endowed Scholarship
  In recognition of the University’s capital campaign, Building Tomorrow Together, Beacon Securities Limited established this scholarship to support the women in our community in their pursuit of higher education. Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Undergraduate Committee on Admissions and Scholarships and/or the Graduate Studies Committee to female students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program who have demonstrated outstanding academic excellence, with preference to female students from the Maritimes who are fluent in English and French.
  Beta Sigma Phi Endowed Scholarship
  Established by the Halifax-Dartmouth City Council of Beta Sigma Phi, this scholarship is available annually to a full or part-time student who is either an active Beta Sigma Phi member or the daughter, son or husband of an active member. In the absence of such a candidate, a deserving student will be chosen by the University.
  Dr. Sheila A. Brown Endowed Scholarship
  Established by Dr. Sheila Brown, along with her colleagues and many friends, this scholarship honours Dr. Brown’s leadership and contribution to Mount Saint Vincent University as the University’s ninth President and Vice-Chancellor (1996-2006) and recognizes her commitment to the enhancement of the University’s Scholarship Fund. This scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time student entering any undergraduate degree program of study who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in her/his entering grades.
  Aramark Canada 有限责任公司奖学金
  由Aramark Canada Ltd. 设立,是对其与圣文森特山大学长期合作关系的认可。这项奖学金每年颁发给入读圣文森特山大学任意课程的全日制学生。
  为了对圣文森特山大学的募款活动 Building Tomorrow Together表示认可,毕肯证券有限责任公司设立了这项奖学金,以支持学校的女性学生接受高等教育。奖学金每年颁发,要求获奖者得到本科委员会入学和奖学金分会的推荐,或者得到研究生委员会推荐,为女性学生,学习本科课程或研究生课程。奖学金优先考虑来自滨海诸省的会说流利英语和法语的女性学生。
  Beta Sigma Phi奖学金
  Halifax-Dartmouth 市议会设立,每年颁发给为Beta Sigma Phi积极成员或积极成员的子女或丈夫的学生。一个名额。全日制学生和在职学生都符合资格。如果没有满足这个要求的候选人,那么将由圣文森特山大学选出一名获奖者。
  Elizabeth L Foley Burbridge Endowed Scholarship
  Established by a bequest from the late Paula Burbridge Aitken (class of 1942) and her daughter, Pamela Mary Aitken Chisholm, in memory of Paula’s mother and Pamela’s grandmother, the late Elizabeth L Foley Burbridge of Northern New Brunswick. This scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time student, with preference to a student from Northern New Brunswick, entering any undergraduate degree program of study who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in her/his entering grades.
  Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Endowed Scholarship
  Established by her friends in the Mount's corporate and local communities to honour and recognize the leadership and contribution of Elizabeth Parr-Johnston as the eighth President and Vice-Chancellor of the Mount (1991-96). This scholarship is awarded annually to an entering or in-course full-time female student in an undergraduate degree program who shows leadership promise.
  Farmers Co-operative Dairy Endowed Scholarship
  Established by Farmers Co-operative Dairy Limited, to attract outstanding achievers to the Bachelor of Business Administration degree program. This entrance scholarship is available annually to a graduating female high school student in Nova Scotia, based on academic qualifications and involvement in extra-curricular activities in their high school or community. In the absence of a qualifying student, the scholarship will be awarded to an in-course student in the Business program who meets all the normal criteria for scholarship consideration.
  Frank and Mary Elizabeth (Brady) O’Brien Scholarship
  Established through a bequest from the Estate of Mary Elizabeth O’Brien, a Mount alumna who respected education, this scholarship is awarded annually to one or more students enrolled in any degree program. This scholarship is in memory of Frank and Mary Elizabeth (Brady) O’Brien, ACAD `39.
  Lillian Wainwright Women in Science Entrance Endowed Scholarship
  A tireless supporter of Mount Saint Vincent for many years, Dr. Lillian Wainwright has worked hard to ensure that her students had every opportunity to become involved in the world of science. Deeply concerned about the need for more women in the field of science, Dr. Wainwright has allowed the establishment of a scholarship in her name. It will be awarded annually to an entering female student with a serious interest in the scientific field.
  Elizabeth L Foley Burbridge 奖学金
  由已故的Paula Burbridge Aitken 和她的女儿Pamela Mary Aitken Chisholm捐赠,是对来自新布伦瑞克北部的已故的Elizabeth L Foley Burbridge (Paula 的母亲和Pamela的祖母)的纪念。奖学金每年颁发,颁发给一名全日制学生。优先考虑来自新布伦瑞克北部的入学成绩优秀且入读任意本科学位课程的学生。
  Elizabeth Parr-Johnston 奖学金
  由Elizabeth Parr-Johnston的企业和当地社区友人设立,是对Elizabeth Parr-Johnston 作为圣文森特山大学第八任校长(1991-96)的领导能力和贡献的荣誉认可。奖学金每年颁发,颁发给有领导能力的本科学位课程学生,新生和继续就读学生都符合资格。
  Frank and Mary Elizabeth (Brady) O’Brien 奖学金
  由崇尚教育的圣文森特山大学女校友Mary Elizabeth O’Brien捐赠,每年颁发给一名或多名注册任意学位课程的学生。该奖学金是对Frank 和 Mary Elizabeth (Brady) O’Brien的纪念。
  Lillian Wainwright 理科女学生入学奖学金
  在许多年里,Lillian Wainwright博士都是圣文森特山大学孜孜不倦的支持者,她致力于确保她的每个学生都有机会学习科学。Lillian Wainwright博士非常注重理科女学生的需求,并允许以自己的名字设立了这项奖学金。奖学金有一个名额,每年颁发给对科学领域真正有兴趣的女学生。
  Minnie Alma Covert Memorial Endowed Scholarship
  Established to recognize the dedication and perseverance of Minnie Alma Covert, a mature student, widow and mother, who attended university at a time when educational opportunities for women were few and limited. This scholarship is awarded to a full-time mature student entering any program of studies at the University.
  Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association Endowed Scholarship
  Awarded yearly to the child of an alumna/alumnus of Mount Saint Vincent who has been accepted into the first year of a degree, diploma, or certificate program at the Mount. The qualifications for the scholarship are the same as for the University entrance scholarships. There are now more than 28,000 alumnae world-wide.
  Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Endowed Scholarship
  Established by the faculty of Mount Saint Vincent, awarded to a full-time student entering any program of studies at the Mount. This award exemplifies the faculty's commitment to our students.
  MSVU Pension Members' Endowed Scholarship Fund
  Established by the University and members of the University's pension plan. This scholarship is to be awarded as an entrance or in-course scholarship to a student who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in accordance with the criteria set out in the Endowment Scholarship Agreement.
  Nova Scotia Power Entrance Scholarship
  To strengthen the bond between business and education, the Nova Scotia Power Corporation has established this annually funded scholarship to be awarded to an entering student. The award is renewable annually until graduation, for a maximum of three academic years, provided the holder continues to meet university academic performance levels required for scholarship holders.
  Minnie Alma Covert 纪念奖学金
  该奖学金是对Minnie Alma Covert 的奉献和坚持的认可,Minnie Alma Covert 作为一名成人学生兼遗孀和母,在女性教育机会不多的年代仍然上了大学。该奖学金颁发给入读圣文森特山大学认可课程的一名全日制成人学生。
  每年颁发给圣文森特山大学女校友/男校友的孩子,前提是已被学校第一年学位课程、文凭课程或证书课程录取。该奖学金的资格条件和圣文森特山大学的其他入学奖学金的资格条件一样。目前,学校世界各地的女校友超过28,000 名。
  Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. Endowed Scholarships
  Established by Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. to recognize Mount Saint Vincent University’s commitment to academic excellence and the tourism profession. Awarded annually to full-time students entering the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management program: one scholarship awarded to a student entering directly from high school and one scholarship to a student from the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC), entering directly upon the completion of the NSCC’s Tourism and Hospitality Management diploma.
  RBC Endowed Scholarship
  Established by RBC Financial Group in support of the University's capital campaign, Building Tomorrow Together, this scholarship recognizes the Bank's commitment to promoting and recognizing academic achievement, community service and leadership abilities. This scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time student entering any undergraduate degree program of study who has demonstrated strong academic achievement in her/his entering grades and leadership in student government, sports and/or their community.
  Sister Irene Marie Endowed Scholarship
  Established by Henry Tracy in loving memory of Sister Irene Marie as an expression of his gratitude. Sister Irene Marie was the first director of the Home Economics Department and Food Services ad Mount Saint Vincent College. This scholarship is awarded annually to a student entering the Applied Human Nutrition program who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in her entering grades. The award may be renewable.
  Sister Romaine Bates Endowed Scholarship
  Established by Suzanne M. Reynolds in recognition of Sister Romaine's many years of teaching both in the City of Halifax and within the Sisters of Charity. Her strength of character and leadership in addition to her warmth and personal example inspire all who know her. Awarded annually to students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in their entering grades to Mount Saint Vincent University.
  TD Scholarship in Business Administration
  TD Bank Financial Group is committed to helping students succeed in their post-secondary studies and as such has established the TD Scholarship in Business Administration. This scholarship is awarded to a female student entering Mount Saint Vincent University’s Business Administration program who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in their entering grades. Recipients may be residents of any province or territory in Canada and must qualify as entitled to the Canadian Resident Tuition Fee Structure.
  由皇家银行金融集团设立,以支持圣文森特山大学的募款活动Building Tomorrow Together。该奖学金认可皇家银行在认可和倡导学术优秀、社区服务和领导能力方面所做的努力。每年颁发给一名入读本科学位任意课程的全日制学生,前提是有入学成绩优秀,在学生会、体育项目和/或社区活动中有领导能力。
  Sister Irene Marie 奖学金
  由Henry Tracy 设立,为了纪念并表达其对Sister Irene Marie 的感激之情。后者是家庭经济系和食品服务以及圣文森特山学院的第一人主任。该奖学金每年颁发,颁发给一名入读应用人类营养学课程并且入学成绩优秀的学生。该奖学金可以延长期限。
  Sister Romaine Bates 奖学金
  由Suzanne M. Reynolds 设立,是对Sister Romaine在哈利法克斯和慈善姊妹会多年教学的认可。后者的和蔼可亲、个人榜样、人格魅力和领导能力激发了所有认识她的人。该奖学金每年颁发给入学成绩优秀的学生。
  2.Diamond Jubilee Entrance Scholarships
  How do I apply for a Diamond Jubilee Entrance Scholarship?
  Mature Students
  Mature students entering the University for the first time or reentering to complete a first degree after a period away from study, are eligible for these Scholarships listed below.
  Mature entrants must apply specifically for an award individually by providing the following supplemental documentation to the Committee on Admissions and Scholarships:
  a formal letter of application which should indicate the applicant's likelihood for academic success and, therefore, their suitability for an entrance award
  a résumé
  at least two letters of reference,
  Submit application material to admissions@msvu.ca - include scholarship name in the subject line.
  Deadline for admission and supplemental application material in order to be eligible for specific entrance scholarships: March 1 for study beginning the following September
  High School Applicants
  High School Applicants who apply before March 1 with an average of 80 percent or more are eligible for these Scholarships and will be automatically considered when they make application for admission.
  Alice Egan Hagen Jubilee Endowed Scholarship in Science
  Established in memory of Alice Egan Hagen, alumna, artist, teacher and pioneer in the art pottery movement, by her daughter Rachel Dickinson and grandchildren. Renewable for up to three consecutive years of study (to a maximum of four years) provided the student achieves a minimum 3.5 GPA overall average in at least 5.0 units during each consecutive academic year.
  Dr. Agnes Foley Macdonald Jubilee Endowed Scholarship
  Established by her son, the Honourable Mr. Justice Angus L. Macdonald, and friends, in memory of this renowned poet, alumna of the Mount, and wife of Premier Angus L. Macdonald.
  Dr. Ruth Goldbloom Jubilee Endowed Scholarship
  Established through the generosity of family and friends to commemorate Dr. Ruth Goldbloom's work as a board member and volunteer for schools, hospitals, and cultural organizations. Ruth Goldbloom has given her time and energy to furthering the aims and ideals of the Mount and establishing support on its behalf. From 1974-80 she served on the Board of Governors and was chairperson for three years. Her many honours include an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters (Mount) (1985), an honorary life membership from the Alumnae Association and an honorary LLD (Dalhousie) (1987).
  Helen Patton Jubilee Endowed Scholarship
  Bequeathed to Mount Saint Vincent in the estate of the late Helen Patton, academy alumna, in appreciation to the Sisters of Charity.
  Honoria Conway Jubilee Endowed Scholarship
  Donated by the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception, Saint John, New Brunswick, and named for their founder, Honoria Conway. Preference will be given to students from New Brunswick and the Digby area of Nova Scotia.
  Alice Egan Hagen 理科纪念奖学金
  由Alice Egan Hagen 的女儿Rachel Dickinson 和孙子女设立,是对作为女校友、艺术家、教师和陶瓷艺术运动先锋的Alice Egan Hagen 的纪念。最多可连续延长三年,最长期限四年,延长的前提是每学期至少修5.0个单位,平均成绩不低于3.5。
  Agnes Foley Macdonald 博士纪念奖学金
  由Agnes Fole

